| Hello colleagues! We are marching into this new academic year right alongside you. Whether you enjoy cooler temperatures, changing leaves, football, or the many other wonders of fall, we hope it's a great semester.
New Fund for Affiliate Faculty
The Faculty Research and Development Committee is happy to present a new funding opportunity for affiliate faculty. The Affiliate Faculty Support Fund is designed to support affiliate faculty engaged in programs of research, scholarly, and/or creative activity. Projects should display potential for having a significant impact on one’s field or chart a new trajectory in one’s scholarly, creative, or artistic development. Awards of up to a maximum funding of $3,000 are available.
Center for Undergraduate Scholar Engagement
Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship
3rd Annual Chalk Art Symposium
Registration is now open for the 3rd annual Chalk Art Symposium, to be held on Thursday, September 19, 2024. The symposium is an opportunity for students to translate research from traditional posters and oral talks to sidewalk art. Classes and lab teams are encouraged to participate. No need to be creatively inclined! Find more information on our website.
Registration for the Undergraduate Research Fair Now Available
The 15th annual Undergraduate Research Fair (URF) is on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 5-7 PM in 2250 Kirkhof Center (Grand River Room).
URF is a tabling event that features how students can get involved with research and scholarship at GVSU. Tables are hosted by academic departments and programs, research groups, and community groups that provide research opportunities for students, or support undergraduate research. URF is a fantastic event for faculty to recruit and connect with future mentees and undergraduate researchers. Reserve your table by September 20, 2024.
Join Learning Communities Focused on Undergraduate Research
Through FTLC, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (OURS) is hosting several learning communities focused on undergraduate research and mentorship. Topics include Mentoring 101, Course-based Undergraduate Research (CUREs), Demonstrating Student Learning in CUREs, and Communities of Critical Practice in Mentoring. Visit the FTLC website for more information and registration.
Connect with Students through ForagerOne
We are excited to announce that we are furthering our commitment to creating an equitable and inclusive community around scholarship through the adoption of ForagerOne, a web platform designed to help students and faculty across GVSU connect and collaborate on research and innovation, creative activities, and more!
For more information, please visit the OURs website, the ForagerOne website, and these linked resources. Please reach out to us at ours@gvsu.edu and the ForagerOne Support Team if you have any questions or issues when using the platform.
Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships
Goldwater Scholarship Application Cycle Opens Soon!
STEM faculty: FYI! The Goldwater Scholarship, one of the oldest and most prestigious national scholarships in the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics in the U.S., seeks to identify, encourage, and financially support sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming this Nation's next generation of research leaders. Encourage your top students to complete the pre-app! For more information about the application process, and/or to determine your research mentee's eligibility, email Bren Tooley or the Office of Fellowships. Please encourage likely candidates to contact me!
Office of Research Compliance and Integrity |
| Classroom Presentations
ORCI is currently scheduling classroom presentations for the Fall semester. If you are interested in having a representative from our office and/or the Institutional Review Board (IRB) serve as a guest presenter in your classroom to discuss research ethics/compliance topics (i.e., human subjects research, responsible conduct of research, etc.), please email ORCI. We will try to accommodate as many requests as possible.
Office of Sponsored Programs |
Research Matters Series 2024-2025
In Fall 2024, we're excited to share our new Research Matters program, designed as a self-paced series of courses for faculty and staff who engage in the external grants and contracts process. The diverse course content will engage with the entire project life cycle and provide valuable resources for developing and supporting research at the university. Our first two courses, Applying for Funding with GVSU and Searching for Funding Sources are available now, and Intro to Budgeting and Intro to Grant Writing are coming later this fall.
Padnos International Center |
PIC Welcomes New International Students
The Padnos International Center welcomed GVSU's newest international students this Fall. The orientation program includes regulations, requirements, and opportunities to engage with GVSU faculty, staff, and our current students. Please help welcome them when you see them around campus and in your classrooms. They are excited to be here! While the final official numbers haven't been released- we estimate we will have more than 600 students enrolled this year representing more than 60 countries.
(The photo represents a small group of our new students on the roof of the Mary Idema Pew Library!)
Thank You to our Faculty Led Directors
Thank you to our GVSU Faculty for leading students this summer on our Faculty Led programs!
Eric Snyder, Tim Krynak, Leana Tank, Gina Caruso - Ecuador
Carol Wilson Tiesma, Molly Tiesma- France
Kevin Neitzert- Germany
Susan Strouse, Leigh Ann Koonmen, Julie Bekius, Amy Masko, Lisa Feurzeig- Ghana
Steve Mattox, Tari Mattox- Iceland
Joan Borst, Emily Nichols- Ireland
Jeremy Robinson, Meghan Cai- Japan
Jeroen Wagendorp, Lindsey Ellis, Colleen Brice- Netherlands
Ellen Shupe, Christine Smith- Northern Ireland
Jamie Langlois, Paola Leon- Peru
Samantha Dine, Christopher Toth- Scotland
Carmen Fernandez Flores- Spain
Ira Woodring, Rodd Lowell- Switzerland
Lisa Kasmer, Reva McDowell- Tanzania
Peter Zhang, Abby Zhang- UK
Scott Stabler, Elizabeth Ehlers- Vietnam
1 Campus Drive
049 James H Zumberge Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
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