We are writing to provide information about the upcoming spring break.
Dear Student,
As we approach the halfway point in the semester, we are writing to provide information about the upcoming spring break.
If you are traveling during the break, attend all of your classes as usual. Professors generally do not give excused absences for students who leave early or return late, nor are they required to provide you with an opportunity to make up class work you missed due to your travel plans.
Housing, Dining, and Facility Hours during Spring Break |
- All students who live in the residence halls are welcome to stay in their regular assignment on campus for all or part of spring break. There is no additional cost and no permission needed.
Most dining locations close after the dinner period on March 14 and reopen for dinner on March 23. During break, Hotung Café will be open 8 a.m.–2 p.m. on weekdays; all other dining locations will be closed during the break.
- Students who are eligible for meal money support during spring break have received a separate message with detailed information about accessing that support.
Tisch Library, Mayer Campus Center, Tisch Fitness Center, and other locations on campus will be operating with reduced hours during spring break. A list of break hours is available on the spring break web page.
The Jumbos are competing in several sports over spring break! Check out the full schedule; you can watch online if you aren't able to make it in person!
More information about spring break operations is available on the spring break web page.
Spring break is a great time for rest, a change of pace, time with friends and family, and reflection. We wish you a safe, healthy, and enjoyable break!
Dean of Students Office
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