Greetings faculty colleagues,
KU’s research profile continues to grow. New funding announcements, groundbreaking discoveries, local and global partnerships, and strong enterprise connections are flourishing across our campuses. As we focus on our institutional goals of growing KU research; recruiting, retaining, and recognizing top researchers; expanding the impact of KU research in Kansas and beyond; and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, it is evident that KU faculty are moving research in a positive direction.
Our research impacts our local and global communities, while simultaneously solidifying our standing as an R1 institution. Latest research expenditures data show continual growth across the board for the past five years, and with announcements such as the establishment of a new Gen-4 Engineering Research Center through a $26 million NSF grant, this year promises to be no exception in driving transformative research. Meanwhile, research that explores the use of solar energy in underused corners of farm fields and the recent publication of the 58th edition of the Kansas Statistical Abstract demonstrates our relevance to our local communities.
This fall, I encourage you to engage with research in new ways. Attend a Red Hot Research event hosted by The Commons, a Hall Center for the Humanities Research Seminar, or a Distinguished Professor lecture to engage in the incredible research taking place here at KU. Consider nominating a colleague for a 2025 Research Achievement Award. Submit a proposal for the KU Racial Equity Research, Scholarship + Creative Activity Award or to the new KU Libraries exhibit program, which will highlight KU faculty research. Discover funding opportunities for your next big project through the KU Office of Research or connect with the Office of Faculty Recognition & Awards for support in your research funding endeavors. Update your research profile during the Academic Analytics site visit, which takes place October 28 and 29.
Looking ahead to spring, the Office of Faculty Affairs has created opportunities for New Faculty to focus on their research portfolios and impact. New Faculty are invited to spend time writing together at our January 10 “Let’s Write” Workshop. Also, mark your calendars now and RSVP for our March 13 New Faculty Foundations event: Developing your Scholarly Footprint with Research Partnerships. In this session, New Faculty will have the chance to hear from some of our leading research collaborators on campus. Additionally this spring, Associate Deans, Chairs, and Directors will have the opportunity to engage with Vice Chancellor for Research, Shelley Hooks, as she shares her vision for KU research and innovation.
There are many ways to engage with our vibrant research community, and I encourage you to reach out and make connections across our research enterprise!
Amy Mendenhall
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Professor, School of Social Welfare
Photo Recap: Sharon Billings Distinguished Professor Lecture |
University Distinguished Professor, Sharon Billings presented her inaugural lecture, "Predicting Ecosystems of the Future with the Forests and Grasslands of Today" on Oct. 1.
As the 2024-25 academic year is underway, we know that faculty may be engaging in discussions of unit/departmental policies that are in need of revision and/or updates. To support faculty as they undertake policy reviews in their units, the Office of Faculty Affairs has created a set of best practices to keep in mind. Our “Getting to Good Policy” guidelines, offer six steps to help frame policy development and review:
- Write for the university audience
- Use clear and concise language
- Use gender-inclusive language
- Ensure accessibility
- Apply an equity lens
Consider the context
Upcoming Faculty Affairs Event: Distinguished Professor Lecture |
Chris Koliba: "We Don’t Know What We’ve Got ‘til It’s Gone”: Standards for Taking Democracy Seriously
Wednesday, October 30
5:30 p.m.
KU Memorial Union, Kansas Room
The Office of Faculty Affairs invites you to, "'We Don't Know What We've Got 'til it's Gone': Standards for Taking Democracy Seriously" presented by Edwin O. Stene Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, Administration & Governance, Chris Koliba.
Koliba will discuss trends in "democratic backsliding" and reflect on some of the foundational standards that have shaped democracy and why they are worth defending. Recommendations for constructive actions to sustain and evolve democratic governance will be shared.
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Upcoming Faculty Affairs Events: New Faculty Foundations 1.0
New Faculty Foundations 1.0 are designed with first-year faculty in mind, but are open to all faculty within their first several years at KU, with relevant topics geared towards all New Faculty experiences.
On the Front Lines: Connecting Students with Resources and Support at KU
Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 2:30-3:45 p.m.
Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center Classroom
Faculty Annual Evaluations: Capturing your First Semester and Setting Goals for What’s Ahead
Monday, Nov. 18 from 3-4:30 p.m.
Spencer Research Library, North Gallery
Join Vice Provost Mendenhall for a short reception and hors d'oeuvres following the program
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Upcoming Faculty Affairs Events: New Faculty Foundations 2.0 |
New Faculty Foundations 2.0 are designed with second-year faculty in mind, but are open to all faculty within their first several years, with relevant topics geared towards all New Faculty experiences.
Mentoring 101: Best Practices in Graduate Student Mentoring
Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 2:30-3:45 p.m.
Kansas Memorial Union, English Room
Mentoring 101: Best Practices in Undergraduate Student Mentoring
Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 3:00-4:15 p.m.
Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center, Classroom
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Faculty and staff are encouraged to join students in registering for this volunteer opportunity in the Lawrence community. Sign up as a group or as an individual to be paired with others. The Big Event takes place on October 5. Learn more and sign up at this link.
How well do you know University of Kansas core laboratories? Join us at Coretoberfest 2024 to learn how these state-of-the-art facilities and the experts who lead them can support your research. Coretoberfest takes place on Wednesday, October 9 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Burge Union. RSVP at this link.
State of the University Address |
Chancellor Girod invites you to his annual State of the University Address at 4 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, at the Jayhawk Welcome Center.
All faculty, staff and students are invited to attend. For those unable to be there in person, the event will be livestreamed at
RSVPs are not required but are appreciated for planning purposes. You can RSVP here.
KU Faculty/Staff Thank Goodness It's Thursday (TGIT) |
The TGIT event series offers faculty and staff the chance to unwind, connect, and celebrate our Jayhawk community. This year’s theme is “Cultivating Community & Collaboration”, focusing on opportunities that bring us together and recognizing the impactful partnerships that extend beyond KU’s campus.
The next TGIT takes place on Thursday, October 10, directly following Chancellor's State of the University Address in the Pub of the Jayhawk Welcome Center.
New Faculty Welcome Reception |
The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department invites you to their annual New Faculty Welcome reception on Thursday, October 17. This event is co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs. New Faculty - be on the lookout for your Outlook invitation to RSVP. To request an accommodation or to inquire about accessibility, please contact Krystofer Meadows at
NCFDD Membership and Programming |
What’s Holding you Back from your Writing?
It’s mid-semester. How’s your progress with writing your latest... book chapter, journal article, grant proposal, or report... coming along? If your answer was, “what writing?”, please know you are not alone! It’s easy for your calendar to fill up this time of year with all of your other work demands and to find it hard to carve out time for your writing.
NCFDD recently shared some of the most common writing obstacles faculty face in their recent Monday Motivator. Are you stuck due to a technical error, a physiological obstacle, or an external reality? Hopefully, this article will give you some ideas for diagnosing and helping you move through and around your challenges.
As a reminder, KU is an institutional member of NCFDD, which ensures all KU academic faculty and staff can register for an NCFDD membership at no additional cost. To join the NCFDD community, be sure to sign up here.
Calls You Don't Want to Miss |
International Faculty Awards
KU International Affairs has opened nominations for two competitive awards that recognize faculty who engage in internationalization across campus.
Visit the International Affairs website for more information, criteria and nomination deadlines. Nominations and supporting materials should be submitted via email to no later than Oct. 3.
Hall Center for the Humanities Faculty Research Travel Grants
Apply for up to $3,500 in financial support for humanities-oriented research that requires travel. Learn more in the Hall Center for Humanities Competition Portal.
Research-Intensive Course Grants
KU’s Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships is now taking applications for Research-Intensive Course Mini-Grants to support faculty interested in incorporating larger research and/or creative projects into their undergraduate classes.
Recipients of Research-Intensive Course Mini-Grants will: develop a large assignment or course plan that challenges students to develop their research skills, receive $500 for the instructor, and get support from the Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships through workshops and advising.
The complete application questions are viewable via the application link. Please visit the RICMG website to learn more.
KU Racial Equity Research, Scholarship + Creative Activity Awards
The University of Kansas Office of Research, in partnership with the Hall Center for the Humanities, invites proposals for the 2025 Racial Equity Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Awards.
The awards support members of our research and creative community as they apply their expertise to profound and persistent challenges related to attaining the goal of racial equity. To address racial equity issues as broadly as possible, funding will be available to all Lawrence and Edwards campus faculty and academic staff (whether or not tenure-track), without regard for field or discipline. The program will support up to four awards of up to $20,000 each.
Notice of intent is due November 1 and full proposal is due on November 15. Learn more and submit proposal at this link.
An information session will take place on October 3. Register on Zoom.
Collective Bargaining Updates |
The Office of Faculty Affairs includes faculty union updates on our collective bargaining page, as they become available. The signed KU and UAKU wage adjustment agreement MOU for fiscal year 2025 has recently been added to the page as well as Union FAQs.
The AIRE Data Analytics team offers monthly open labs during the fall semester. These open labs are meant to be used as a time where users may drop in and ask any questions regarding OAC Enterprise Dashboards, OAC Report-Building Functionality, and Visual Analytics Dashboards (Tableau).
All open labs take place in the Anschutz Instruction Center on the 3rd floor of the Anschutz Library and dates can be found on the OAC training page.
1450 Jayhawk Blvd. | Lawrence, KS 66045 US
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Associate Vice Chancellor for the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX,, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center campuses).
The University of Kansas is a public institution governed by the Kansas Board of Regents.
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