UCF applications due, Katie's last day, SNS20 Cancelled
UCF applications due, Katie's last day, SNS20 Cancelled

*For the latest COVID-19 resources and links go to our resource page*

Weekly Update
Week of June 22

SFY20/21 Direct Services UCF Applications Due Friday

We are now accepting applications for SFY20/21 Direct Services Uninsured Care Funds. Application are due to the Dropbox by EOB June 26, 2020. Application, dates, and submission information can be found in your member portal on the CHN website. Application questions can be directed to Christianna at cbarnard@chartiablehealth.org. Member portal questions can be directed to Katie at kkisseberth@charitablehealth.org.

2020 Safety-Net Symposium Cancelled

Virtual Annual Meeting to be Held September 18th
We have decided out of an abundance of caution to cancel the in-person 2020 Safety-Net Symposium. We want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participants and feel as though we could not in good conscience host an in-person conference this year. In its place we will hold our annual business meeting virtually on September 18th. Registrations for the 2020 Symposium and the virtual annual meeting will be handled separately to make this process as smooth as possible. More details on the virtual annual meeting will be coming soon. Tickets that were purchased for the 2020 Safety-Net Symposium can be transferred to vouchers for the 2021 conference, be refunded, or converted to a donation to the Charitable Healthcare Network. For additional details, contact Christianna Barnard at cbarnard@charitablehealth.org.

We're Going to Miss You!

Katie Kisseberth, our Director of Engagement and Communications, is going to medical school! She will soon be moving for Chicago to begin her journey at Rush Medical College. Katie has been an invaluable asset to the Charitable Healthcare Network since she began here as a VISTA Leader 4 years ago. Her last day in the office will be July 2nd, 2020. Best of luck Katie, we're going to miss you!

Asthma Coverage Toolkit

The patient flyer and provider toolkit were developed with the input of ODHAP’s Health Payer Work Group, which is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to address asthma from the population level and coordinate with health care payers to improve coverage, delivery, and use of clinical and other services.

The goal of these resources is to assist asthma providers in understanding the benefit coverage and services provided by its member plans. The first document is for patients and the second is for providers.
Please share with your providers/constituents. Providers can share the patient flyer to assist patients with transportation, community services, and other needs. Reviewing the provider toolkit can help providers understand the benefits and services provided by member plans.

You are welcome to link to the documents on ODHAP’s website or post them on your own site. If you choose to do so, please let us know by emailing Mary.Sang@odh.ohio.gov.

Questions or comments? Email Mary.Sang@odh.ohio.gov.

Thank you for all you do to help ODHAP spread asthma information and reduce asthma disparities for racial and low socioeconomic groups.

Governor DeWine Announces Two Public Awareness Campaigns About COVID-19 Prevention Measures That Impact Well-Being of Ohioans and State's Economy

The first campaign is called “I Believe” and focuses on real Ohioans and the prevention measures they take to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The two Ohioans featured are health care professionals Dr. Kevin Sharrett, a physician, farmer, and Greene County Coroner, and Shareece Mashiska, a hospital nurse manager in Youngstown. These 15-second ads, provided by the Ohio Department of Health, will air for three weeks on broadcast, cable, and social media across the state:
I Believe – Face Masks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_D9enYXkew)

I Believe – Social Distancing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTYox4misXs)

The second campaign called “Up to All of Us” features Dr. Laura Espy-Bell, an OhioHealth Emergency Medicine Physician, and Gary Callicoat, a restaurant owner and operator. They discuss the importance of Ohioans taking proper preventative precautions, like maintaining social distance and washing hands, in order to get Ohioans back to work, and our economy working again.  The ad will air for three weeks on broadcast and cable television:
Up to All of Us (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFv4e7D7AzQ)

“The messages of these ads are clear,” said Governor DeWine. “Ohioans, by continuing to practice good prevention, can do two things at once, help stop the spread of COVID-19, and responsibly and safely get back to work.”

Charitable Healthcare and COVID-19: a Weekly Discussion Group

The Charitable Healthcare Network is hosting a bi-weekly virtual discussion group for Ohio's charitable healthcare organizations. Here we will check-in with one another as well as share resources and strategies on our approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Meetings will be held Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. Download the minutes/ recording from this week's meeting below or register to join live!
Our next meeting will be July 1st at 11am
Download, view, or watch all meeting recordings and minutes here
Register for the COVID-19 Discussion Group

Donated Exam Tables Available

Grace Clinic has 3 exam tables in good shape that they would like to donate to another clinic. Tables are available for pick-up at their Delaware clinic as soon as possible. If interested call 740-816-6955 and ask for Colleen or email Melissa Mason at melissa@graceclinicsoh.org.

Medical Supplies Available

  • 1 compression nebulizer
  • 2 boxes of disposable turbines with cardboard mouthpieces (60/box)
  • 1 box of assess one-way valve cardboard disposable mouthpieces (200 mouthpieces)
If you are interested in any of these supplies, contact Katie Kisseberth at kkisseberth@charitablehealth.org.
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