Read the final installment
Read the final installment
In The Loop, News from your WSO

New! The "Al‑Anon Relationship Bundle"

Give yourself or someone you care about the gift of Al‑Anon literature on relationships. This $25 US special set includes free shipping in the US, Canada, and Bermuda.
Available as a set for a limited time—through January 2, 2024
The “Al‑Anon Relationship Bundle” (K‑73) includes: ️
  • Discovering Choices—Recovery in Relationships (B‑30) ️
  • Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships (B‑33) ️
  • Living with Sobriety (P‑49)
Visit our Online Bookstore

Supporting Al‑Anon Internationally, Part Four

By now, you may have read our prior posts, “Supporting Al‑Anon Internationally,” Parts One, Two, and Three, about our Team North and Team East trips to Europe in 2022. Since our international trips in October 2022, the International Team, composed of World Service Office (WSO) Staff and Volunteers, has continued to hold meetings with over 40 international structures.
Read the Final Installment

Handling Temporary Closures

Is the facility where your group holds its meetings closing temporarily? Here are some steps you can take to ensure newcomers are made aware of the closure so they can come back later and find Al‑Anon’s help.
  • Put a sign on the door.
  • Submit an Al‑Anon Group Records Change Form and add a note in the location instructions so it can be displayed on the meeting search.
  • Notify your local Al‑Anon Information Service so they can update their listings as well.
Update Group Information

Policy Committee Thought Force Needs Your Help

A Thought Force of your World Service Office (WSO) Policy Committee is looking for help. As part of the Knowledge‑Based Decision‑Making (KBDM) process, the Thought Force is seeking some answers to the question, “What you wish you knew but didn’t,” regarding the topic of concern.
You are invited to participate and share this survey with members of your group to encourage their participation as well, consistent with Concept Four. The survey should take less than ten minutes to complete.
Please complete the survey prior to 5 pm ET, Thursday, November 30, 2023.
Take the Survey

Leaving Al‑Anon a Bequest

Many Al‑Anon members have designated Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. as a beneficiary in their will, in gratitude for the help given by our fellowship during their lifetime. Designating a bequest to Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. is one way to ensure that our program will be there for future generations.
Learn More

Oops! Did You Alter the Trademark?

The trademarked triangle‑and‑circle Al‑Anon logo serves the purpose of ensuring Al‑Anon services and programs are recognizable worldwide to those suffering from the family disease of alcoholism.
Alterations or modifications involve changing the design, colors, textual elements, or other significant aspects of the trademark. Also, inserting words or drawings into the logo’s triangle or adding words or drawings that touch the logo misrepresent the recognizable image.
Altering or permitting the trademark to be altered endangers its legal status.
“Symbols/Logos” in the Service Manual (p. 117)
Did you know that Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. is seeking to increase awareness among professionals of the benefits available to those affected by the family disease of alcoholism? Members can help by including the LinkedIn logo and our LinkedIn profile name, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., on public outreach materials for professionals and letting them know they can follow us to connect with other professionals and learn more about how Al‑Anon helps.
Check out Al-Anon’s LinkedIn Profile

Subscribe to The Forum!

Al‑Anon’s monthly recovery magazine features more than 30 pages of member sharings in each issue. In addition to bolstering the recovery of individual members, The Forum, as a concept, is Conference approved and is a fruitful source for meeting topics and discussions. For less than $1 a month in the US and $2 a month in Canada and other countries, you can add The Forum to your supply of recovery tools. Subscribe today!
Subscribe to The Forum
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