These activities are prohibited for Fall 2020.
These activities are prohibited for Fall 2020.
Tufts Campus Life
singing and the playing of wind & brass instruments
july 29, 2020
Hello Student Organization Leaders:
I am writing to share an update to the University's policy on singing and the playing of wind and brass instruments during the Fall 2020 Semester.
Amid growing concerns that singing and the playing of wind and brass instruments may significantly increase the baseline risk of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus transmission and cannot be performed safely while wearing a mask, these activities are prohibited during the Fall 2020 Semester. This policy, drafted by the Department of Music in consultation with University administrators and based on University safety guidelines, also extends to outdoor spaces as long as Medford and Somerville city ordinances dictate the wearing of masks regardless of social distancing.
For Student Organizations, this includes prohibiting any singing and the playing of wind and brass instruments during auditions, rehearsals, and performances. Absolutely no in-person singing or playing of wind and brass instruments may occur in public or shared common spaces (such as a residence hall), indoors or outdoors. Student Organizations may continue to operate remotely, so long as each member can participate safely and following University and local safety guidelines. 
To better understand the risks and reasoning behind this policy, you may review this useful cautionary assessment and recent expert report to the World Health Organization. We understand there are not yet any peer-reviewed, scientifically validated studies on the issue.The University will continue to monitor the emerging research and will review our policies periodically, adjusting as conditions permit.
With this new policy and ongoing restrictions on dance groups, club sports, and domestic (local) travel, we understand this will significantly impact the operation of some of our most active student organizations, but the policy is necessary to protect the health and safety of our community. The entire Office for Campus Life team welcomes your ideas and outside-the-box solutions to navigating these temporary restrictions and our "new normal" of virtual operations during the Fall Semester.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us if you'd like to meet to discuss how this will impact your organization's operations this fall.

John Wescott
Associate Director for Campus Life

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