Oasis International Sept Update: satisfying Africa's thirst for God's Word
Oasis International Sept Update: satisfying Africa's thirst for God's Word
Dear Oasis Friend, 
Thank you for joining Oasis in addressing the "Hidden Bible Crisis" head on. Untrained pastors, indigenous missionaries, and youth leaders are making use of Oasis books and Bibles. Now out in French, the Africa Study Bible is igniting churches in French-speaking Africa, with demand exceeding supply. Grace Bamaiyi, from Nigeria, is spreading the Gospel in areas hostile to the church and Christianity (read her story at the end). 
Your generous support is like the ripple effect mentioned by Jesus in the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:20)sharing God's Word multiplies by 30, 60, or even 100 times.

 Ripple-Effect of Equipping 5,525 Pastors 

Leadership International trains Christ-like leaders through its network of Biblical Leadership Training Centers around Africa. In 2023, 1,500 pastors will obtain Africa Study Bibles from various locations, adding to the 4,025 distributed in previous years.
According to Pastor Ndlovu, “As I went through the training, scales were falling off of my spiritual eyes.” As a result, a positive ripple effect is spreading throughout his vibrant church. 

Africa Study Bible Embraced by French Readers

The Africa Study Bible French edition, La Bible d’étude: perspectives africaines or La BEPA, has made a significant impact. The first print run sold out immediately. The second print run of 20,000 Bibles is already 75% pre-ordered, indicating continued enthusiasm for the Bible.
In early June, the inaugural training event in the country of Côte d’Ivoire was held for 250 prominent Church leaders. One expressed interest in having all 10,000 pastors within the denomination equipped with BEPAs.
Despite such progress, the work is not yet done in French-speaking Africa. Pastors, seminarians, Sunday school teachers, and missionaries across the region still lack access to the resources they need.

Petros Network is the 55th New Partnership

Petros Network equips indigenous leaders to share, show, and spread the Gospel to the unreached in East Africa. To enhance their outreach, they have a goal to provide 6,000 missionaries in Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda with Africa Study Bibles.
Their partnership with Oasis empowers indigenous missionaries to teach and preach with contextual information the truth of God’s Word—unleashing spiritual transformation in the communities they serve.

Tranformation for the Next Generation in Zambia

GLO Zambia is working for nothing less than the complete transformation of the next generation by the Gospel of Jesus. They train church leaders how to deliver the Gospel from its central hub in Ndola, Zambia. Thanks to your support, GLO Zambia is equipping 500 pastors and young leaders of its youth outreach program with Africa Study Bibles this year. 

Hidden Bible Crisis - Podcast

Can you imagine trying to grow spiritually without a Bible? Across the worldand particularly across Africamillions of people have given their lives to Jesus but do not have access to a Bible.
From the article, "We are facing the largest Bible famine in world history. While both the translation crisis and the distribution crisis are tragic and urgently need to be resolved, at Oasis, we believe that resolving the distribution crisis is our calling."
The School Bible Program Expands to Rwanda
Our East Africa Regional Director, Malele Ngalu, attended a conference in May 2023 organized by our partner, Edify, in Rwanda. Edify works with education entrepreneurs who operate Christ-centered schools. During his time there, Malele was able to visit two schools Edify works with. "These great moments really bring us closer as we work together to reach the unreached children in Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ," he shared. 

Oasis Books Transform Discipleship

Through one new book published a month, Oasis showcases the potential of African Authors. Every new book involves a team of editors, designers, and advisors from across the continent. Some recent African voices include Hilda Bih Muluh, Michael Cassidy, and Philip E. Morrison.
"The universal church needs great African leaders to speak for us to understand what God is really saying to this generation around the world," said Dr Matthew Elliott, President of Oasis International.

Grace Under Fire

At any moment living in Northern Nigeria, Grace Bamaiyi could be killed for being a Christian. As a student leader for Light Walk, she braves the crossfire of the drug lords, cultists, and rebels.

But even though she was giving her all for Jesus, Grace admitted “the emotional aspect was taking a toll on my relationship with God.”

Grace’s life changed when she received an Africa Study Bible. Now, Grace says “I love reading this Bible because it speaks to me when I read it. My daily devotions are less of a struggle for me because I can understand the Word of God with an African mind. I use the proverbs and stories from different cultures of Africa to relay God’s message of peace and hope to young people like me.”

Grace’s story of transformation is only one of many that you’ve made possible.
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Satisfying Africa's Thirst for God's Word

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