Tufts Student Life
norovirus health announcement
February 11, 2016
Dear Students,
This week the Health Service has seen an increase in norovirus, a common intestinal illness, on campus. This illness is characterized by repeated vomiting, possible diarrhea, and nausea and body aches. Norovirus is not usually dangerous, but unfortunately it can make you feel miserable. It generally lasts 2-3 days and you will need to stay in bed while you have it. There doesn't seem to be a common source for the outbreak and we have no evidence that it's related to food service.

If you are feeling sick, stay in bed and take care of yourself.  

  • Email your faculty and your academic dean to let them know you will be missing classes.
  • The Health Service can provide anti-nausea medication during business hours.
  • Notify Residential Life at 617-627-3248. They will coordinate extra cleaning and supplies for your bathroom. Residence hall bathrooms may have signs designating facilities for use only by those who are sick.
  • If you need to get to the Health Service, TUPD can help arrange for transportation if you call 617 627 3030.
  • In an emergency call TUPD at 617 627 6911.

To prevent exposure

  • Wash hands with soap and water after using the bathroom and before eating or cooking. Hand sanitizer does not work against norovirus. 
  • If you share a room or apartment with someone who is sick, be sure to wash your hands frequently with soap and water and use Lysol wipes on bathrooms and shared surfaces. 
Learn more about prevention and common symptoms
If you have questions, call Health Service at 617-627-3350 or visit during regular hours
Sincerely yours,
Margaret Higham
Medical Director of Health Service
John Barker
Dean of Graduate and Undergraduate Students
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