Lunch in the LabAn opportunity to meet new faculty and learn about opportunities for research collaboration at UCSB.
Monday, November 4
12:00 – 1:00
SSMS 4323
RSVP here:
The Office of Research is hosting lunch in the lab of Rene Weber, Professor of Communication. Rene's research focuses on the relationships between media-multitasking and attention disorders (ADHD) and on the analysis of moral narratives and moral conflict in global news and entertainment. His research group applies social scientific and neuroscientific methodology (e.g. functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging/fMRI) in studies of media effects on humans.
Weber’s lab encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among communication scholars, neuroscientists, and media professionals to build a richer understanding of shared research questions and methods.
Join Lunch in the Lab to meet new faculty at UCSB, and to learn about the application of fMRI in research at UCSB and opportunities for collaboration.
If you're interested in having Lunch in the Lab hosted in your lab, let us know here.
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Commit to Submit
Research Development is now accepting applications for this year's Commit to Submit. Commit to Submit is a professional development program designed to coach Humanities, Arts, Education, and Social Sciences faculty through the process of submitting a grant proposal to a federal agency, from conception to completion. Successful grant-seeking requires understanding the priorities of funders, communicating and building relationships at agencies, and advocating for your research to audiences outside of your area of expertise.
The Office of Research will provide resources – including travel to Washington, DC – to faculty members who are motivated to improve their abilities in these areas, and to pursue extramural funding. In return, selected faculty members must commit to the program of activities that will conclude with the submission of a grant proposal before July 1, 2021.
The application deadline is November 5th. Read more about program activities and to submit an application here:
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Activate / Cyclotron Road Fellowships
Two-year fellowships to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions offer funding (including a $80K-$110K yearly stipend), world-class research laboratory access, rigorous mentorship, and a community of peers to help bring innovations to market. Fellows work across eight impact areas, aligned with our broader mission to redefine the way science serves society and sustains the planet. In each of these areas, Activate is assembling a coalition of funders, commercial partners, industry advisers, and technical experts that can help guide your project, whatever path it takes. Cyclotron Road is a program of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Activate takes place at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree and 4+ years post-baccalaureate scientific research, engineering, or technology development experience.
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UC Funding Opportunities
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of California (TRDRP)
This unique source of funding supports investigators at eligible California institutions whose research contributes directly to the elimination of smoking and the use of tobacco products and mitigates the human and economic costs of tobacco product use in California. Research priorities include:
- Social and behavioral prevention and treatmen
- Cancer prevention, treatment and biolog
- Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease
- Environmental exposure and toxicolog
- Neuroscience of nicotine addiction and treatmen
- Oral diseases and dental health
- Pulmonary biology and lung disease
- State and local tobacco control policy researc
- Other tobacco-related health effects
Interdiciplinary Humanities Center Faculty Fellowships Ladder-rank faculty members can apply for an IHC Faculty Fellowship, which will grant them release from teaching one quarter to concentrate on research projects. Award recipients will be designated IHC Fellows and will deliver a public lecture or hold a seminar on a topic related to their research during their tenure as fellows. There are two rounds of competition each year: November 15 and April 15. Applications are due no later than 5:00 pm on the deadline date. For further information, contact IHC Associate Director Erin Nerstad at
Carsey Wolf Center Faculty Research Support GrantsThe Carsey-Wolf Center invites proposals from one or more UCSB faculty members for support for research projects that engage with one or more of the following research initiatives:
- Global Media
- Information Media
- Media and Democracy
- Media and the Environment
- Media Industries
Up to $5000 in support may be requested. There are two rounds of competition each year; deadlines are November 1 and April 15.
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Limited Submissions
Limited Submission CalendarResearch Development has created a google calendar of internal and sponsor deadlines related to limited submissions. You may access and subscribe to this calendar here.
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Current Limited Submissions
Data Science Research: Personal Health Libraries for Consumers and Patients | NIH
10/29/2019 - Campus Letter of Intent (required)
01/17/2020 - Full Application
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Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) | NSF
11/05/2019 - Campus Letter of Intent (required)
02/24/2020 - Full Proposal
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Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP) | NSF
10/23/2019 - Campus Letter of Intent (required)
12/19/2019 - NSF Preliminary Proposal (required)
05/06/2020 - Full Proposal
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Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program | Dreyfus Foundation
10/23/2019 - Campus Letter of Intent (required)
12/19/2019 - NSF Preliminary Proposal (required)
05/06/2020 - Full Proposal
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The Office of Research administers the campus selection process for most limited submission competitions. Limited Submission programs restrict the number of applications, nominations, or proposals that an institution is eligible to submit to an agency. Click here for the full limited submission procedures and guidelines.
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Immigration Research SymposiumFriday, October 18, 2019
11:45am - 3:30pm,
Loma Pelona The Immigration Research Symposium is a forum for UCSB faculty to share their research interests related to the topic of immigration and to develop new research collaborations. All faculty whose research involves immigration from all disciplinary and methodological approaches are welcome to participate.
Contact: Barbara Walker
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P.I. Academy: Junior Faculty Limited Submissions
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
11:30am - 12:30pm,
Henley Board Room, Mosher There are a number of science and engineering funding opportunities exclusively open to young researchers. Attend this workshop to plan your submission calendar, and to learn how our campus handles STEM junior faculty awards that limit the number of campus submissions.
Contact: Andrea Stith
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UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) Program Manager VisitWednesday, October 30, 2019
9:30am - 11:00am (Faculty Panel)
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB Shana Melnysyn, Research Grants Manager at the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), will host information sessions for faculty and graduate students who want to learn more about UCHRI’s grant opportunities. Each session will include time for audience Q&A.
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Coffee & Consultation / Write on Site
Every Thursday, 9am - 12pm, Ellison 2824
Research Development is hosting weekly Write on Site (WOS) sessions to provide a space for UCSB faculty to drink coffee and work on their research funding proposals and other writing projects. Our staff will also be available if you want to stop by to discuss a proposal or possible research project.
Contact: Barbara Walker
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Find Funding with PivotTake advantage of UCSB's subscription to Pivot, a comprehensive funding opportunities database that features customized funding searches, funding opportunity tracking, deadline alerts, and more. Pivot is available to faculty, staff and students. Access is available via a campus network, or sign up for an account for off-campus access.
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Research Development maintains curated lists of funding opportunities of relevance to UCSB faculty. These are a good introduction to Pivot, and a great place to start in your search for research funding.
You may need to log in if you are not on a campus network.
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Get in Touch!
The Research Development unit of the Office of Research at the UC Santa Barbara publishes FUNDamentals. Click here to get in touch with Research Development staff regarding your proposal development needs.
If you have news or updates or feedback you'd like to share, please send to
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