ODH on Coronavirus, SNS Early Bird Pricing Ending Soon
ODH on Coronavirus, SNS Early Bird Pricing Ending Soon

Weekly Update
Week of Feb 24

 2020 Annual Survey

The 2020 Annual Survey opened in the beginning of February. This survey covers information on your organization from January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019. Once again the Google Forms will be the survey platform, offering a simple and organized way for you to submit your information and us to use those results. Don't dally and complete your clinic's annual survey sooner rather than later!   
Invoices for membership dues will also be sent out upon survey completion. If you have submitted your survey already (you are amazing thank you!) you will receive your invoice shortly! 
  • All Surveys are due by March 14th 
  • All membership fees are due by  March 31
Annual Survey Form
Click for More Info on the 2020 Annual Survey
More information and all required documents can be found on our website, including a PDF version of the survey that you can use to review the questions prior to submission, but make sure to complete your survey through Google Forms via the link provided above. 

Important Dates

2020 Annual Survey
& Membership Fees

Surveys Due Mar 14th
Fees Due Mar 30th

2020 Safety-Net Symposium

April 3-4, 2020

Crown Plaza - 33 E Nationwide Blvd, Columbus, OH 43215 
Early Bird Registration Ends March 6th!

ODH on Coronavirus (COVID-19):

A memo to health care providers from ODH Medical Director Dr. Hurst

As you are undoubtedly aware, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to be an issue of concern nationally and internationally. To date, containment measures have been effective in minimizing the impact in the United States and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to consider the health risk from COVID-19 to be low among the general public in the U.S. However, there is increasing concern that eventually community person-to-person spread will occur here as it has recently in countries such as South Korea, Italy, and Iran. In this event, our country will need to address COVID-19 by taking steps that ensure we have the human and material resources necessary to combat this virus for the long haul. Our communities will need to implement mitigation strategies to minimize disease spread and providers should be prepared for a surge in patients with COVID-19. In severe circumstances, such a surge could present significant resource issues. 

Health care facilities address such concerns on a regular basis in preparedness drills and tabletop exercises. Differences exist in each outbreak or pandemic situation, and lessons learned from past events may not fully cover a new event as it evolves. 

As you prepare for potential person-to-person spread in your respective areas, I would like to highlight the latest guidance from the CDC, and encourage you to review and incorporate in your planning: CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL CORONAVIRUS MEMO
Additional information on COVID-19 can be found here on the CDC website

Early Bird Registration

Closes on March 6th!

The Safety-Net Symposium is the only regional conference of its kind geared specifically to the providers of charitable health care. The theme of the 2020 Symposium is “Power Up for Success” and will focus on giving you the tools and resources to fuel your organizations, to energize you, and to generate new connections and partnerships. 

Best of all, Early Bird Registration for the 2020 Symposium is now open! Early bird pricing will end on March 6th so act now and get your organization registered in advance. Click the link below to register and see pricing options (there's also student pricing and single day pricing!) Join us as we power up your capacity to improve the health of our communities! 
Please note that hotel rooms are NOT part of the registration packages this year, but you can still get a discounted room rate if you book your room within our block. Click the link below for more details. 
Register for Safety-Net Symposium
Need a Hotel Room?

Join the CHN Legislative Committee!

Looking to become more involved as a member of the Charitable Healthcare Network? The purpose of the Legislative Committee will be to review legislation, rules, and policies of interest to the Association, recommend a course of action on relevant issues, recommend proactive legislative initiatives as necessary and to develop grassroots lobbying strategies for the Association. If this sounds like something right up your alley, click the link below to fill out the interest form! 
Sign-Up for CHN's Legislative Committee!
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