Using Frog Time as TCU's method of time tracking initially might feel a bit like being micromanaged. But micromanaging is about tracking every detail in a person's work, and more about control and a leader's discomfort with trust and delegation. Transitioning to Frog Time is about embracing an easy system to report time worked while also empowering TCU employees in several ways:
- People get paid correctly: Time tracking means being paid timely and accurately for all the work that you do. This includes even 10 to 15 minutes of lost time not reported when you start work early or stay at work late.
- People have a clearer grasp on personal productivity: Time tracking has been proven to improve productivity—with measurable outcomes to feel more accomplished and satisfied in the work you do
- People are less likely to become burnt out: When employees' work hours are clearly defined, managers can prevent over-scheduling, and staff become more mindful of their tendency to "give a few extra minutes"—whether by working beyond their scheduled time or letting boundaries blur, which can impact work-life balance.
TCU also must stay compliant with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Learn more if you're really curious about what this means and why a digital timekeeping system helps.