Have you ever tried dropping in on breakout rooms during a Zoom or Collaborate session only to notice the conversation grind to a halt as soon as you enter the room? If so, you may consider using Google Slides to track group work remotely. Join a breakout room only if you see a group struggling- that way the groups don’t lose momentum. And as a bonus- the groups’ output is preserved in the Google Slide deck after the breakout session ends.
Here’s how to get started:
- In Google Slides, type the activity instructions on the first slide.
- On the next slide, create a template with the challenge/question prompts.
- Duplicate this slide until you have enough slides for each group. Label each slide with the Group/Breakout Room number.
- Click the “Share” button at the top right corner of the screen and give your students edit access to the slide deck. You can download a roster of student email addresses from Blackboard under Course Tools > More Tools > Roster Information. Be sure to enter student addresses using @gwmail.gwu.edu.
For best results, use different scenarios/cases for each group so they are not tempted to copy from other groups.