Grants for Student Needs Update
The Ministry of Education released the Grants for Student Needs (GSN) memorandum, technical papers and EFIS forms (detailed grant calculation template). Also released was the Priorities and Partnership Funds (PPF) – formerly EPO grants – which are focused grants for specific initiatives.
As the GSNs were released, staff have prepared a high-level review of the memorandum below. A more detailed analysis and report will be presented at the Special FBEC meeting on June 23.
Operational Funding
Staff’s initial analysis of the overall GSN announcement did not see any significant changes other than those outlined below. Until staff have the opportunity to input our detailed data into the Ministry template, final amounts cannot be confirmed. Amounts identified in this report are estimates based on the information provided in the memorandum.
Investment for Mental Health – The Ministry announced that there will be an increase of $10M to support the continued learning and well-being of students across the Province. The TDSB portion has not been determined yet.
Investment for Technology – As part of the Ministry’s announcement, there will be an additional $15M (across the province) to support technology for students. The TDSB portion has not been determined yet.
Collective Agreements – Funding to support the negotiated collective agreements for wages and benefits, class size and supports for students will be provided.
Increase in sick leave funding – There will be additional funding to support the increase in supply costs that boards have been experiencing. The TDSB portion of that increase is forecasted to be approximately 3.4M.
Transportation – No significant funding changes are being announced for 2020-21. However, the Ministry announced a reduction in funding in 2019-20 representing the savings on reduced fuel consumption that boards experienced in 2019-20 given that school buses have not been operating since March 15. The amount of reduced funding for TDSB is $1.5M for 2019-20.
Educational Software Licensing – $2.4 million of funding (across the province) was announced to support the purchase of educational software. This funding is to offset those licenses previously provided to school boards and paid directly by the Ministry. The TDSB portion of this funding is forecasted to be approximately $112K.
At this time no additional funding for cleaning and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been provided in the GSN for COVID19 increased costs.
Several grants were moved into the GSN from the PPFs. These include Mental Health Workers, Experiential Learning, Curriculum and Assessment Implementation and Executive Compensation.
Priorities and Partnership Funds (PPF)
There is no change year over year in the announced PPFs.
The Ministry also announced the capital funding for the 2020-21 school year. Renewal funding increased slightly from $47.2M to $48.5M in 2020-21. School Condition Improvement funding was increased from $244.8M in 2019-20 to $264.0M in 2020-21.
Next Steps
Over the coming weeks, staff will work to prepare a detailed financial projection for 2020-21 outlining changes in revenue and expenses. The report will also outline the impact of COVID-19 on TDSB operations in 2020-21 and include an update the financial projection for 2019-20. This report will come to the Special FBEC on July 7.