Read about a membership discount, medical respite brief, & HCH2017 archive.
Read about a membership discount, medical respite brief, & HCH2017 archive.
Council News
July 2017
HCH2017: Bobby Presents
Photo courtesy of Deidre Young, NCAB
Thank You for Joining Us in Working Together for Access at HCH2017!
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council gives thanks to the attendees, presenters, exhibitors, and sponsors who joined us at our 2017 National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium in Washington, D.C. #HCH2017 welcomed approximately 900 visitors—including more than 55 consumers—from 43 states and 3 countries, as well as 128 of our Organizational Members. Attendees already have claimed 2641 hours of continuing medical education credits, and if you joined us in D.C., you can still claim yours by July 21! Check your inboxes or contact us for more information, and please submit a Conference evaluation as well to help us improve our educational offerings. We value your feedback. We’ll see you next year as we Work Together for Community at #HCH2018 from May 15-18, 2018, in Minneapolis, MN!
Council Offering Organizational Membership Discount: Join or Rejoin by July 28 and Get 10% Off!
Not an Organizational Member of the Council yet, or has your membership lapsed for two or more years? Join us or rejoin by July 28 to receive a 10% discount! Council Membership is your opportunity to bring your local perspective to the national movement on homelessness and health care by informing our national priorities, being inspired by colleagues, and influencing public policy through the Council's advocacy. New members can join for rates starting at just $450 (with the discount), and lapsed members may receive 10% off their dues rate. Your organization’s membership makes your staff and board members eligible for a maximum 23% discount on next year's National HCH Conference registration. Discover what makes Council membership so valuable to our members, learn about important member benefits, and join us.
New HRSA Funding Opportunity for Health Centers Addresses Opioid Use Disorder
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced a funding opportunity to expand access to services focusing on treating, preventing, or raising awareness about opioid use disorder. The FY2017 Access Increases in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (AIMS) supplemental funding opportunity will award $195 million in funds to allow health centers to enhance their services by increasing relevant personnel, leveraging health information technology, and providing training to supplement the expansion of mental health and substance use disorder services. Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply by July 26 at 5 p.m. EDT.
New Policy Brief
New Policy Brief and Webinar Explore Medical Respite Care Financing
The Council’s “Medical Respite Care: Financing Approaches” brief and accompanying webinar detail practical considerations for creating or growing financially sustainable medical respite care programs. As communities look to reduce health care costs and improve patient outcomes, medical respite care programs fill a critical need for people without homes. To help fund this vital care, our brief details medical respite, provides a rationale for creating such programs, outlines financing approaches, and suggests steps for effective implementation. Read the publication and view our archived webinar for an in-depth discussion with Council experts and program staff in Berkeley, CA (single funding source), and Phoenix, AZ (many funding sources).
Archived HCH2017 Session Materials and Attendee List Now Available
Were you unable to attend the 2017 National HCH Conference or missed a session in D.C.? You can now view archived slides and other materials (where available) from HCH2017’s intensive workshops, Pre-Conference Institutes, and Learning Labs in homelessness and health care on our website. Presenters may send any remaining materials to Alyssa Curtis, Training Manager. A complete list of attendees and their organizations is also available.
Celebrate Your #HCHValue on HCH Day (August 16) With Our Resources and Infographic
Join the Council in recognizing the value of HCH on HCH Day on August 16. Part of National Health Center Week, HCH Day is a time to celebrate the vital work of HCH to meet the basic health care needs of people without homes, eliminate health disparities, and end homelessness. Demonstrate your #HCHValue with our practical tips and highlight the impact of HCH in your messaging with our HCH Value infographic. View our HCH event planning webinar and please share your event plans with us. Contact Consumer Advocate Katherine Cavanaugh for more information, and stay tuned for new Council publications to help you show your #HCHValue!
In Case You Missed Them: Archived Webinars
Recent Webinar Explores the Value of HCH
You can now view an archived recording of the Council’s recent webinar, “Demonstrating Value: Measuring the Value and Impact of the Health Care for the Homeless Grantees.” Demonstrating the value of health centers is a necessary element of sustainability and measuring benefit. This webinar features a clear overview of the invaluable work of HCH grantees and the impact of the HCH integrated care framework on health care, as well as examples of the uniqueness of populations without homes.
Take Action
Get Involved and Take Action with Mobilizer!
Stay up-to-date on federal policy and advocacy developments in health and housing: sign up for our Mobilizer action alert! Our recent issue examines the Senate plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act—the Better Care Reconciliation Act—under which 22 million Americans could lose health insurance. Learn about the bill and how you can take action for health care justice in our latest edition, and don’t miss our resource on the dangers of proposed Medicaid block grants or spending caps and a letter from our CEO Bobby Watts on protecting our values in health care.
Medicaid Stories
Share Your Medicaid Story With Us
The Council is fighting to protect Medicaid, and the success of our advocacy depends on our ability to put a human face to the injustices of homelessness. Do you have stories of clients who have benefited from Medicaid or would have benefited if their state had expanded? If you have collected similar consumer stories for your own advocacy efforts, please share your stor(ies) with us so we can help maximize their impact! If you don’t have a story already but wish to create one, learn how on our website.
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