The Ultimate Metric: Net Promoter Score        
Do You Know Your Net Promoter Score?
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the measure of a simple question that you ask your customers- “how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or family member, on a scale of 0 to 10?”
Customers who give a 9 or 10 are considered “promoters” or "advocates", while those who give a 6 or less are “detractors” (“passives” are customers who submit a 7 or 8 rating.)
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. NPS is a valuable metric because it enables you to quantify your customers’ satisfaction. As the old saying goes, you can’t improve what you can’t measure. NPS gives you a single, quantifiable metric that you and your staff can focus on to improve the customer experience in your store. If your NPS increases, in all likelihood your customers’ satisfaction is improving along with it.  
How Do I Get Customers To Give Me Their Feedback, And How Can I Track It?
First and foremost, you need to make the decision to ask your customers the NPS question consistently. This should occur within a short period of time after a customer’s purchase, when their experience is still fresh in their mind.  Next, you need a mechanism to deliver the question to your customers and effectively record and tabulate their responses. It also needs to be easy from an operational standpoint – if it requires a lot of manual effort, it will likely fall off the radar, another well-intentioned initiative that becomes a casualty once the season is in full swing.
Easily Track Your Net Promoter Score With Ride Club
Retailers who are members of The Bike Cooperative are able to easily track their NPS through the Co-op’s Ride Club automated customer follow-up program. Ride Club sends triggered thank-you emails to customers on behalf of the store after their bike purchase.
These customizable emails give retailers the option to include a survey button that customers can click on and answer the NPS question.
Respondents’ answers are then fed back into the retailer’s Ride Club’s dashboard, enabling stores to not only view their cumulative NPS, but also compare their score to the average score of other participating retailers. Stores are also able to download each customer’s individual responses and comments.   
Now more than ever, understanding how your customers view you is critical to your long term success. Net Promoter Score gives you that insight in a tangible way. Use it to your advantage in 2017!
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