Note from our Office
Dear Calumet County 4-H,
There are a handful of opportunties in the newsletter, please pay attention to the deadlines so you do not miss out. These include Festival of Fun, Key Award Applications, and Summer Camp 2025. If you are interested in becoming a project leader, please reach out to our office as you can become a project leader during any time of the 4-H Year. We do have trainings and resources available for you to help you be successful in helping our members!
As always, please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions or concerns. I can be reached on my work cell at 920-483-0646 or by email at carlea.liermann@wisc.edu.
Carlea Liermann
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| Tuesday, March 4th - 6:30pm - YQCA Meeting at Courthouse, Room 025
Friday, March 7th - 6pm - Pinewood Derby Practice, Trinity Lutheran School Brillion
Sunday, March 9th - 1pm - Pinewood Derby, Trinit Lutheran School Brillion
Sunday, March 9th - 4:00pm - Livestock Quiz Bowl & Skillathon Practice at Courthouse, Room 025
Thursday, March 13th - 6:00pm - Horse Project Meeting at Courthouse, Room 025
Thursday, March 13th - 6:00pm - Market Animal New Families Meeting at Courthouse, Room 017
Saturday, March 15th - 9:00am - Foods Workshop: Cloverbuds-Making Muffins, Chilton HS
Saturday, March 15th - 2-5pm - Family Fun Day, Brillion Community Center
Thursday, March 20th - Cloverbud Club - Group A at 5:30pm in Room 025; Group B at 6:00pm in Room 017 at Courthouse
Thursday, March 20th - 6:00pm - 4-H Explorers meeting at Courthouse, Room 015
Tuesday, March 25th - 6pm - Swine Project Meeting at Courthouse, Room 025
Thursday, March 27th - 7:00pm - Horse Educational Team Practice at Courthouse, Room 025
Monday, March 31st - 6:00pm - Market Goat Meeting at Courthouse, Room 015
Monday, March 31st - 7:00pm - Poultry & Rabbit Meeting at Courthouse, Rooms 017 & 025
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Dance Report
Note from Jessie Jansen:
First and foremost, I would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the 4-H Dance & Silent Auction donators! A big shout out to Cobblestone for allowing us to come back year after year. The Dance & Silent Auction would not be possible without your kindness. Thank you to all of those who purchased raffle tickets, bid on silent auction items, volunteered your time, and to the kids who danced and sang their hearts out. We are happy to host this event year after year to help the clubs make some money for their projects. In total, the clubs made $1,294.00. Total income for the dance was $1,087.00.
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Join us for Family Fun Day!
This FREE family day is a great way for both current members and those interested in learning more about 4-H, to engage in hands-on 4-H projects to learn more about the opportunities available to them through Calumet County 4-H.
Spark Stations 2-4pm
Swimming 2-4pm (youth 7 and under must have a parent with them)
Bingo 4-5pm
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Festival of Fun registration is open until Friday, March 14th. Calumet County 4-H Festival of Fun is the largest project learning day held during the 4-H year and is an excellent example of youth and adults working together in the 4-H spirit. Three objectives for Festival of Fun are for members, leaders, and parents to increase project knowledge or learn about an unknown area, for participants to share what they learn with their club or other project members, and for youth and adults to work in partnership.
Who: 4-H Members and non-4-H members in grades 5K-8th
Where: Calumet County Courthouse
When: Saturday, April 5, 2025
Cost: $10.00 per 4-H member or $15.00 per non-member, includes 3 session workshop fee and snack (The remaining Festival of Fun cost is supported by the 4-H Leaders’ Council and donations.)
Please know sessions are at a first come, first serve basis, which is why we do ask for each participants first three choices in case a session is already filled up.
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We are officially hosting Area Animal Science Days this year! We would love to have you come and volunteer for the day, and there will be opportunities for youth to participate as well. Some of the things that will be taking place are as follows: Dairy Judging, Dairy Showmanship Contest, Livestock Judging, Horse Judging, and Animal Poster and Photo Contest. Will be sure to be a great day!
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Key Award 2025
The 4-H Key Award is the highest honor in the 4-H Program. Calumet County can select two individuals to receive the key award. Also, the key award winners will have the opportunity to be a recipient of the Cheri Sattler Memorial Scholarship.
Qualifications: at least 14 years old on January 1, 2025, and completed at least three years of 4-H and one year of youth leadership.
Interviews for Key Awards are TBD, and applications are due to the Extension Office by Monday, March 31, 2025.
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Summer Camp 2025
For Summer 2025, we are camping with Manitowoc and Sheboygan Counties. With this change, also come a change of venue to Upham Woods. We are currently in the process of evaluating our current Camp Program, and would love for you to join us! If you would like to help us see what is best for our program for Summer 2026, please reach out to Carlea at carlea.liermann@wisc.edu. We would love parents, youth and volunteers to join us as we look at what has been going well, and how we could improve the camp opportunities we offer our members.
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Wisconsin 4-H is excited to offer two Wildlife & Woods virtual series again in 2025 - Explorations and Careers & Competitions! Wildlife & Woods Explorations are suggested for grades K-5 through elementary school youth and their families. The sessions will be interactive and will include wildlife, forestry, wildlife art and more.
Wildlife & Woods Careers & Competitions Series are suggested for middle school through high school youth and their families. The sessions will be interactive and will include guest speakers talking about careers, information about wildlife and forestry competitions and resources available to learn more.
Registration for these events is now open in 4HOnline!
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Looking for VolunteersWe are looking for volunteers both youth and adults to help with various county-wide programming that we have taking place throughout the 4-H year:
Explorers Club - We are looking for a volunteer who is interested in helping launch a new program for Calumet County 4-H, Explorers Club! This is for youth in grades 3-5 who would like to explore different projects each month. The members will choose each month what project they'd like to explore the following month.
Food Workshops - We are looking to expand our offerings for this year's Food Workshops, and are looking for volunteers interested in leading some sessions. You have the option to hold them at the Calumet County Courthouse or at Chilton High School in the Foods Lab. Some examples of workshops we are looking to host are pie crusts, fruit pies, cake decorating, etc.
Please reach out to Carlea or Lori at the Extension Office if you are interested or if you have any questions about volunteering!
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The pigs have gotten loose!
The 4-H pigs have gotten loose, and the members must solve puzzles to round them up and get them safely back into their pen before time runs out! Solve a series of challenges related to the 4-H Swine Project to find all the pigs and get them back into the pen before the fair begins. This is a great Swine Project meeting for those who are just getting started in the Swine Project.
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Dog Project
This summer the Dog Project will be training in obedience, rally, and showmanship again. The first training will start on Tuesday, May 13th, and will meet weekly. We will end with our Fair Dog Show in August.
In order to participate in our summer dog training program with your dog, you must attend one of the two mandatory meetings scheduled. These meetings will be attended without our dogs. The meetings will be held on Monday, March 24th, and Tuesday, April 15th. Both meetings will start at 6:30pm at the Calumet County Courthouse in Chilton, room #017. At the meetings, we will be going over the handbook and have registration. The fees to participate will be $5 for the first discipline and $10 for two or more disciplines.
All 4-H members in the 3rd grade or above are welcome to join.
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All youth intending to show a market animal at the 2025 Calumet County Fair must complete one YQCA course in order to be elibile for the Market Animal Sale. Go to yqcaprogram.org and select “Register/Sign In” from the menu. Directions on how to create an account or to register for one of our trainings can be found here: https://yqcaprogram.org/local/pdf/YQCA_HelpDoc_GettingWBTCertification_2024.pdf
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The first meeting will go over the basics of show and market poultry & rabbits. They will also discuss changes to the fair next year. During the meeting, youth will help decide what you'd like to learn over the next two meetings. As a reminder, 1 meeting is required in order to show at the 2025 Calumet County Fair.
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Thank you to Anna Zastrow, we will be having a series of Market Goat Project Meetings this year, and they are the same nights as the Poultry & Rabbit meetings to make it a little easier on our families. They will be at 6pm in room #015 here at the Calumet County Courthouse.
- February 24th: Basic animal care. Do you have your animal sourced? Animal care/welfare on feed, housing, vaccinations, delicing/deworming - March 31st: About the animal & Foot care - April 28th: Showing & Showmanship preparation for the fair
These will be great opportunities to get your species specific education in required for the market sale, and it'll help a lot of you who are newer to the Market Goat Project.
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Join the Calumet County Market Animal at Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center on Saturday, March 29th at 9:30am to see Bob & Brayden Peter of Peter Family Show Pigs present a Show Pig Selection & Feed Workshop.
This is a FREE workshop open to all youth. Please RSVP by completing this google form: https://forms.gle/uTzZeF4HtfRiJV738
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