Highlights of George Mason University's Community Impact
Highlights of George Mason University's Community Impact
Email banner featuring three images: Mason alumni marching in a July 4 parade, a crod gathered in front of a building on the Sci-Tech Campus, and attendees at a Movers and Shakers event on the Mason Square Campus in Arlington.

Mason in the Community

October 2022

Office of Government and Community Relations 

As an integral part of the greater community, George Mason University has continually strived to build and maintain a multitude of partnerships, provide a variety of services and programs geared toward the region we serve, and explore research that enhances the quality of life for all. 
Through Mason in the Community, you can learn more about how Mason engages with and enhances our shared community. 

Students in the Community

Mason athletes with a group of elementary aged children on a playground.

Mason Athletes Mentor Young Learners

The fall season kicks off another year for Mason Athletics. In addition to their studies and passion for sports, Mason student-athletes are community-minded. Since 2017, Mason Athletics has partnered with local school systems in the Adopt-A-School Program, a collaborative mentor/volunteer community service initiative. Athletes mentor, coach, tutor, encourage, and engage with students in grades K-6 academically, athletically, and socially. The program received a Jack Wood Award for Town-Gown Relations in 2020. Learn more

Research for the Community

Graphic features the following text: NIH HEAL Initiative

Grant Creates New Center Addressing Opioid Crisis

A five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health will allow a team of Mason and Duke University researchers to develop straightforward and culturally appropriate communications of new scientific findings to communities most affected by the opioid crisis. University Professor Faye Taxman, founding director of the Schar School of Policy and Government’s Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence, will lead Mason's team. The initiative will accelerate applying research findings into policy and practice. Learn more.

Classroom in the Community

Graphic features M-Vets program logo in the foreground with the Iwo Jima Memorial in the background.

Scalia Law Students Serve Veterans

Scalia Law students apply their knowledge to help military veterans, active duty service personnel, and their family members through the Mason Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic (M-VETS). The free legal clinic was founded 18 years ago to provide a variety of services to the military community including negotiation and litigation in consumer protection, expungements, family law, landlord-tenant issues, and contract matters. Learn more. 

Alumni in the Community

Mason alumnus Bill Karlson, MS Software Systems Engineering ’94, making hand sanitizer at his business KO Distilling.

Bill Karlson: Entrepreneur and Innovator

During the pandemic, Bill Karlson, MS Software Systems Engineering ’94, transformed his manufacturing process from producing spirits for KO Distilling into a hand sanitizer operation. Recently, Karlson hosted the inaugural meeting of the Greater Prince William Alumni Networking Group for Mason alumni working or living in the greater Prince William area at KO Distilling in Manassas.

Events for the Community

November 1 | Boogie Down Fall Dance Series | Mason Square Campus

November 15 | Economic Forum Outlook | Mason Square Campus

November 17 | Galileo Science Café: How Genomics Helps Us to Save Endangered Species | Sci-Tech Campus and Zoom

December 7 | Mason Vision Series featuring Djola Branner, Director of the School of Theater | GMU-TV

Upcoming Events

Did You Know?

Treadmills and elliptical machines at a Mason recreation center.

Mason Recreation

Mason has a variety of recreation sports facilities that are available on the Fairfax and Science and Technology Campuses. Pursue your health and fitness goals at the Aquatic and Fitness Center, Recreation and Athletic Complex, Skyline Fitness Center, or Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center.

Staff Spotlight

Paul Liberty, Vice President of Government and Community Relations
Paul Liberty, Vice President for Government and Community Relations, leads a team of government and community relations professionals who “promote and protect Mason’s interests at the federal, state, and local levels of government and engage with business leaders and community members who are interested in the university.”
Commencement season, the crowning moment celebrating our students’ years of hard work and dedication is among Paul’s favorite Mason moments. “All the work that is done by students, faculty, and staff to get graduates to Commencement is awe-inspiring,” he reflects. “Seeing families and friends celebrating the achievements of Mason graduates, I believe, is the reason why we work here.”
Paul has an avid interest in music and attends dozens of concerts each year. One such memorable occasion was Prince’s Purple Rain tour. After attending the sold-out show at the Capital Centre, Paul became a fan for life. 
To learn more about Paul, visit his

Office of Government and Community Relations

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