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Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - Legislative Day #15
Archive of Past Legislative Alerts
Sen. Larry Walker

PSERS Bill Introduced;
Removes Cap on Benefits!

A bill to substantially improve retirement benefits for Education Support Professionals (ESPs) who participate in the Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) was filed today.  PSERS is the state pension plan for custodians, cafeteria workers, school maintenance personnel, and school bus drivers.  The bill number is SB 105.  The sponsor is Sen. Larry Walker, R-Perry.

Introduction of the bill marks the culmination of a year's worth of work by GAE.  Our members made phone calls, sent  emails, and had conversations with legislators.  Thank you to everyone who helped get us to this point.

GAE approached Sen. Randy Robertson, then chair of the Senate Retirement Committee, last year, and asked him to look into improvements in the benefits for our ESPs who participate in PSERS.  Chairman Robertson held two hearings, including one in Columbus, Georgia, where almost 50 GAE members showed up.  Our members told their stories to bring attention to the fact that the average PSERS member receives a shamefully low $290 a month in retirement.  Robertson is co-signer to SB 105.
Sen. Randy Robertson
The bill eliminates the current $16.50 statutory cap on the multiplier used to calculate monthly pensions.

If enacted, the minimum multiplier would raise it to $17 with no statutory.  By law, the bill introduced this year, must undergo a fiscal review, and would be eligible for passage in 2024.

We understand that Senators will try to add funding to the state's 2023-2024 budget to increase the multiplier from $16, where it is now, to the current legal limit, which is now $16.50.

GAE will continue to work to pass this bill and to improve salary and benefits for all members, including our valued ESPs.  Please plan to participate in our Legislative Contact Team session Thursday (see below) and other opportunities to impact the legislative process.

Constitutional Amendment Would Allow for
the Election of Local School Superintendents

A proposed Constitutional amendment would allow for the election of local city and county school superintendents.  HR 42 would need the approval of 2/3rd of members of the House of Representatives and the state Senate and a majority of voters in the state.  Separate legislation would then be needed for a "local bill" allowing individual local systems to switch from a school-board appointed superintendent to an elected superintendent.  GAE is opposed to this bill.  GAE Resolution A-7addresses this subject: "The Association supports the concept of all elected local school board members and appointed BOE superintendents."

This Week at the State Capitol

The General Assembly met today for the 15th day of the 40-day legislative session.

oday, the Senate passed SB 1, a bill which makes permanent the state's ban on requiring proof of COVID vaccinations as a condition of providing government services, employment, or entrance.  The legislation affects schools, local, county, and state agencies and departments.
Legislative Contact Team
Work Session Thursday

Join us Thursday, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., as we discuss the education bills filed so far and our progress on improving retirement benefits for our ESP members in the PSERS.   We’ll be contacting legislators and ramping up for GAE Day at the Capitol in two weeks.

Register now at:



Sen. Rick Williams, R-Milledgeville, chair of
the Senate Retirement Committee

Sen. Clint Dixon, R-Gwinnett, chair of
the Senate Education Committee

Rep. Chris Erwin, R-Homer, chair of
the House Education Committee

Rep. David Wilkerson, D-Mableton, member of the
House  Education and the House Retirement committees

State School Superintendent Richard Woods

More to be announced soon!

Next Legislative Alert will be Thursday, February 9

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