Note from our Office
Dear Calumet County 4-H,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I hope you all were able to find time to spend with your family and friends this holiday season.
We have a lot of opporutnities coming up here in the New Year, including our annual Family Fun Day. You won't want to miss it! This is a great oppourtunity for new or seasoned families, or maybe you have a friend who's interested in joining 4-H. This would be a great opportunity for them as well. Take a look below for more information on this event and others that are happening in January and beyond!
As always, please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions or concerns. I can be reached on my work cell at 920-483-0646 or by email at carlea.liermann@wisc.edu.
Carlea Liermann
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| Tuesday, December 31st - Last call for Re-Enrollment for current members to for county fair eligibility
Wednesday, January 8th - 7pm - Leaders Council Meeting at Courthouse, Room 025
Thursday, January 9th - 6:30pm - Teen Ambassadors Meeting at Courthouse, Room 020
Sunday, January 12th - 4pm - Livestock Quiz Bowl & Skillathon Practice at Courthouse, Room 025
Thursday, January 16th - 5:30pm Group A, Room 025; 6:00pm Group B, Room 017 - Cloverbud Club at Courthouse
Saturday, January 25th - 9am-12pm - Food Workshop at Chilton High School
Saturday, January 25th - 1:30-5pm - Family Fun Day - Brillion Community Center
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Join us on Saturday, January 25th at the Brillion Community Center for our annual Family Fun Day! This is a great opportunity for anyone within Calumet County 4-H or for those who would like to learn more about the 4-H Program. We will start off the day with the Pinewood Derby kickoff. All those who are planning to participate in this year's event can come pick up their kits, we will go over the rules, and answer any questions participants may have.
From 2-4pm, youth are able to go swimming and participate in our Spark Stations. If you plan to go swimming, you must reserve a spot to help us stay in ratio for the lifeguards. Any youth 7 and younger must have a parent or guardian in the pool with them. Register for swimming here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0844A9A62DA4FECE9-46120843-family#/
Spark Stations will be project and opportunity based as a way for youth to learn more about the opportunities available through 4-H. Some examples of ones that will be available are Shooting Sports (archery & air rifle), Foods & Nutrition, STEM, Summer Camp, Cultural Arts, and Wildlife.
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Looking for VolunteersWe are looking for volunteers both youth and adults to help with various county-wide programming that we have taking place throughout the 4-H year:
Explorers Club - We are looking for a volunteer who is interested in helping launch a new program for Calumet County 4-H, Explorers Club! This is for youth in grades 3-5 who would like to explore different projects each month. The members will choose each month what project they'd like to explore the following month.
Food Workshops - We are looking to expand our offerings for this year's Food Workshops, and are looking for volunteers interested in leading some sessions. You have the option to hold them at the Calumet County Courthouse or at Chilton High School in the Foods Lab. Some examples of workshops we are looking to host are pie crusts, fruit pies, cake decorating, etc.
Festival of Fun - This year's annual project day is scheduled for Saturday, April 5th. Cloverbuds will have sessions 9-11:50am and Grades 3-8 will have sessions 1-3:50pm. We are looking for volunteers to help lead sessions and to assist throughout the day. Sessions are about 50 minutes each.
Family Fun Day - We are excited to invite all of our families and those who are interested in learning more about 4-H to join us at our annual Family Fun Day on Saturday, January 25th. We are looking for volunteers to lead and run activities stations to represent the different project areas in 4-H.
Please reach out to Carlea or Lori at the Extension Office if you are interested or if you have any questions about volunteering!
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Pinewood Derby
A popular event for our 4-H program last year is returning in 2025, and it is open to all 4-H members (Cloverbuds through 13th grade), adults, and even non-4-H members! Invite your friends to join you.
- Kick-off - Saturday, January 25, 2025 (part of the 4-H Family Fun Day - Brillion Community Center) - Practice - Friday, March 7, 6:00 pm (location TBD) - Derby Finale - Sunday, March 9, 1:00 pm (location TBD)
A pinewood derby is a racing event where you build your own car from kits containing a block of pine, plastic wheels, and metal axles. The Leaders Council will purchase the kits for our 4-H members to participate! If an adult or non-4-H participant would like to compete as well, they would need to pay $5.00 for their kit. Blocks can be whittled with a hand knife, bandsaw, or Dremel carving tool for major shaping. Decals can be bought to decorate your car, or you are encouraged to use your imagination to paint and decorate the way you’d like!
Car kits will be at the kick-off for pick-up on Saturday, January 25th, as part of the 4-H Family Fun Day at Brillion Community Center. Register using this Google form!
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Manitowoc County Creative Arts FestivalWe've been invited to participate in this year's Creative Arts Festival in Manitowoc County!
Date: Sunday, February 16 Time: 2:45 pm: Check-In; 3 pm: Event Begins Entry Deadline: February 3, 2025 Age: Open to all Manitowoc County youth in grades K – 13 who are members of an organized youth group under adult leadership.
Where: UWGB Manitowoc Campus (Founders Hall, 705 Viebahn St, Manitowoc, WI 54220)
General Guidelines: - Demonstration Contest is the only Contest that qualifies for County Fair Premium/Award. - The Creative Arts Festival is a family event. Family and friends of all ages are welcome to attend. - Before the Festival: Watch your email for more information regarding the Creative Arts Festival! - All entries must have a title. - For duet/group entries – only one person needs to complete the form and list the other participants
For demonstration, public speaking, and talent show guidelines, refer to the entry form below:
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Teen AmbassadorsJoin us each month on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at the Calumet County Courthouse in room #020. All members in grades 7 and up are invited to join us. The Teen Ambassadors have already started brainstorming ideas for this year's Teen Travel Experience. They decided in November that they will travel outside of WI every other year, so this year they are making plans to stay within our great state.
If you want to join in on the decision making, meet other teens from around Calumet County, and work on your leadership skills, come and join us!
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Dog Project
Our Barn Hunter Winter activity will be held on Saturday, February 8th, at 1:00 pm. You will be participating in this activity with your dog. The activity will be held at the following location
Oh Rats Dog Training 5504 Co Rd V Sheboygan Falls, WI
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All youth intending to show a market animal at the 2025 Calumet County Fair must complete one YQCA course in order to be elibile for the Market Animal Sale. Go to yqcaprogram.org and select “Register/Sign In” from the menu. Directions on how to create an account or to register for one of our trainings can be found here: https://yqcaprogram.org/local/pdf/YQCA_HelpDoc_GettingWBTCertification_2024.pdf
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The first meeting will go over the basics of show and market poultry & rabbits. They will also discuss changes to the fair next year. During the meeting, youth will help decide what you'd like to learn over the next two meetings. As a reminder, 1 meeting is required in order to show at the 2025 Calumet County Fair.
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Thank you to Anna Zastrow, we will be having a series of Market Goat Project Meetings this year, and they are the same nights as the Poultry & Rabbit meetings to make it a little easier on our families. They will be at 6pm in room #015 here at the Calumet County Courthouse.
- February 24th: Basic animal care. Do you have your animal sourced? Animal care/welfare on feed, housing, vaccinations, delicing/deworming - March 31st: About the animal & Foot care - April 28th: Showing & Showmanship preparation for the fair
These will be great opportunities to get your species specific education in required for the market sale, and it'll help a lot of you who are newer to the Market Goat Project.
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Save the Date! The Market Animal Committee is excited to partner with Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center to put on this educational event, featuring Bob and Brayden Peter of Peter Family Show Pigs.
More information to come as we get closer.
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