| Trustee Update Zakir Patel • Ward 19: Scarborough - Guildwood Toronto District School Board Tel: 416-395-8787 • Cell: 647-709-7973 Zakir.Patel@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
Parent and Caregiver Engagement Initiatives During this challenging period for students, staff and parents/caregivers connecting with and supporting parents and caregivers continues to be a priority in the TDSB. The Parent and Community Engagement Office (PCEO), Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) and the Community Support Workers (CSWs) have been engaged in a variety of activities to offer support, build capacity and make connections for parents/caregivers. A few examples include responding to food insecurity, organizing virtual information sessions, collaborating with 211 Toronto to ensure access to community-based services and helping parents navigate the system for assistance.
TDSB Community Support Workers have also created a Community Support Hub, a one stop shop program and service hub for parents/caregivers. The Hub features not only full access to CSWs and their work, but also a series of information and presentation on navigating, understanding TDSB and professional development for families through the Parent Academy, including a number of other events under three themes: Anti-Racism Series, Know Your Rights Series, and Well-Being Resources and Support Series.
Each of these initiatives offer so many options to our varied parents/caregivers across our district. Please check each site regularly for new additions as well as login information - https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/csws/home
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Schools Remain Closed Until at least Feb 10
The Government of Ontario announced that TDSB schools will remain closed to students and staff until at least Wednesday, February 10, 2021. During this extended closure, remote learning will continue. Click here for more information.
Please note, however, as per the Ministry, boards are “required to make provisions for continued in-person support for students with special education needs who cannot be accommodated through remote learning for whom remote learning is challenging." This includes students in our Education and Community Partnership Programs (ECPP).
How are these decisions made? As is the case with any accommodation, they are looked at on a case by case basis. This includes discussion between schools and families on how learning may be able to continue remotely given the current closure circumstance in Toronto. Following such discussions, arrangements for in-school learning for students with special education needs for whom learning cannot be accommodated remotely will then be pursued. Generally this particularly involves our students with complex medical and/or complex learning needs. Currently, we have 104 schools open serving 718 students. Currently there are currently 4 cases involving staff and 1 case involving students reported in these schools - https://www.tdsb.on.ca/In-Person-Learning/COVID-19-Advisories.
Please see emergency motion referenced below in relation to the safety for staff in these schools.
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Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being and Bell Let’s Talk Day
Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being in the TDSB January 25 to January 29, 2021
It’s Bell Let’s Talk Day on Thursday January 28 and the TDSB is joining the conversation all week long to raise awareness and encourage discussions about mental health.
Join the conversation about mental health and well-being by following us on Twitter @TDSB_MHWB and using #BellLetsTalk all week to help raise awareness about mental health, stop the stigma of mental illness and, please feel free to #sharethegood to highlight good news in your school communities. And on January 28, 2021 - Bell Let’s Talk Day - Bell will donate more towards mental health initiatives in Canada by contributing 5¢ for every applicable text, call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, social media video view and use of our Facebook frame or Snapchat filter. Messaging volumes directly drive Bell's donations to Canadian mental health programs at no cost to participants.
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TDSB Conversation Series
Connecting with and supporting parents and families continues to be a priority in the TDSB. A number of engaging, informative and exciting webinars are coming up specifically on topics that parents have shared that they want to learn more about. The Conversation Series, hosted by the Parent and Community Engagement Office and the Parent Involvement Advisory Council, is kicking off its second year with its first session:
How Children Understand Race and How Adults Can Help - Speaker: Erin Winkler, Associate Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies, University of California, Berkeley Saturday, January 30, 2021, 11 am
Many people avoid discussing race and racism with children because they believe that children don’t see race, or because they’re unsure how to have a conversation about it. Join us to hear from Professor Erin Winkler who will guide parents, families, and educators to help children understand racial identity, racism, and racial inequities in age-appropriate ways that empower the young children in their lives. Registration information will appear through this link once available -https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Community/How-to-Get-Involved/Conversations-Series.
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Kindergarten Registration Begins in February!
Registration for all TDSB Kindergarten programs begins in February. We look forward to welcoming you and your child at our school in September!
To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four-years-old by December 31. To register for Senior Kindergarten, children must be five-years-old by December 31. You may choose to register in person at the school or begin the process online.
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Universal CCAT-7 Assessment A process was underway for grade 3 virtual school students to write the CCAT-7 Assessment at home supervised by their Virtual School teacher. This would have required the parents of the grade 3 students to go to the OSR school during the week of February 1-5 to pick up the assessments which are in labeled envelopes and then return the completed assessment in the sealed envelope by Thursday, February 11.
Toronto Public Health has strongly recommended not to proceed until the provincial emergency order has ended on February 10th. We will follow the recommendations of TPH. As such the CCAT-7 Assessment for VS students has once again been delayed.
Once the emergency order has been lifted we will revisit options of how to best move forward with this assessment.
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Special Education and In-Person Learning There have been inquiries on how schools are determining which students with special education needs are accessing in-person learning. As per direction from the Ministry of Education, boards are “required to make provisions for continued in-person support for students with special education needs who cannot be accommodated through remote learning for whom remote learning is challenging." This includes students in our Education and Community Partnership Programs (ECPP).
As is the case with any accommodation, they are looked at on a case by case basis. This includes discussion between schools and families on how learning may be able to continue remotely given the current closure circumstance in Toronto. Following such discussions, arrangements for in-school learning for students with special education needs for whom learning cannot be accommodated remotely will then be pursued. Generally this particularly involves our students with complex medical and/or complex learning needs.
Currently, we have 104 schools open serving 718 students.
Attached is a chart broken down by Learning Centres.
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Continuing Education - International Languages Elementary and African Heritage Programs The International Languages – Elementary / African Heritage Program is offering online language classes to students (TDSB and non TDSB) Kindergarten to Grade 8. One day each week, students have live face-to-face interactive lessons with their instructor and classmates for approximately 30 minutes. Activities are focused on building student’s abilities in oral communication, reading and writing.
Continuing Education - Community ProgramsOnline Learn4Life winter registration begins December 2. Take up a new hobby or learn a language from home. Stay active with our many fitness classes or gain knowledge on how to invest in the stock market. Classes are for adults 18 + and seniors, and start the week of Saturday, January 23, 2021.
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Update on Outdoor Playgrounds
Following last week’s board meeting we asked our Toronto Public Health rep if there was any further clarification regarding the use of play grounds. The current order restricts outdoor gatherings to maximum of 5 people from the same household. TPH wants to draw attention to the need for people to stay within their “bubbles” even if they are out of doors. They (TPH) is still promoting outdoor activity and recognize its positive effect on kids, however, outdoor activities must have Covid-19 precautions in mind.
As per TPH Guidelines about Outdoor Playgrounds, it is recommended that people maintain distance from others. Families may need to find an alternative outdoor play structure or playground if there are too many families in attendance. With respect to personal measures for participants and families using playgrounds, families can take the following protective measures to keep each other safe:
- Teach children proper handwashing, avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, and to cover their cough.
- Monitor yourself and your child for symptoms of COVID-19.
- Stay home if you or your child is sick.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer (70-90% alcohol concentration), wipes, bottled water, sun screen and personal items.
- Keep a two metre/six feet distance from others, when possible.
- Wear a mask or face covering when it is difficult to maintain physical distancing. Do not apply a mask on children under the age of two.
- Wash hands before and after using outdoor playground.
If the playground is busy, find another park or go back later.
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On-line Survey for Parents/Caregivers and Students this Week
The TDSB will be surveying both parents/guardians (JK to Grade 12) and students (Grades 6 to 12) during the week of January 25 to learn more about experiences to date related to mental health and well-being, student engagement, and learning. Please watch for an email with a link to the survey and/or check the TDSB website. Thank you in advance for your participation.
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Before and After School Program Survey
- Bellmere Junior Public School
- Bendale Junior Public School
- Cedarbrook Junior Public School
- Churchill Heights Public School
- Cornell Junior Public School
- Galloway Road Public School
- Highcastle Public School
- North Bendale Junior Public School
- Woburn Junior Public School
Please note that only schools that currently do not have a before- and after-school program have been included in this planning process. Families who are interested in existing before- and after-school programs are being directed to program operators for information about registration.
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PCEO Update
School Council Email Accounts
Some councils are still having difficulties setting up their accounts. As indicated in the report, there is still a backlog of about 70 accounts and the PCEO is looking at getting additional staff to try to deal with the backlog.
School Messenger
School councils will soon have access to School Messenger, allowing them to send out communications to all parents at their school. Roll-out begins next week (January 25th) with information first being shared with principals and then with school councils shortly thereafter.
PRO Grant
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Worth Repeating
Virtual School Staff Directories Please note that Virtual School administrative team directories are available online and are updated on an ongoing basis. A number of new staff have been welcomed to the teams this week. Please continue to refer to the links shared below for the latest directories:
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New Middle French Immersion Program
Please note: This program will replace the Junior Extended French program as the Grade 4 entry program in TDSB.
To apply for the MFI (Grade 4 entry) for September 2021, applications must be completed online between January 4 and January 29, 2021.
Virtual Web Chat Information Sessions for families interested in the MFI (Grade 4 Entry) application and placement process will be held in January 2021. For more information, please join us on one of these dates and times listed below:
- January 27, 2021 – 7 p.m.
Please note: To participate in a live scheduled web chat, please visit this web page and a link will be available to join on the dates/times as outlined above.
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Revisions to Optional Attendance Process
If you have any additional questions related to the Optional Attendance process, please reach out to your current home school principal.
All current timelines are still in effect. Forms for secondary schools are due by January 29, 2021, and for elementary schools by February 12, 2021.
Elementary Optional Attendance – Key Dates:
- February 12, 2021 - Optional attendance forms due at elementary school
- March 05, 2021 - Deadline for parents/guardians to be informed of the status of the application request
- March 26, 2021 - Parents/guardians must inform the requested school of their acceptance of the offer
Secondary Optional Attendance – Key Dates:
- January 29, 2021 - Optional attendance forms due at secondary school
- February 12, 2021 - Deadline for parents/guardians of students to be informed of the status of the application request
- February 26, 2021 - Course selection sheets due at secondary schools
March 1, 2021: Course selection sheets due at secondary schools via myBlueprint.
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School Year Calendar 2020-2021
The official school year calendar for the Toronto District School Board runs from September 1 to June 30, inclusive and has now been approved by the Ministry.
The last day of class for elementary students is June 29
Secondary Quadmester Calendar
- Quad 2: Nov. 23 - Feb 4
- Quad 3: Feb 8 - April 20 + exams April 21 & 22
- Quad 4: April 23 - June 23 + exams June 24, 25 & 28
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