We asked Seattle city council candidates 
for their thoughts on specific healthcare-related questions*   

  The King County Medical Society's Public Health Committee crafted a set of questions that were sent out to all candidates running for Seattle City Council and King County Council.

We recognize that there are many other elections taking place within King County that will impact our physician members, but due to the unprecedented nature of the Seattle City Council race, we chose to focus on that set of candidates for this primary questionnaire.

There are over 50 people running for Seattle City Council and potentially seven new members of the Seattle City Council, which has never before happened in the city of Seattle.

Our physicians want to ensure that their elected officials know about and value their concerns about the state of medicine in our communities. As a service to our members, King County Medical Society asked all of the candidates how, if elected, they will pursue improving healthcare throughout the region.

Please click the button below to view their full responses. The responses are unedited and the candidates own words.

We hope you enjoy reviewing the candidate responses to the following questions:
1. How will you address the problem of homelessness in Seattle? What specific drivers of homelessness will you target?
2. What is your position regarding downtown safe injection sites?
3. Limited access to mental healthcare a broad segment of the population, with and without insurance. How will you improve access to mental health care services for all Seattleites?
4. Over 96% of Seattle children are not being tested for lead poisoning in King County? How will you address this?
5. In Washington, 62% of counties don't have access to complete reproductive services. What will you do to improve women's access to reproductive healthcare, including access to abortion?
6. Seattle – the Pacific Northwest – has a severe shortage of inpatient services for drug rehabilitation. How will you improve access to drug rehabilitation services?


*Nothing in this Q & A should be construed as an endorsement of a particular candidate or political party by the King County Medical Society.
Candidate's Answers
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