Tell Us About Your Capital Campaign!
Each year, the team releases a Capital Campaign Report to Middle Tennessee funders. This report provides information about current and anticipated capital campaigns in our community. You can view the 2021 report here.
As shared in last month's newsletter, there are some exciting changes on the horizon for our 2022 report. If you'd like your organization's Capital Campaign to be included, it's not too late for your organization.
Please make sure your profile is up-to-date with the latest news about your Capital Campaign targets and accomplishments. You can do this in 5 easy steps!
- Login to your profile at
- Choose "My CFMT Profile"
- Choose "Financials"
- Choose "Edit Financial Information"
- Then answer the questions at the bottom of the "Basic Info" tab regarding your Capital Campaign, save, and you're all SET!
Our annual Capital Campaign Report is shared with over 100 Middle Tennessee funders who want to learn about your Capital Campaign needs! New features will be coming to the 2022 Captial Campaign report, allowing for viewers of this report to see real time information from with just the click of a button. That means you'll definitely want to be keeping this area of your profile as up-to-date as possible, so funders can get the latest scoop on all of your Capital Campaign needs!