We are invited to present our prayer requests to God over 50 times, both in the Old Testament & New Testament in the Bible! If you’re like me, growing up you probably learned that prayer is a regular part of mealtimes, bedtime & church & you probably learned what praying looks like; folded hands, closed eyes, bent head, silence, perhaps kneeling…You may have also been encouraged to pray anytime for things you want or need because God is always listening.
In my case, I mastered asking God for help for myself, friends, family & the world when challenging, unpleasant or tragic events occur. The part that I have not always done well is coming to God in every situation with thanksgiving. We are taught, in other aspects of life, to express thankfulness in the form of writing notes after receiving gifts, returning a favor, giving back to our communities, etc. I’m not sure how well we’re taught to view every challenge in life with a heart of thankfulness OR how often we remember to go to God with a prayer of thanks after we received an answer we were looking for or when good things happen in our lives.
Over the past few months, I & the world have endured so much anxiety…COVID, war, earthquakes, floods, job uncertainties, bringing a new baby into the world, injury & illness, etc. The list could literally go on & on. This verse from Philippians keeps coming up for me & I have been convicted by the call to present everything to God with thanksgiving.
Instead of simply complaining about the challenging situations you or I are facing or asking God to just fix it, consider why we are enduring the circumstances. What can be learned from the experience? How is the situation preparing us for better more unimaginable things in our lives? If we can look forward to the why or what in the midst of our struggles or look back & see where our journey has led, it is easier to remember along the way to endure all challenges with a spirit of joy & thanksgiving. What anxieties are you presenting to God in prayer today? What opportunities do you find to express thanksgiving in each of those situations among your prayers & petitions to God?
Dear God, we are thankful we can come to you in every situation; grateful for the lessons learned & peace that flows from You as we lay our struggles at Your feet. We look forward, with thankfulness & joy, discovering how each situation we encounter prepares us to live out Your plan for our lives in the world.