Warm Hearth Village Newsletter
Warm Hearth Village Newsletter

The Micah’s programs at Warm Hearth Village serve a broad range of needs for our low income seniors on campus.  Everything from food items, to fresh produce to toiletries is now available thanks to generous donors from throughout our community.   We recently learned that these same seniors struggle to feed their pets and often either pet or human go without.

We understand the value of pets for seniors and want to help by bringing pets under the protective Micah’s umbrella because they…
  • provide companionship
  • help battle loneliness and depression
  • keep owners active and moving about
  • deserve love too!

The Warm Hearth Foundation is accepting donations of cat food, dog food, and kitty litter and will distribute these items to our residents as needed.  Please call Karen Nelson at 540-443-3406 to learn how you can become a part of this impactful program at Warm Hearth Village!!
As you know we have been engaged in research and planning for a new apartment development at Warm Hearth Village.  Many of our prospective and current residents have offered valuable feedback on our plans and have been instrumental in helping shape this additional independent living option at the Village.  Recently named Walnut Pointe, these apartment homes are carefully moving through the planning stages. C2Architecture is currently revising the mix of floor plans and making other modifications suggested by our written survey results and these plans will be presented to our board of directors for approval in early 2018.  Upon approval we will prepare and distribute marketing materials to those who have expressed interest and everyone on our waiting list for independent and active adult living.  Our interest list for this project is growing quickly so if you haven’t let us know yet that you are interested, please contact Ellen Rorrer at erorrer@warmhearth.org or 540-443-3465.

Fall is a great time of year to evaluate your own personal safety as well as the safety of your surroundings. According to the CDC, greater than one in four adults over 65 experience at least one fall each year. These falls result in 2.8 million emergency room visits annually, and 800,000 subsequent hospitalizations.
There are some very simple ways to decrease your chance of experiencing a fall. These include:
  • Keep outdoor walkways clear of items such as leaves and acorns
  • Remove or replace rugs or mats which do not have slip-proof rubber backing
  • Use extra caution and attention moving about your home if you own pets
  • Ensure all walkways are free of electrical cords
  • If your physician has prescribed the use of an assistive device such as a walker or cane, use it as recommended or prescribed
  • Do not wear socks without rubber grippers on the bottom, especially on non-carpeted surfaces
  • Ensure both the interior and exterior of your home have adequate lighting

If you have experienced at least one fall within the last month, you may benefit from therapy services, which can help identify gait and balance issues as well as prevent future falls. If this applies to you, call Warm Hearth at Home at 540-443-3428. We will be happy to guide you in choosing one of the many therapy services offered through Warm Hearth based on your individual situation and needs. Warm Hearth at Home wishes you a Happy Fall, and one free of falls!

Wednesday, November 8

10:45 AM 
The Village Center
2387 Warm Hearth Dr., Blacksburg
A TimeBank helps to connect people to exchange skills and services, using time rather than dollars. The New River Valley TimeBank was started in 2016 with support from the NRV HOME Consortium, the Town of Blacksburg, The Community Foundation of the NRV, and the Blacksburg Chapter of AARP.  In this orientation session, participants will learn how the TimeBank works and the ins and outs of setting up a personal account to exchange skills and services. Presented by Ellen Steward, Project Coordinator of the New River Valley TimeBank, this free event is sponsored by The Life Long Learning Institute of Virginia Tech. Please register by calling 540-231-4364.


Mark your calendar for a delicious cause. Mention the Warm Hearth Foundation at Pizza Inn and Zeppoli's on the specific dates below and the Neighbors in Need Fund will receive 10% of the proceeds. 

190 N. Franklin Street
Christiansburg, VA 
Wednesday, Nov. 8th

810 University City Blvd.
Blacksburg, VA

Sunday, Nov. 26th
From 4 - 6pm
Thank you to Pizza Inn and Zeppoli's for supporting Neighbors in Need at Warm Hearth Village!


Back pain can make you miserable.  Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for a visit to the doctor these days.  Are you doing all you can to keep your back strong and healthy and prevent those trips to the doc? The sooner you pay attention to the state of your back, the more you can do to lessen or ward off back, neck, or shoulder pain.

  1. Be mindful: Posture is one of the most important things to consider when it comes to your back. Avoid rounding your back or looking down at a computer or smartphone screen continuously.
  2. Bend down the right way: Drop your bottom down and squat before bending over.
  3. Warm up: Warming up before you exercise will help lubricate your joints and protect your back.
  4. Get active: Lifting weights and doing resistance moves like glute bridges, planks, and squats can increase muscle strength and support your body’s full range of motion. Exercises such as yoga can help with mobility.
  5. Try the chin tuck: Start by placing your index and middle finger together on your chin. Push your head back, hold, and repeat for several times.
Come join one of the many classes at the Village Fitness Center to help keep a healthy back and strong spine.
  • Healthy Back and Body - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 10:30 am
  • Posture, Balance, Gait - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 1:00 pm
  • Healthy Back Express - Tuesday and Thursdays - 9:30 am
  • Aquatic Back Hab Fall Prevention Class - November 28th - 4:00 pm
For more information contact Jocy at 540-443-3474.
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