When you tell your child that you are leaving for school in five minutes do they actually comprehend how much time this is? Chances are that they have no idea because the concept of time is abstract to them. To help make time more tangible, it is helpful to use calendars and clocks for visualization.
With a calendar, you can add stickers to show your child which days of the week are school days or when a birthday will occur. When they ask you when their birthday is, you can show them on the calendar and discuss how many days away it is by counting them out. To make counting easier, you could make it part of your daily routine to have your child mark each day with an X as they pass.
As for clocks, you can teach your child how the hands move and that the little hand moves slowly and the big hand moves quickly. When getting ready in the morning, prompt your child that you need to leave when the little hand is on the 7 and the big hand is on the 6.