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Spring '17
Spring '17
Spring 2017 
Dr. Willie L. Banks, Jr. celebrates the 2017 Spring Commencement with SAHE graduate Allison Ramsey, GR'17.
Vice President Banks Reflects on 2016-17
As I finish my second year as the VPSA for Indiana State University, I am taking a moment to count my blessings. I am so fortunate to be able to work with a great group of professionals who are committed to enhancing the lives of our students on a daily basis. I am thankful for the students that show up on our campus yearning for experiences that will be challenging, affirming, and transformative. I am even more thankful for a community that will support, lift, and celebrate all of our differences on a daily basis. 
Our work can be hard and tiring, but it is also rewarding in so many ways. As the semester closes, I am looking forward to sending our new graduates into the world to make positive changes. I’ll also take a moment to be thankful for a great institution and community that continues to challenge and reward me on a daily basis. 
I hope you will take some time to count your blessings and celebrate the end of another great year. 
Thank you for your continued support and Go Trees! 
E&E Celebration
Mr. Paul Edgerton, '60 and Dr. Robert Elsey served Indiana State University as Student Affairs Administrators for over 60 years combined.  The Divison of Student Affairs is honored to host this weekend event celebrating their many years of service to ISU.  In addition to the celebration, the Edgerton and Elsey Fellowships have been created in acknowledgement of their service.  The Fellowships will provide financial support to undergraduate ISU students who aspire to become student affairs professionals.  All proceeds from the celebration event will go to the Edgerton and Elsey Fellowship Fund.
Please join us July 28 and 29, 2017, as we celebrate their many years of commitment to the faculty, staff and students of ISU.
Why I Give: Tayna Bell
This spring, ISU Trustee and Alumni Tayna Bell, made a financial contribution to the Charles E. Brown African American Cultural Center on behalf of the Indiana Black Expo Corp., of which she is CEO.  In this edition's 'Why I Give' segment, Ms. Bell explains what ISU has done for her and can do for others.
Student Advisory Board Concludes First Year
In the fall of 2016, the Division of Student Affairs installed its first Student Advisory Board (SAB).  The SAB consists of student leaders from around the ISU community and their purpose is to provide feedback and leadership on issues important to the student experience at Indiana State. This year, the SAB met with the Chief of Police, the Executive Director of Residential Life, the Title IX Coordinator and several other University administrators.  To learn more, click on the SAB main page.
Student Spotlight: Jamina Tribbett
When Jamina Tribbett traveled the 1700 miles from her home in Las Vegas to enroll at ISU, she didn't know what the future held for her.  As she prepared to graduate on May 13, 2017, Ms. Tribbett reflected on why choosing ISU was the right decision for her in this edition's "Student Spotlight."
DSA and ISU Athletics Celebrate an Ongoing Partnership
This year, the Division of Student Affairs and the Sycamore Athletic Department collaborated on several events which honored and engaged ISU students.  In the fall, Student Organizations were offered a fundraising opportunity with the Memorial Stadium clean-up initative.  Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Award winners were honored at an ISU football game, while Sycamore Leadership Award winners were honored at a women's basketball game.  In the spring, Athletics, Campus Life and The Forrest collaborated to present the ISU Baseball Tailgate at Bob Warn Field.  Thank you to Sycamore Athletics for a successful year of collaboration, DSA is looking forward to continuing our partnership in 2017-18.
Student Resource Centers Celebrate First Year in New Home
In August 2016, Multicultural Services and Programs (MSP) and the Women's Resource Center (WRC) opened new spaces on the 7th Floor of HMSU.  In this short video, Amanda Hobson of the WRC and Dr. Elonda Ervin of MSP, sat down to talk about the services, and programming they are bringing to the ISU community.
DSA Home To Several Award Winners
The Division of Student Affairs is proud to have so many talented professionals among its ranks.  From senior administrators to student assistants, DSA professionals are routinely honored for their exceptional contributions to the ISU community and their professional fields.  Additionally, DSA celebrates the contributions of several student participants throughout the year.
Click here to review all the outstanding award winners recognized from this past spring.
Thank You Reception Attendees
The Division of Student Affairs would like to thank all of our alumni and friends who joined us for our receptions at both NASPA and ACPA Conferences in 2017.  Both events were well attended and attendees were able to connect with old friends and new, pick up some DSA swag and participate in our gift bag raffles.  Be sure to watch out for dates, times, and locations for our 2018 conference receptions.
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