Monthly E-Newsletter
January 21, 2014
Hanan M. Isaacs, P.C.
Dear Friends,

Happy New Year.  Our best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2014! Our office looks forward to attracting awesome new clients and challenging new matters in the coming year. 

Below, please see two of our most popular blog posts this month, both   in the area of employment law, for your information and review.

With highest regards,

Hanan M. Isaacs, P.C.
Minimum-wage workers have reason to celebrate New Year in New Jersey
Minimum wage workers in New Jersey have a reason to celebrate the New Year - they are all getting raises. New Jersey is among 13 states that are raising their minimum wages beyond the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour today. New Jersey's minimum wage is increasing by $1 per hour to $8.25. Continue reading
Is it possible to take FMLA leave to care for extended family?
Employees in New Jersey should be aware that there are laws in place to protect them from being mistreated at work. There are certain laws with which companies must comply or face the penalties of violating an employee's rights. This is true when it comes to harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination and even wrongfully denied medical leave. Continue reading
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