Clackamas County Newsletter for Multifamily Property Managers 
Spring/Summer 2019
Your quarterly guide to successful recycling & waste reduction
from Clackamas County's Sustainability & Solid Waste Program
Summer Savings
Being sustainable this summer doesn't mean it has to cost more money. In fact, it can actually save you money while saving the environment!
Read below for some fun, easy ways to reduce and reuse...and then recycle. Ultimately, we all win!
We are here to help you improve your recycling prgram, attend your summer events, and provide you with free resources
Have communities outside of Clackamas County? See our list of regional multifamily contacts throughout the tri-county area who are ready to help with your waste prevention, reuse, and recycling efforts.
All Take-Out Containers Belong in the Trash
Yes, it's true. No matter how much you clean take-out cups, containers, bags, and utensils, they all belong in the trash. It doesn't matter if they are paper, plastic, or even compostable; take-out containers go in the trash bin.
Only take the items you need. Pass on the utensils, napkins, and condiments if you're taking food home to eat. 
Bring your own container, and pass on the disposable to-go version to get your leftovers home.
Don't Bag Recyclables
Plastic bags are not recyclable in your regular recycling bin. This means no plastic bags of any kind  no grocery bags, no pet food bags, and no bags of recycling. They cause BIG problems at the recycling sorting facility. 
However, clean and dry plastic grocery bags (and other stretchy plastic packaging like the wrap around your paper towels) CAN be recycled at participating retailers. Look for the collection container (usually near the carts) for easy recycling.
Many stores, like Safeway and Fred Meyer, have a contract with Trex (the composite lumber company) that uses the bags to make decking and benches! 
Resident Reuse Reminders
Encourage residents to reuse! It's easy to do, and sometimes we all just need a reminder. 
  • Travel with your reusable coffee cups/tumblers  some coffee shops will even give you a small discount!

  • Shop with reusable grocery bags at the market  the bags can often be stronger and more convenient than their disposable counterparts, and you're eliminating the waste!

  • Encourage folks to bring their own durable cup/plate (plastic)/utensils to your next community event where there will be food. Those who BYO (bring your own) can be awarded with a raffle ticket for a chance at a small prize (reusable produce bag, reusable recycling bag, etc.)  it cuts down on the waste, can be fun, and is easy for all to participate!

  • Regular turnover? Identify a location for move-ins/-outs to share moving boxes in good condition. Might as well get another use out of them before they are recycled!
Here is a list of reuse and thrift stores convenient to Clackamas County where folks can buy and donate gently used items: English, Español (Spanish).
Save Water, Save Money
With a few quick checks and maybe a few adjustments, you can save water and money.
Hot weather arrived early this year. This may mean you've already started using your sprinklers. Help save water (and money) by doing the following:
1. Water only when needed. If rain is in the forecast, hold off.
2. Water in the morning. This allows the water to soak in all day and keeps the ground cooler.
3. Only water the landscape. Make sure sprinklers are adjusted so they are not watering the pavement, gravel, or buildings.
Relandscaping? Use native plants. Because these plants are from our area, they tend to require little water beyond normal rainfall. 
Doing your own landscape maintenance? Review OSU Extension's Landscape Maintenance to Conserve Water infographic.
Quality Paint, Discount Price
MetroPaint makes old paint new and keeps resources out of landfills, making it an environmentally smart option. They offer quality indoor and outdoor paints in a variety of colors for just $14 a gallon!
To find color and product information, pricing, and where to buy MetroPaint, visit MetroPaint's webpage today.

Questions? Have a suggestion?
Download our Recycling Guide
 (English Español (Spanish) | Русский (Russian) | tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) | 中文 (Simple Chinese)

Clackamas County Sustainability & Solid Waste Program
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