Dear Student,
We write to notify you about a new tool in SIS to make it easier to notify your professors when you are too ill to attend class or must miss class for some other reason. The Absence Reporting Form allows students to notify their professors about an upcoming or recent absence without having to write an email message to each instructor. This new tool builds upon an idea proposed by the TCU Senate.
You may provide basic information to your professors about a health issue, bereavement, job conflict, or religious obligation, or if you wish, you can provide more details. The notification will be sent to the professors you identify, and to your academic advisor and advising dean.
How to access the Absence Reporting Form: From SIS, look under the “Student Living” heading and click on WebCenter, then click on the Absence Reporting Form.
IMPORTANT: Submitting an absence report is a courtesy to your professors and, if necessary, a way to start a dialogue. It does not excuse your absence! We encourage you, when you are healthy enough, to reach out directly to your instructors to figure out a plan for addressing the missed class and/or work. Please consult Canvas or your syllabus for class policies about attendance, absences, and late assignments.
YOUR ADVISING DEAN CAN HELP: If you need to miss more than a couple of days of class for a serious illness, hospitalization, surgery, death in the family, or personal emergency, please notify your advising dean in advance or as soon as possible. Your advising dean can help you navigate classroom policies when you experience an extended illness or complex situation. See our contact information below.