Upcoming Events, Recommended Reading, and More!
Upcoming Events, Recommended Reading, and More!
Thrive! Inspiring ND Women is an employee resource group focused on increasing opportunities for women to be recruited, retained, and advanced as leaders at the University of Notre Dame. Learn more.

Connect with Thrive! on Facebook

You're invited to join the new Thrive! Facebook group. The group provides a new way to connect and network with other members outside of Thrive! events. Learn about news and announcements, upcoming events, recommended readings, and more. We hope this group provides an open and welcoming space for thoughtful discussion on professional development, being a champion for change, and inspiring the women of Notre Dame.

Join the Facebook Group.

Thrive! Presents Champions for Change: How to Be a Champion for Women in the Workplace

Join Thrive! for an engaging panel discussion on the valuable roles each one of us can play to increase opportunities for women to be recruited, retained, and advanced as leaders at the University of Notre Dame. 

Moderated by Angela Logan, St. Andre Bessette Director of Nonprofit Professional Development in the Mendoza College of Business, this event will combine inspirational stories with practical tips for implementation. The panel will highlight relationships between staff and their supervisors and/or mentors and how these positive relationships can lift women up professionally.
When: Friday, Jan. 10, 2:30–4:30 p.m.
Where: Bond Hall Auditorium

View the Panel and RSVP.

Introducing MentorND

Learn about MentorND, our new mentoring platform and program. We will walk through a demo and provide some best practices and tips for a meaningful mentoring connection. Registration is required due to limited seating.
To learn more about Thrive's mentoring efforts, visit our website
When: Wednesday, Jan. 8, 4–5 p.m.
Where: New location — 512 Duncan Student Center

Expand Your Network
A spotlight section intended to grow connections at Notre Dame

Name: Ashley Van Avermaete
Title: Development Coordinator, Development
What's the most important lesson you've learned in your career to date?: One of the most important lessons I've learned in my career so far is that you never know how people will play a part in your success. Success can be defined in different ways, and everyone has a definition they are most comfortable with. I think that people can influence your success in just as many different ways, and you never know how big of a role someone will play. That important person might be your elementary school bus driver's wife or your youngest sister's best friend's dad, the truth is you never know. The Golden Rule is key for success here and throughout life. 
Grow your connections at Notre Dame and help others get to know you! Simply complete this form and we will feature you in an upcoming issue and on our website!

Thrive! Recommends 

Our new Facebook group is a great place to follow Thrive! news and announcements, learn about upcoming events, and check out articles and professional development resources such as:
  • a podcast on navigating gender equity issues
  • an article on avoiding overuse of "sorry"
  • secrets of giving and receiving thanks at work
  • Notre Dame research on the power of networking with other women 
As we roll out our new mentoring pilot this month, you will also start to see more resources on how to be an impactful mentor and a memorable mentee.
What books, articles, or other content have you found enlightening? Suggest them for future newsletters or start a discussion in our LinkedIn Group or our Facebook Group.

Upcoming Events

Introducing MentorND
Wed. Jan. 8 at 4 p.m.

Learn about MentorND, our new mentoring platform and program. Registration is required due to limited seating.

More details. 

Thrive! Presents Champions for Change: How to Be a Champion for Women in the Workplace
Fri. Jan. 10 at 2:30 p.m.

Join Thrive! for an engaging panel discussion on the valuable roles each one of us can play to increase opportunities for women to be recruited, retained, and advanced as leaders at the University of Notre Dame.
More details.

Thrive! Presents Champions for Change: Never Stop Learning
Tues. Jan. 14 at 12 p.m.
Patti Reinhardt supports Student Entrepreneurship at the IDEA Center as the Director of Student Competitions, Engagement, and Events. She'll share her professional story beginning as a staff assistant in a service department, to using the Learning at Work Program to complete her associate's degree, to now pursuing a master's degree.
More details.

Thrive! Presents Keep Your Resolutions: Strategies for setting and achieving your goals in 2020, a lunch & learn with Martha Vanderheyden 
Thurs. Jan. 16 at 12 p.m.
In this lunch & learn, Wellness Coach Martha Vanderheyden will offer strategies to help you set and achieve your health and wellness goals in 2020.

More details.

Thrive! Presents: RecSports Fitness Classes
Cardio & strength interval: Tues. Jan. 21 at 12 p.m.

Pilates: Thurs. Feb. 13 at 12 p.m.

In collaboration with RecSports, we are pleased to announce two private fitness classes, offered in support of individual health and physical well-being in the new year. Bottled water will be provided. Space is limited.


Thrive! Presents Champions for Change: Creating Your Professional Development Plan
Tue. Feb. 25 at 12 p.m.

The Professional Development and Networking committee presents a 3-part series to help you kick off the new year in style! Attend one, two, or all three events on Developing your Professional Development Plan (PDP). The PDP is your one-page calling card to focus your networking discussions and realize your career opportunities. Heather Christophersen, Associate Vice President for Advancement Services, will introduce the PDP in the first session and share how her career has been helped with this tool.

More details and RSVP.

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