Vol. 4 | February 2018
Editor: Allison Hahn - Ag Business, Communications & Marketing
A message from the Director:
Greetings and welcome to the Spring-2018 edition of the PJ. I cannot believe that the classes are already in the third week of the spring semester. The snow-covered campus is beautiful; however, with swift snow removal, sidewalk salting, parking lot clearing by the grounds crew it is safe. We are grateful for all their efforts and services. Grounds crew have no set hours, they start work as early as 3 a.m. and stay until the job is done. They work just like our farmers!

Grounds crew works and services is much appreciated and very significant. Especially this week as the Spring-2018 Career Fair (Feb 6-8) is happening with hundreds of employers and visitors coming to the campus. The Career Fair is a great opportunity, especially to the students of the School of Agriculture to connect and seek numerous opportunities available within the agricultural industries.

Over the W
interim-2018 (Dec-Jan), many (seven members) School of Agriculture (SOA) faculty traveled abroad, conducted site visits and engaged with the host institutions. Please see the 'Faculty & Staff' section of the Pioneer Junction. [Read more from the Director]

Click for more about the Director’s Vision and Director’s message.


7 - Dr. Tembei's Pioneer Talks Presentation

28 - Dr. Muthu's Pioneer Talks Presentation 

"We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist."
- Wendell Berry
Pioneer Pride

Water Buffalo Presentation.

Caroline Sawyer, Dairy Science major, presented her Water Buffalo Poster in India on January 31st.
Thank You Vita Plus!
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