The 2022-2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual Is Online!
The 2022-2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual Is Online!
In The Loop, News from your WSO

The WSO Announces the Retirement of Marsha W., Director of Programs

“This April at the 2022 World Service Conference (WSC) meeting in New York, an exceptional trusted servant in national and international Al‑Anon service, Marsha W., will stand for the last time at the microphone as a World Service Office (WSO) Staff member. It will be a wonderful opportunity for us all to thank her for her extraordinary service as she retires and begins the next chapter of her life...”
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The 2022‑2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual Is Online!

The 2022‑2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P‑24/27) v1, is available electronically now! Every Al‑Anon and Alateen member is encouraged to actively use and study this Manual. It gives a clear and concise picture of the Al‑Anon fellowship, its purpose and functions, and how it helps us to resolve group problems and maintain unity.
Updates between this and the last version of the Manual are noted with the use of vertical lines in the outer margins.
The printed version will be available in late summer.
View the 2022-2025 Service Manual

It’s Time for the 2022 World Service Conference!

The 62nd World Service Conference (WSC) will take place in Tarrytown, New York, United States, April 26‑30, 2022. Each year, following the WSC, the World Service Office compiles a World Service Conference Summary (P‑46) that provides a full report of Al‑Anon's largest group conscience meeting. The 2022 Summary will be posted to the Al‑Anon website in July. Meanwhile, consider reading about what has occurred at past WSCs. Take a look at all Summaries from 1961 through 2021.
WSC Summaries Archive

“Let the hand of Al‑Anon and Alateen always be there…”

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, a health awareness campaign developed to educate people on one of our nation’s top public health problems: alcoholism.
Consider the important role you play in sharing the benefits of Al‑Anon/Alateen and participate by:
  • Purchasing Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism (AFA), our public outreach magazine, and leaving copies in public places. (Available at the Al‑Anon online store in bundles of 25 copies.)
  • Sharing WSO social media posts. Be sure to include #AlAnon #Alateen #AlcoholAwarenessMonth2022 #AlcoholAwarenessMonth #AlcoholAwareness.
View AFA
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A Saner, More Serene Life

“After 28 years of marriage to my alcoholic husband, I finally reached the point of being so emotionally unhealthy that I went to my first Al‑Anon meeting. I sobbed for three months straight, but I didn’t miss a meeting, as I was committed to getting help for myself…”
Read a Selection from the April Forum

The Answer Is in the Service Manual

“Growing up in the family disease of alcoholism affected how I communicated my needs and wants. In Al‑Anon, I’ve learned to talk to other members and reason things out with them. What a novel idea! But how do I do this? How can I participate?”
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View Service Manual

What Is an Informed Group Conscience?

A “group conscience” is taken when a group decision needs to be made. It can be regarding any number of things, such as changing the group name, the meeting time and place, finances, or any other decision. Some group decisions may be made quickly; others may take time.
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Where to Find Your Group Registration Number

Most group members know their group name, but what about their World Service Office (WSO) group registration number?
Your group number is important because it’s a unique identifier that the WSO, Areas, Al‑Anon Information Services (AISs), and Districts use to retrieve a group record and update information.
You can find your group registration number on the Meeting Search page. Once you locate your meeting using the search, you’ll find the group number listed below the meeting information.
Find Your Group Registration Number

New Topic for the Member Blog

April’s topic is, “The 2022 World Service Conference theme is ‘Enhancing our Recovery through abundance, unity, and understanding.’ How do you apply these principles in your own recovery journey?”
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Four, Tradition Four, and Concept Four.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications. 
New topics are being added each month!
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