Update on Reopening Plans
For weeks now staff have been meeting regularly with support from all levels to look at a number of possible models for September, including alternate days or weeks. Staff have also been considering PPE requirements, the ability to physically distance students and staff, the ability to switch between remote and in-person learning, and transportation, among a number of other items.
Initially, the Ministry of Education has asked school boards to plan for three possible learning models:
- Regular School Day Routine with enhanced public health protocols
- Adapted School Day Model with In-School and Remote Learning
- Fully Remote Learning
On July 9, the Minister of Education indicated the goal was for all students to return to the classroom full-time. The Minister noted that final approval of a regular school day model is at the discretion of public health officials. Previously, the Minister had directed school boards to plan to start the year using an adapted school day model, where smaller cohorts of students split their time between in-class learning and remote learning.
On July 15, preliminary plans for reopening the TDSB were shared with Trustees for discussion. The presentation outlined ongoing plans for back to school. Students are at the centre of our planning and the health, safety and well-being of both students and staff remains our top priority.
This week, to help make informed decisions for September, we are asking all parents and guardians to pre-register their child to indicate their intention of returning to school in-person in September and confirm transportation needs, if any. We recognize the challenges for people to respond without a full picture of information, however, the information we receive will help us through our continued planning efforts. Parents and caregivers will have the option of selecting a fully remote learning model. Staff will also be asked their intentions.
Staff will be further refining plans in the weeks ahead and will be working with the Ministry of Education and public health officials to finalize them in August. On August 4 the final draft of reopening plans will be shared with Trustees at a Special Committee of the Whole. Please remember, the TDSB does not have the ability to make its own decision regarding re-opening... the Minister of Education will be making this decision.
The TDSB Board made it clear through a unanimous motion at Board that it is concerned the Ministry’s “hybrid or “adapted” model will force parents to choose between educating their children and their own employment. TDSB urging province to provide a robust staffing plan to accommodate as many students as possible back to physical schools/spaces, while respecting public health advice. And further, the province should provide funding to cover extra COVID-19 costs including PPE, facility improvements, staffing, transportation, IT devices and mental health student supports. We see it as an investment - not a cost.
Highlights of the models are below. (Please note there are more details included in the presentation itself.
Key updates from the deck presented on July 15 -
- Please note two clarifications related to French delivery have been made on slides 15 and 19 of the Preliminary Plans to ensure our community understands our continued commitment to French programming. While staffing, as it has been in previous years, remains a challenge under some models, we will continue to look for creative solutions to deliver French in the new school year — although it may look different.
You will notice in the updated slide deck staff revised the expectation in secondary to align with elementary and included both Google Classroom and Brightspace as options for remote learning.
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Supporting Students with Special Education Needs
Elementary students in Intensive Support Programs (ISP) classes with high special education needs will attend school in-person daily. Secondary students in Developmental Disability ISP programs will attend school in-person daily. Secondary students in ISP programs (including gifted) who are typically timetabled into regular school courses will attend school on alternate days - following the secondary school model. Summer transition plans in place to ensure a seamless transition back to school (additional Ministry funding). And the TDSB is planning in our Budget for additional staffing to support students with Special Education needs.
In School Team (IST) Meetings, School Support Team (SST), IPRC and SEPRC meetings will continue under any Model (face to face and/or remotely using an AODA platform). Schools will follow the requirements to provide students with their Individual Education Plans (IEPs) in collaboration with IEP team and parents. PR699: Ongoing support and training will be provided in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCPI) with more information on training and access to personal protective equipment. Itinerant Staff: Regional Support Services (e.g., Autism Services (ASD) Team Referrals, Behaviour Regional Services (BRS) Team Referrals, Itinerant Blind & Low Vision (BLV) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing (DHH) will continue to support remotely.
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Elementary Options - 5-Day/Week
When looking at the regular school day model, staff are exploring three possibilities -
- Model 1A - 5 Days Per Week, Face-to-Face with Enhanced Public Health Protocols and Cohorts of 15 Students;
- Model 1B - 5 Days per Week, Face-to-Face with Enhanced Public Health Protocols and Class Size Depending on Grade Level (15 students JK-3 and 20 students 4-8); and
- Model 1C - Regular School Day Routine 5 Days per Week, Face-to-Face with Enhanced Public Health Protocols and Full Class Sizes.
Since parents/guardians can choose not to send their child to face-to-face learning and opt for remote learning instead, the models will be adjusted based on the number of students who choose to attend school & those who choose fully remote.
For Model 1A:
- A teacher teaching the cohorts of 15 students would need to cover all subjects across the Ontario elementary curriculum.
- Rotary would not be an option as it is one teacher for a cohort of 15 students throughout the day following the Ministry and Toronto Public Health guidelines.
- At this time, we do not have the qualified staff to maintain the delivery of Core French, French Immersion, Extended French with the additional teachers that would be required in the 15 cohort model. We may need to find creative/different ways of delivering French.
- Cohorts of 15 students may result in many combined grade classes.
- Alternate sites may require additional VP allocation for administrative support.
- All centrally assigned teaching staff would need to be assigned to cohorts of 15 or to a fully remote cohort.
- Redistribution of DECEs and support staff may need to be considered.
- To accommodate the smaller class sizes, all unused space would need to be used - space in middle & secondary schools may also need to be used to accommodate smaller cohorts.
- Staff are currently analyzing which TDSB schools have capacity to accommodate additional classes.
- The Mayor of Toronto has committed to working with local school boards to help find space in community centers and other City buildings to assist if required.
For Model 1B, less staff would be required. In addition, this model would require fewer spaces (could use larger spaces in school for Jr/Int class size).
For Model 1C, schools have their teacher allocations and have created tentative timetables and class placements. There would be 300 minutes of instruction with teacher prep delivered throughout the day; or there would be an early dismissal of 48 minutes with prep at end of day.
In all models there would be implementation of the full Ontario curriculum.
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Elementary Option 2 - Adaptive Model
Adapted School Day Model 3 Days Face-to-Face, 2 Days Remote
Cohort A & B: Classes would be divided into cohorts A & B (no more than 15 students per cohort) and attend in-person on alternating days (Wednesdays alternate between cohort A&B).
Remote Learning Expectations Cohort A & B - The following guidelines are for scheduling on the days when the cohort is on remote learning days:
- This will be implemented by non-homeroom teacher(s) (Prep, Library, etc.) as coordinated with grade/division teams;
- Expectations for remote learning include both synchronous and asynchronous learning; and
- All teachers will use Google Classroom or Brightspace as remote learning platform.
Cohort C: Fully remote, access to Google Classroom, with synchronous learning and check-in & connect from non-classroom educators. The guidelines are as follows:
- Each school will have a designated teacher(s) to support the students who are fully remote;
- Designated fully remote teacher(s) would have the equivalent with system averages and class size caps as per collective agreement;
- There may be combined grades to meet scheduling needs; and.
- Fully remote students will be assigned to Cohort A or Cohort B to connect with online learning from non-classroom teachers to be attached to Google Classroom/Brightspace that aligns with the assigned cohort.
Cohort D: Fully remote and do not have access to technology or do not want to use technology. Units of study will be written and mailed by central staff to these students - there would be check-in & connection from non-classroom educators.
Cohort E: Students with Special Education Needs in ISP classes will have the option to attend in person everyday (could also be part of Cohort C or D).
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Elementary Option 3 - Fully Remote Learning
Elementary Model 3 - Fully Remote Learning
Structure of Day - 300 Minutes of learning opportunities provided for students:
- Large Group Instruction 40-50% of the day (dependent on the grade level); and
- Guided Instruction, Synchronous Check & Connect, Asynchronous Independent work on Google Classroom 50-60% of the day (dependent on the grade level).
Focus of Curriculum -
- Programming is based on the full Ontario Curriculum;
- Units of Study should be interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary;
- All learning opportunities begin from a place of creating belonging for the students;
- Synchronous learning, recorded and posted on Google Classroom/Brightspace for asynchronous opportunity; and
- Small group learning to follow up on inquiry, literacy and numeracy, and other curriculum areas.
Staffing -
- One teacher allocated per cohort (according current collective agreements and class size counts).
Prep Time -
- Prep will be delivered through the conventional prep schedule timetable; and
Prep focus on French and The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama & Dance) or Physical Education & Health.
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Secondary Models
At the beginning of each quad students may choose between:
- Model 1: Adapted In-School Day Model - Part Time Learning in School and Part Time Learning at Home (Cohorts and Full Attendance); and
- Model 2: 100% Remote Learning.
Model 1 is based on a quadmester model.
- There can be no switching between the two models;
- Students/Parents must indicate their choice two weeks prior to the start of quad; and
- Most students are expected to complete two courses/quad.
TDSB e-Learning Day School Program will continue to be made available & could be enhanced. Remote Learning differs from the TDSB e-Learning Day School Program - currently e-Learning Day School is for Grade 11 and 12 courses only. e-Learning would be taught by centrally hired staff.
Secondary Learning and Instruction -
- 1 in-school teacher responsible per course; classes will be divided to achieve 15:1 ratio;
- 15 students physically distant from each other in class (some rooms may be smaller and may only allow fewer students); and
- Departments will determine essential course learnings, focus on authentic inquiry.
Course Structure -
- All courses will utilize Brightspace or Google Classroom as learning platforms;
- All courses will be taught using a combination of in person and remote learning; and
- Remote learning will be done in synchronous and asynchronous ways.
Focus of Curriculum -
- The health, safety and well-being of students will be the highest priority;
- Instruction will be based on the full Ontario curriculum for each course;
- Having the appropriate number of qualified staff for each course area; and
- Assignment of specific Occasional Teachers to each high school to cover teachers who are absent on any given day.
In Model 2 - Secondary Remote Learning, students will have a Daily Schedule:
- Course 1: 9 - 11:30 a.m.
- Course 2: 12:30 - 3 p.m.
- Minimum of 1 hour/course/day must be synchronous through BrightSpace or Google Classroom
- All courses must be available.
- Teacher Pool: central staff (hybrids, K-12 coaches, subject-specific coaches, math coaches, teachers unable to come into school buildings) to co-design curriculum.
Considerations -
- How many teachers/students will want to access 100% remote model?
Students will be assigned to a teacher (not necessarily from their school).
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Adult Day High Schools
For the Adult Day High School -
- Four quadmesters; classes two periods long (240 instructional minutes) all one course per day allows for in-person learning, assessments and access to teacher.
- Allows for students in A, B and C to access school 1 day per every six day cycle.
- Students could sign up for tutorials or resource support.
- Provides prep for teachers each day, equity of student access, and allows for courses with more projects and hands on learning to complete an activity.
Students stay in one room for the day so no shared desks and allows half the students in a class.
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Professional Learning and Capacity Building
Prioritize learning and content to:
- Develop high levels of digital competencies (Google Classroom & Brightspace learning platforms)
- Continue focus on equity and antioppression
- Support closing learning gaps through Early Literacy intervention, resources and training
- Support the use of digital resources in mathematics and STEM (implementation of the new Ontario math curriculum)
- Support for students with Special Education Needs
Professional Learning Plan
- Summer Institutes (July and August)
- Principals will develop a Continuum of Learning for their staff (identified needs and supports)
- Broaden in-school supports of Digital Lead Learners (DLL) and Digital Lead Administrators (DLA)
- Coaching
- Synchronous office hours
- Ongoing Key to Learn webinars (live and archived)
- Google+ Communities
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Health and Safety
There is much in the deck on health and safety - please note that the critical first step is that all staff/students self assess prior to leaving home. The planning team will continue to consider staggered entry/exit times and establish parent pick up/drop off protocols for elementary. In addition all staff/students will be screened prior to entry. Finally, only essential visitors would be allowed in schools.
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2020-21 Operating Budget Update
At the Finance, Budget and Enrolment Committee (FBEC) meeting on July 15, staff presented an updated Financial Position and Draft Operating Budget for 2020-21 report that was revised based on Trustee feedback with additional information regarding COVID-19 costs and funding and financials risks for next year. Staff continue to recommend no reductions or changes to current operations so that all efforts can be focussed on re-opening the system safely, with staff and student health and well-being prioritized. As noted in the report, staff continue to recommend an additional $22.5M in COVID-19 related costs for the first four months of the school year (September-December) to ensure that schools can open safely for all students and staff. Please note, this does not include any additional costs (e.g. staffing) associated with the Ministry-approved reopening model that is chosen. Since the projected operating deficit is primarily due to additional COVID-19 costs, staff are recommending the use of reserves to offset the projected deficit. However, the TDSB continues to request that the Ministry of Education provides additional funding to support school boards as they navigate opening schools back up safely next year.
The final draft budget will be presented at a Special FBEC meeting on August 5, and then a Special Board meeting on August 6.
Also at this meeting, Trustees passed two motions regarding next year’s operating budget. The first motion is to ask staff to reconsider current budget recommendations to charge fees for the Secondary IB Diploma Program. The second motion asks staff to reconsider last year’s budget reduction to Student Support Services so that students are supported in the return to school this fall. Both motions passed at FBEC and will be considered by the Board of Trustees on August 6.
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2020-2021 School Year Calendar
The 2020-2021 calendar was originally approved by Trustees and submitted to the Ministry in March 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainty around the next school year, the Ministry was not approving calendars at the time. Since then, the Ministry advised school boards to schedule three PA days prior to the start of student instruction to prepare for the reopening of schools. As a result, the following revision to the 2020-2021 school year calendar was made:
Move the June 30, 2021 PA day to September 1, 2020. This results in 3 PA days before the start of school for students (September 1, 2, 3).
Students will begin class on September 8, 2020. September 4, 2020 is now a non-work day (non-paid day) for 10-month support staff and teaching staff.
The last day of school will be June 29, 2021 (PA day for secondary schools, instructional day for elementary schools and year round secondary schools). June 30, 2021 is now a non-work day (non-paid day) for 10-month support staff and teaching staff.
Final details to reopen schools will be confirmed after receiving direction from the Ministry in early August. We recognize that there are a number of questions that remain, including on the opening of administration sites, however we are working to answer as many of them as possible and will provide more information as plans are finalized in the coming weeks.
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Upcoming Meetings
Due to the closure of all schools and administration sites at the Toronto District School Board, all standing committee and board meetings will be held virtually and broadcasted live to the public. For a list of upcoming meetings, please click on the calendar on the main webpage of www.tdsb.on.ca.
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