Tufts | Career Center
Employer Newsletter
May 2020
Dear Tufts Employers,

We hope you are doing well and are continuing to stay safe as we navigate these challenging times. We are writing to provide you with some updates, as Tufts University has ended its Spring semester and celebrated the graduating Class of 2020 with virtual events across schools and departments. We are now beginning to look forward to plan for the Fall semester. Be sure to keep reading for ways you can get involved this summer and exciting new programs coming to Tufts!
If you have any questions about the information below, please do not hesitate to reach out to us using the contact details listed at the end of this Newsletter.
Misha, Jon, and Sue
Employer Relations Team

Announcement of New Executive Director of Tufts Career Center
It is with a heavy heart we announce that Greg Victory will be leaving Tufts University at the end of May after four successful years as our Executive Director to join Duke University. In his new role, he will be the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs/Fannie Mae Mitchell Executive Director, Career Services. Greg will be missed by our team and the Tufts community and we wish him well in his new role.
We are also pleased to announce that Donna Esposito, the current Director of Career Development, will serve as the Executive Director ad interim for the Career Center beginning June 1st. We are excited for the future as Donna moves into this role.

Fall 2020 Planning Update
The university has cancelled all on-campus events through June 30, 2020, with all Tufts summer courses and programs are being taught virtually. The University is discussing plans for the upcoming Fall 2020 semester and we hope to have more finalized details to provide you in our June Employer Newsletter. If you have any questions and want to discuss your Fall recruitment plans, please feel free to reach out to us.
Tufts Community Responds to COVID-19
Summer Employer Programming Opportunities
Tufts Career Center plans to host several panels this summer to support our recent graduates, current students, and alumni. We hope to have employer volunteers engage in industry-focused panels as well as panels that focus on some of the following themes:
  • Industries currently hiring during the pandemic
  • How companies are changing and/or creating new roles right now
  • Boston market: the shifting needs for organizations in the Bay State
  • How recent graduates set themselves apart in this hiring climate
Please complete the attached form if your organization is interested in participating as a guest speaker, and an Employer Relations team member will follow up with you regarding your interest. 
I'm Interested in Summer Engagement Opportunities!
Employer Call to Action: Recruitment & Hiring Update

As June approaches, we understand that employers are still figuring out their recruitment plans for summer internships and full-time hires of graduating seniors in this new COVID-19 environment.
We are asking employers to share any updates about the following:
  1. Have your plans to move forward with summer internships changed, and if so how?
  2. Have your plans to recruit Tufts students for entry-level positions changed for this summer and the upcoming Fall?
We have had several employers share the names of students that will be informed of rescinded offers of internships and full-time employment. This information is very valuable to us as we support our students in navigating next steps.
Update on Recruitment and Hiring
New Undergraduate Major Highlight: Data Science
In Fall 2019, Tufts announced a new undergraduate major in Data Science. The program will be administered jointly by the departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. The new major will give students ample experience with data analysis techniques, including statistics, data visualization, and machine learning.

The degree program will include courses in computer science, engineering, math, the natural sciences, statistics, as well as classes in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. The new major will also include an option for a Capstone Project that will draw on courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering as well as courses in the School of Arts & Sciences such as Classics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

More Information on Data Science at Tufts University
Introducing Tufts Co-Op Programs: Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
Tufts University’s School of Engineering will have three co-op programs for students within the majors of Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering, as well as Computer Science.
Students can complete their degrees within four years while undertaking a full-time six-month co-op at an organization of their choice.  In addition, students are required to complete a new academic course in advance of starting their co-op in either January or July.  
Please find more information about the Biomedical Engineering Co-op Program here.
If you are interested in exploring a co-op opportunity with Tufts University, please email Sue Atkins, Associate Director of Employer Relations, at Susan.Atkins@tufts.edu and she will contact you to discuss further details.
Biomedical Engineering Co-op Launch
Handshake Tips & Tricks
As a quick reminder and callback to our last tip, if any positions are changing due to COVID-19, please make sure to reflect those changes in your posting(s).
When it comes to ongoing postings with an organization, we realize the easiest thing to do may be to hit reset and move on. However, we would advise against this for a few reasons:
  1. Current applicants could be left in limbo, not knowing their status if they have been left on pending;
  2. The dates may leave students uncertain as to whether this is an active opportunity and they could decide not to apply if they think it is an old listing;
  3. In this current climate, it is more important than ever to update your postings to keep students informed of an opportunity or the hiring status, and creating a new post is a way to do this.
We recommend duplicating the job and creating a new posting that way. If there are applicants that have not been reviewed or if the application period had not been updated, we will not approve the requested reset. We will only approve a reset if it is an extension of a current, short application period. If you ever have any questions, you can always reach out!
Employers should continue to post all openings on Handshake for students and alumni to access. This is the main way for our students learn about your organization and the open positions. If available, email the Employer Relations team with any additional information that we can share with our Career Center team and students.   
If you have any questions about posting an open position please reach out to Misha D’Andrea, Recruiting Coordinator, with any questions. 
Recruitment Trend Data from NACE

Data Updated as of May 18, 2020

NACE conducts weekly employer surveys to gather insights on recruitment plans for the upcoming academic year. You might also find this information helpful to your organization as you benchmark against other employers. 

The full data can be found on the NACE Website here: Coronavirus Quick Poll Data

Tufts Employer Relations Team
If you are interested in connecting with an Employer Relations team member, please send us an email. We will respond to you as quickly as possible and look forward to hearing from you. Below are just some ways that we can partner with you during these unprecedented times.
  • Need assistance planning a virtual session, interviews, or coffee chats
  • Need to discuss a change in plans for Summer/Fall internship and FTE hiring
  • Best practice solutions for modifying internships and/or recruitment process
  • Partner around reaching Tufts students that are remotely located around the globe
  • Learn more about what is happening @ Tufts and how to connect now and in the future
  • And many others...
ER Team Mission
As an Employer Relations team, we pride ourselves in taking a consultative approach when working with employer organizations. When it comes to recruiting, we understand that no two organizations are the same and that each has different needs and resources. By making these strategic considerations for our employers and our students, we cultivate new relationships, partnerships, and experiential opportunities to grow our broader Jumbo community.
Tufts University Career Center
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Dowling Hall Suite 740
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