Sergio Gomez Alanis
What does it mean to follow Jesus? Following Jesus means more than just
following him, it means trusting that he will lead you through the right path to reach
your destination, whether that is accomplishing a goal or something bigger like
moving to a new place, to encounter the people that he wanted to place in your path
to help you succeed and grow as an individual. When we talk about following Jesus
there are multiple stories in the Bible that show examples but to me there’s one in
particular that stands out the most and that is Matthew 4:18-22.
In this passage we meet two brothers, Peter and Andrew, they are fisherman in
the sea of Galilee and as such they were fishing when Jesus encounter them telling
them to follow him to become fishers of people and the immediate response of these
two brothers was to leave what they were doing to follow after Jesus and shortly
after that, they encounter another two brothers who were also fisherman, James and
John, and when Jesus called them to follow him they immediately left their nets and
their boat to do so.
This passage might seem to just show fishermen leaving their boats to walk along
with Jesus on his journey but, think about this, what is it truly happening in this
passage?. These brothers didn’t just left their nets and their boats to go follow a man
that they just had met, they left more than that, they left their homes and the only
thing that they had ever known to follow Jesus because they trusted him that he was
going to guide them through the right path to grow as individuals and learn that this
life had more to offer them than just spending their lives fishing in the sea, they
learned this by walking along with Jesus on his journey, hearing his parables and his
I tell you this to tell you that just like how Jesus called these brothers, Jesus has
called you as well to follow him, to trust him, to allow him to lead you to greener
pastures (Psalm 23:2) because he knows that there are greater things waiting for
you to find them if you only place your trust in him to take the wheel of your life and
guide you. I am a witness to this, for Jesus called me to follow and I did. Jesus called
me and my family to leave everything we've ever known, he called us to leave our
home country in Mexico to come to Iowa because, he knew that there were better
things awaiting for us here and if it hadn’t been because we chose to follow Jesus, I
wouldn't be waking on this path that he placed me in to become a Pastor and I
would've never had met the amazing people I know today.
Jesus is calling you, he wants you to follow him, are you going to hear this call
and let him lead you?