
Reimagined, Resolute & Resourceful

Nancy L. Belcher, Ph.D., MPA  | CEO of  KCMS
KCMS is proud of the work we completed in 2020. Throughout the pandemic, we have tried hard to listen and respond quickly and efficiently to your needs. The KCMS Board of Trustees understands the wisdom of reimagining the role of the medical society and even shaking off tradition if it gets in the way of progress. As a result, KCMS is providing for our doctors and their patients in new and exciting ways.
Most recently your KCMS staff took resolute action and partnered with PHSKC and the WA-DOH to ensure that all physicians and their 1a staff were able to receive their Covid-19 vaccines expeditiously. Over 25K non-affiliated physicians and staff have been vaccinated. Other frontline healthcare providers included dentists, nurses, physical therapists, naturopaths, optometrists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, midwives, and more...
While KCMS is a physician-only organization, we felt strongly that ALL frontline healthcare providers needed access to vaccines. So, we did just that.  I want to thank my amazing staff for working for weeks and weeks without a day off to ensure that all 1a's were taken care of. Kudos!
Rewinding a bit, at the beginning of March I was talking to a buddy at Expedia about the shocking lack of PPE. From that chat, KCMS started its unprecedented PPE effort. From there your resourceful staff took on one opportunity after another, and it just continued to snowball. KCMS has worked non-stop to help you continue your lifesaving work. Specifically:
  • Sourcing tailors and collecting donations to make and distribute tens of thousands of PPE units (including masks, gowns, 3D shields, gloves, and hand sanitizer),
  • Collecting and distributing telehealth equipment by the thousands, 
  • Independently working with Regence Insurance for telehealth billing parity (other insurance plans then followed),
  • Providing a unique and internationally recognized CME, "Racism in Medicine," that welcomed 500 attendees from around the world (thank you, Johnson & Johnson),
  • Creating a new scholarship for Underrepresented Minority medical students,  Please consider donating today - any amount is welcomed, 
  • Lobbying for so many issues that I'm leaving that to James in the next section, and
  • Finishing out 2020 with a bold, effective vaccine distribution effort that was hugely successful. When so many doctors and other frontline providers were left wondering, "Who is going to help me and my staff?"  KCMS did. 
Covid-19 continues its toll, but like you, KCMS remains strong. We look forward to 2021 - a year of reimagined, resolute and resourceful loyalty to you and your needs. 
Please share all that KCMS is doing with your colleagues & encourage them to join! We are a membership-based organization that depends on member fees to survive. We ask each of you to consider asking several colleagues to join. Please feel free to share my contact information. I'd be delighted to talk to them.
By the way - our membership fees are a fraction of other similar organizations, and we've made our application process and dues payment easy! Check it out HERE
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. It is truly an honor.
All my best, 

KCMS Legislative Activity

James Paribello, KCMS Lobbyist

A quick legislative update from the (virtual) session: As we head into the final week of hearings before the first of many deadlines for bills, the themes for many of the highest-profile bills is Reform, Recovery, and Relief. Police reform to environmental justice, taxation to health care disparities in light of the pandemic’s impact, and relief for many of the struggling businesses and families around our state, including more funding for financial support and extended benefits.   

The Legislature has so far fast-tracked both an extension of unemployment insurance benefits, as well as the allocation of $2.2 billion in federal COVID-19 relief to expand testing and vaccine availability, extend support to schools, provide grants for small business and increase housing and food assistance.  
Many KCMS members have personally engaged during this session in support of reforms including public health funding, behavioral health and suicide prevention, and criminal justice reform as it relates to the medicolegal system and substance abuse prevention.
If you would like more information about certain legislation or how to get involved, please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll help guide you through the process.   
Review the legislation that KCMS is tracking daily here:

James Paribello
Paribello Public Affairs


Lead (Pb) Poisoning CME & CNE

KCMS and Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) are thrilled to put on a Virtual UW Sponsored CME and CNE focused on Childhood Lead Poisoning this July. These events will address the importance of testing for lead and best practices for evaluating lead levels of children.

Leading up to these programs, KCMS and PHSKC will hold Planning Committee meetings to develop the goals and content around this issue. This Planning Committee consists of Community based organizations, such as Horn of Africa Services (HOAS) and Somali Health Board (SHB), in addition to physicians and nurses both interested in this issue and potentially speaking in the CME or CNE. 
Members of this committee who attend mandatory meetings and participate in the live CME or CNE will receive a stipend and access to the final recording of these programs.


We are currently looking for healthcare providers to  VIRTUALLY join this group of stakeholders to participate in this important initiative to educate healthcare providers in our area.

If you are interested in this opportunity or know someone who might be interested, please contact Program Manager, Salem Adisu, at sadisu@kcmsociety.org directly for further information. Thank you for your consideration!

2021 WPSR Health Justice Gala

Register today for the Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility Virtual Health Justice Gala on March 6th, 2021!
Attendees will hear from WPSR's Board President, Mark Vossler, MD; WPSR's Executive Director, Max Savishinsky; artist and activist Lauren DuPree; and a keynote address from activist Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali.
Register Here

Thank you to the Seattle Yacht Club!

Our frontline healthcare workers at Harborview Medical Center received delicious meals from the Seattle Yacht Club.
Seattle Yacht Club has been very generous and has provided meals throughout the pandemic. Their kindness and generosity serve as a reminder during this busy and stressful winter season that we will all get through this together. 

Lakeside-Milam is Looking for a New Medical Director

Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers, Newsweek magazine's #1 ranked treatment center in the state of Washington is looking for its next Medical Director. Lakeside-Milam has provided effective, affordable alcohol and drug treatment since 1983 as one of the largest addiction treatment providers in the Pacific Northwest. Lakeside Milam’s 99-bed detox and residential program is located in Kirkland Washington, with seven outpatient offices located from Everett to Tacoma enabling them to offer a full continuum of care.
How to Apply

FREE: Centrifuge from Speck Health

Need a centrifuge? Speck Health is looking to donate one to a good home. If you are interested please contact Steve Dugas at steve.dugas@speckhealth.org or 206-466-5936.
Contact Us
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