Serena Williams can rock a catsuit and Rubén Kihuen preps for next run.
Serena Williams can rock a catsuit and Rubén Kihuen preps for next run.
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December 17, 2018
Eric Holder Sues to Block GOP, Tom Pérez Beefs with Dems, and NASA Names Deputy Director
WILL THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN ON FRIDAY? It may. Even if a legislative solution is found, GOP leaders don’t know that they’ll have the votes to pass it. Donald Trump’s demand for $5 billion for a border wall remains the impasse. THE GOP IS SICK OF OBAMACAREA Texas judge’s ruling Friday night declaring Obamacare unconstitutional -- which sided with a group of 20 states with Republican governors or legislatures that argued the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act law's individual mandate was dissolved when Congress removed the tax penalty for the uninsured -- leaves the health coverage of some 20 million Americans in limbo. WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Judge Reed O'Connor specifically did not enter an order blocking the operation of the law; therefore, Obamacare remains the law of the land -- for now. California will appeal the decision with AG Xavier Becerra leading the fight. DRAINING THE SWAMP? Trump’s embattled Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, was forced to tender his resignation over the weekend. Now, his legal troubles are just beginning. Outgoing Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) is being seriously considered as a potential replacement. ACTING CHIEF White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, who once described Trump as a “terrible human being,” is on his third title in the Trump admin. His latest gig? Acting White House Chief of Staff. PARIS CLIMATE ACCORD LIVES… Diplomats from nearly 200 countries -- including the U.S., despite Trump vowing to abandon the pact (which can’t formally take effect until late 2020) -- defied expectations and reached a deal this weekend. BANKRUPTED BOYS? The Boy Scouts of America is considering filing for bankruptcy, in part because insurance companies are balking at paying settlements to almost a dozen men who claim they were sexually abused as boys by a notorious scoutmaster. FOR PETE’S SAKESNL cast member Pete Davidson triggered panic and alarm after tweeting a suicidal note. Fans breathed a collective sigh of relief when he made a brief appearance on Saturday. SAG LAGSThe SAG Awards, announced last week, failed to nominate a single woman of color in the movie categories, and only a small number for TV. CATSUITSerena Williams can wear one if she wants. The Women’s Tennis Association released its rule changes Tuesday and made sure to add a line addressing acceptable apparel. TAKE A KNEE… Then say a prayer if you think you’ll find a better QB than Colin Kaepernick. His worst season is still better than 26% of the quarterbacks who have attempted a pass in the NFL in 2018. We’re kicking off your week with this…
  • Senator Bob Menéndez (D-NJ) presses Facebook on political spending.
  • Ursula Burns named CEO of VEON. Read to the bottom!
  • Congressman Joaquín Castro (D-TX) announces Julián Castro’s 2020 campaign.
  • CT Congresswoman-elect Jahana Hayes names top staffers.
  • Outgoing Congressman Rubén Kihuen (D-NV) preps to run for local office.
  • Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) get new Committee assignments.
  • Be sure to catch The Beat DC’s Tiffany D. Cross on MSNBC today during the 2P EST hour.
Chef Alexander Smalls and NBC’s Al Roker celebrating the holidays in NYC last week.
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) wrapping up a tele-town hall with constituents last week in DC.
Bob Menéndez Wants Facebook to Give Users More Info on Political Spending
Facebook earlier this year announced a new tool aimed at promoting political advertising transparency on its site, but political advertisers are exploiting loopholes in Facebook's system to obscure the sources of their funding. Senator Bob Menéndez (D-NJ) on Thursday led several colleagues in a letter to CEO Mark Zuckerberg calling on Facebook to do even more to disclose who’s paying for the political ads it allows so that its users have more transparency into the sources. The Senators said the company has “fallen short” on its efforts. “[Y]ou continue to take in ad revenue from companies cloaked in secrecy. Although no legal requirement exists mandating that political advertisers on social media platforms file disclosures with the Federal Election Commission, you could take it upon yourself to mirror the laws that exist for radio and television ads,” the lawmakers wrote. “You have an opportunity to lead, to show the American public that you are committed to full transparency in the political spending arena. We believe you also have a moral responsibility to ensure that your users are able to discern who and what is behind political ads shown on your platform. Such transparency will help ensure open and fair elections, free of dark money or foreign interference.” Read the full letter here.
Kamala Harris Wants to Fight IP Theft and Economic Espionage
The Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property estimates that the annual cost to the U.S. economy continues to exceed $225 billion in counterfeit goods, pirated software, and theft of trade secrets -- it could be as high as $600 billion. And the Office of the Director of National Intelligence estimates that economic espionage through hacking costs $400 billion per year. To help address this pressing issue, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Wednesday introduced the Deterring Espionage by Foreign Entities through National Defense Act, which would update the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) to better address the growing threat of economic and industrial espionage perpetrated by foreign actors. The legislation would increase the damages available for victims of trade theft, extend the statute of limitations, and expand the scope of the EEA to encompass a broader range of offenses occurring outside of the U.S., including cybercrime and hacking. “As foreign agents develop increasingly sophisticated methods of stealing American intellectual property and trade secrets, we must strengthen the tools Americans can use to respond to this growing threat and take steps to secure our economy,” said Harris. “It is absolutely vital that our approach to [combating] economic espionage is grounded in a modern-day understanding of the tactics employed by foreign actors and that our laws provide a strong deterrent to committing these acts in the first place.” More here.

Senators Announce New Committee Assignments
The 2018 midterms brought new members to the Senate. Hence, there will be changes regarding Committee memberships, especially on the Democratic side. Among the impacted Senators are Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV). Duckworth, an Army veteran, will now serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee, which has jurisdiction over defense, military operations, servicemember pay and retirement, military family benefits, and more. “My buddies in Iraq refused to leave me behind, and I want to make sure that they don’t ever regret those sacrifices that gave me a second chance at life,” Duckworth said. “I’m eager to get to work on the many critical national security issues our nation faces as well as to ensure our troops have the resources, support and moral authority they deserve.” She will join the Committee after having a similar role during her time in the lower chamber when she served on the House Armed Services Committee for four years. She will maintain her posts on Commerce, Science & Transportation; Environment & Public Works; and Small Business & Entrepreneurship, though she will no longer serve on Energy & Natural Resources. Cortez Masto will join the Senate Finance Committee, where she will have oversight on matters related to taxation and other revenue measures; the bonded debt of the U.S.; customs; trade agreements; tariff and import quotas; health programs under the Social Security Act, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and other health and human services programs; and national social security. “I will continue working on the issues that matter most to Nevadans – like defending their health care, expanding affordable housing in our rural and urban communities, ensuring Nevada’s small businesses have every opportunity to succeed and create good paying jobs, protecting our public lands while also prioritizing economic opportunity and growth, and honoring the federal government’s trust relationship with our Native communities.” Cortez Masto, the newly elected Chair of the DSCC, will no longer serve on the Commerce Committee. However, she retains her posts on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs; Energy & Natural Resources; Rules & Administration; Aging; and Indian Affairs. Committee memberships are subject to ratification by the full Senate when the 116th Congress convenes in January. More here.

Lawmakers Demand Answers on Death of Migrant Child Who Died in CBP Custody
The death of Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin, a seven-year-old immigrant in Border Patrol custody, has sparked international outrage. The anger intensified after the White House on Friday called Jakelin’s death “tragic” but said the Trump administration is not to blame. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen essentially blamed the family for her death saying, “This family chose to cross illegally.” Members of Congress immediately went into action. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus said it was sending a delegation to the Border Patrol station where Jakelin fell ill to learn more about the circumstances surrounding her death. "This is not who we are or who we want to be as a nation. We must understand what led to this child's death and how these stations are equipped to protect the health and safety of those seeking refuge at our borders," said incoming Hispanic Caucus Chair Congressman Joaquín Castro (D-TX). In a bicameral letter, House Dems Ben Ray Luján (NM), Michelle Luján Grisham (NM), Marc Veasey (TX), and Castro wrote to Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) demanding an immediate investigation. T
hey were joined in the letter by NM Democratic Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich. “Her death raises significant questions about the leadership at Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and CBP’s ability to appropriately respond to the humanitarian crisis happening at our southern borders and the agency’s ability to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future,” the lawmakers wrote. “[I]t is unacceptable that it took more than a week for reports of the child’s death to become public. Congress requires [CBP] to report the death of any individual in CBP custody within 24 hours including relevant details regarding the circumstances of the fatality.” The lawmakers requested a full investigation and made specific demands of the CBP. They want a specific timeline of events; a meeting with the CBP Commissioner; a complete accounting about what may have informed CBP’s response; a detailed report about wait times for families, children seeking to present at every port of entry and the metering policies at each port of entry, and the agency’s standard of care for all adults and minors who enter their custody; and a commitment to start complying with the reporting requirement. There were only four agents working with a group of 163 migrants, including 50 unaccompanied children, and only one bus to take them to the nearest station 94 miles away. More here.
Telemundo’s José Díaz-Balart, actress and Latino Victory Co-Founder Eva Longoria, and songwriter Noel Schajris at the Global Gift Gala in Miami last weekend.
Ivan Zhou with chef and author of Fresh Off The Boat Eddie Huang at a Google pop-up event in NYC last week.
Joaquín Castro Announces Twin Brother Julián Castro’s 2020 Campaign 
Congressman Joaquín Castro (D-TX)
announced that former HUD Secretary Julián Castro was running for president during the pair's appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. "I'll speak on his behalf. He's going to run for president," the Congressman said. "For the FEC lawyers — he didn't say it. I said it." Julián did add: "I'm excited. It's going to be, I think, a great journey. As you know, I think the country needs new leadership, now more than ever," though he stopped just short of confirming the run. He is supposed to formally announce on January 12th from San Antonio, where he was once Mayor. Meanwhile, his team is busy preparing for what comes next -- public stops across the country. “I’ve been to the first four states already, so I’m going to focus on those states if I get in and some of the states that vote on super Tuesday, including Texas,” he said. And Castro is focused on his home state, telling BuzzFeed News that he is “confident that if a Texas Democrat is on the ballot in 2020 that Texas will go Democratic. ... Politics is always about your message, how hard you work to get support, and also timing. So I’m going to get out there and I’m going to work hard and I’m going to deliver a message about the country’s future and my experience of getting things done, and people are going to have a choice to make.” More here.

Tom Pérez Beefs with State Dems
DNC Chair Tom Pérez is beefing with members of his own party. At issue? Voter data. Under the current setup, state parties collect data, and the DNC covers the cost of cleaning up and analyzing it. The party wants to upgrade the data sets, adding information such as email addresses, social media accounts, and mobile phone numbers. The DNC has proposed mimicking the RNC’s data project, where they would set up a separate trust to warehouse the information and license it to all members of the party and allies, including super PACs and other outside groups. However, Ken Martin, President of the Association of State Democratic Committees, rejected that idea and instead proposed to his members that state parties cut out the DNC altogether and work with TargetSmart -- a for-profit company with whom they have an existing financial relationship -- which would give state parties a commission when it licenses their raw voter data to its other clients. “For some inexplicable reason, this proposal would tear down just about everything about our current data structure, reversing so much of the progress we made over the past decade,” Pérez wrote in an email to members. That email immediately triggered an uproar and multiple clapbacks on Saturday from some state party leaders, who held conference calls and communicated with a flurry of emails and texts. According to Politico, Pérez was referred to in a call as “a bull in a china shop,” and another state party official called him “petulant,” via text message. Pérez even threatened to cut off access to campaign tech tools like VoteBuilder, an online organizing platform, if state parties go forward with their plan. The DNC and state parties have shared a national data set of voter information since 2005. It starts with voter rolls provided by state election officials and enriched by information that candidates and Democratic allies gather during campaigns. The more data points, the easier it is for candidates and party committees to decide which messages to use in communicating with different types of voters. But the GOP upped their game in the last few years including digital information, whereas the Dem data is mostly physical information such as home addresses and in-person contacts. Now, going into a presidential election season, this beef threatens to sew more discord between the national body and the states. More here.

Eric Holder to Sue Over Wisconsin Power Grab
Former Attorney General and potential 2020 presidential candidate Eric Holder and his National Redistricting Foundation will sue to block a limitation on early voting in Wisconsin signed into law by lame duck Governor Scott Walker. The new law limits early voting to no more than two weeks before an election. Holder’s National Redistricting Foundation -- the 501(c)(3) affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee -- will sue along with the WI-based group One Wisconsin Now. “This is a shameful attack on our democracy by politicians who will do anything to hold onto power,” said Holder. “After losing an election, Republicans in the state legislature are using their gerrymandered majorities and their defeated governor to ignore the will of the people. Their actions are grossly partisan, deeply undemocratic, and an attack on voting rights. They must not stand.” Regular Beat readers will remember that the two groups successfully sued in 2016 to overturn similar early voting and other restrictions enacted by Walker. More here.

Women's March organizer and Airbnb’s Janaye Ingram on Sunday judging the Miss Universe preliminary competition in Bangkok, Thailand.
NPR’s Tim Mak in Kyoto, Japan over the weekend.
California Supreme Court Chief Justice Quits GOP Over Brett Kavanaugh 
The Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court resigned from the Republican Party following the Senate hearings to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye told CNN that the idea of her withdrawing from the GOP had been percolating for some time, but that the comportment of the party during the hearings ultimately led her to quit. “[T]he label didn’t fit anymore. The values were different from what I value as a person, and as a professional. And the pure polarization, lack of civil discourse, led me to take that action,” she said. When asked if it was Kavanaugh’s actions and the accusations against him or how it was handled on Capitol Hill, Cantil-Sakauye said, “Well, I think for me, it was the latter. Of course, Justice Kavanaugh is qualified and the president has the prerogative to name to the Supreme Court, but it was the hearing itself and how it was handled and the tone and the polarization and the conduct and the procedure that greatly disturbed me, and that’s really what led me to make the decision to go online and to finally change my party.” Cantil-Sakauye said she went online the night of the hearing and re-registered as a voter with no party preference. More here.

Rubén Kihuen Preps to Run for Local Office
Outgoing Congressman Rubén Kihuen (D-NV) is taking steps to run for another office -- this time a local position in Las Vegas. He filed paperwork Tuesday with the IRS to form a new political organization called Ruben Kihuen for Las Vegas. Three Las Vegas City Council seats and the Mayor's office are up for election in 2019. Kihuen has been rumored since the spring to be mounting a run for retiring Las Vegas City Councilman Bob Coffin’s seat. The 38-year-old Mexican immigrant, the first “Dreamer” elected to Congress, leaves his current office amid a scandal. A House Ethics Committee report last month found sexual harassment allegations made against him by three women were credible. Two women accused him of grabbing “the back of their thigh or their buttocks while they were alone in an office with him.” He also sent scores of inappropriate text messages to a Carson City lobbyist. He asked her what color her panties were and told her she looked great in black, but that she would look better naked. Kihuen declined to run for re-election to his Las Vegas-area House seat after the allegations became public in 2017. He denies allegations of harassment but said he regretted his conduct toward the women and apologized. In response to the Ethics Committee report, he said that he didn't violate House rules. More here.
MI Democratic Congresswoman-elect Rashida Tlaib and hairstylist Rana in Dearborn, Michigan over the weekend.
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) on-set of CNN last Wednesday in DC.
Jahana Hayes Names Top Staffers
Democratic CT Congresswoman-elect Jahana Hayes has named Veronica DeLandro as her District Director, where she’ll serve as a liaison between Hayes and people in the state’s 5th Congressional District. A resident of New Britain, CT, she most recently served as Director of Community Engagement for the Governor's Prevention Partnership. Prior to that, she served as the Executive Director of two nonprofits, the College Summit, Inc. and the Aurora Women and Girls Foundation Inc. DeLandro’s past public service has also included serving as a Board Member for the Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity Affiliate, Commissioner for the City of New Britain Youth & Family Services, and Founder and Mentor of the Granville Academy Mentor Program at ESPN. The Hampton University graduate, who also holds a Master’s from the University of Connecticut, is a past President of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Hartford Chapter. Hayes also announced that Jason Newton would serve as her Communications Director. The Southern Connecticut State University graduate, who holds a Master’s from Louisiana State University, was most recently the Press Secretary for Congressman Matt Cartwright (D-PA). Newton also has more than a decade of experience in news and media relations; his first DC assignment was in 2017, when he was a National Political Correspondent for Nexstar Media Group, Inc. He also previously served as Reporter for local stations in New Haven, CT; Baton Rouge, LA; and West Palm Beach, FL. “We’re excited and we’re ready to go,” DeLandro said. Hayes also named Joe Dunn, a former aide to Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), as Chief of Staff. More here.
Congressional Black Associates Elects 2019 Leadership
The Congressional Black Associates (CBA) recently announced their 2019 leadership team. Audra Jackson, the newly elected President of CBA, currently serves as the Outreach and Special Projects Coordinator for Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (D-CA) in the House Democratic Caucus. The 2016 The University of Texas at Dallas graduate is the former VP of the CBA. Didier Barjon will become VP. The 2014 Philadelphia University graduate currently serves as a Legislative Assistant for Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-FL) where he focuses on the Congresswoman’s family, human rights, immigration, judiciary, and science and technology policy agenda. The former CBA Parliamentarian also previously worked for former CA Congressman Xavier Becerra. Alaura Ervin will serve as Secretary. The double University of Central Oklahoma graduate is currently a Legislative Assistant in the office of Congressman Steve Russell (R-OK), where she focuses on healthcare, Medicaid, tax, budget, disability, and civil rights portfolios. Christopher Harvey, who serves as Staff Assistant to Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT), has been elected Treasurer/Membership Coordinator. The 2014 Texas Southern University graduate, who also has a Master’s from George Washington University, was previously a Legislative Fellow for Congressman Rick Larsen (D-WA). Rasheedah Hasan has been elected Professional Development Chair. The 2015 Northwest Missouri State University graduate currently serves as the Executive Assistant for the House Veterans Affairs Committee. Hasan is also the Co-Founder of First Lady Organization, a network of professional development resources that helps college students transition into the workforce. Ashley Bunn has been elected Social Chair. She currently serves as a Senior Instructional Systems Designer and Curriculum Developer for the Congressional Staff Academy in the Customer Experience Center in the Chief Administrative Officers office. The two-time Morgan State University graduate holds a Master’s from University of Maryland Baltimore County. Ashleigh Phillips will become Community Service Chair. She currently serves as the Constituent Liaison to Democratic Whip Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD). The 2013 Hampton University graduate earned her Master’s at Johns Hopkins University. Paul Nicholas will serve as Parliamentarian. The 2015 University of Maryland at College Park graduate is currently a Staff Assistant in Hoyer's office. More about them here.

TX Democratic Congresswoman-elect Sylvia García and Congressman Gene Green (D-TX) -- whom she is replacing -- Thursday in Houston raising support for the city to host the 2020 DNC Convention.
VP of the Republic of Ghana Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and NAACP President Derrick Johnson in Ghana last week ahead of the "Year of Return: Ghana 2019" commemoration, which marks 400 years since the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in VA.
VEON Names Ursula Burns CEO
VEON, a multinational telecommunication services company headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Thursday announced the appointment of Ursula Burns as Chairman and CEO. She assumes the helm after having served as Chair of the company’s Board of Directors since July 2017 and as Executive Chairman since March. The daughter of Panamanian immigrants has extensive international experience at large companies confronting technology change in their industries. She was Chairman of the Board of the Xerox Corporation from 2010 to 2017 and CEO from 2009 to 2016. Then-President Barack Obama appointed her to help lead the White House national program on STEM and she served as Chair of the President's Export Council. She currently sits on the Boards of Exxon Mobil, Nestlé, and Uber. She is also a member of the National Academy of Engineers and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The 60-year-old NYC native earned her Master’s from Columbia University after graduating from the Polytechnic Institute of New York University. "I am honored to be appointed Chairman and CEO of VEON. The company operates in a diverse group of markets, with growing populations and rapidly increasing smartphone ownership. This clearly presents a host of growth opportunities for VEON as we seek to build on the positive momentum that we are seeing across the business. I look forward to continuing to lead VEON towards more success and increased shareholder value," Burns said. More here.

NASA Names First Black Woman Deputy Director of Johnson Space Center
Vanessa Wyche
was named Deputy Director at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), making history as the first Black woman to ever hold the post. She previously served as the Director of the Exploration Integration and Science Directorate at JSC, where she provided executive guidance and direction of a multi-disciplined organization to enable human and robotic exploration of deep space. Before joining JSC in 1989 as an engineer, she worked for the Food and Drug Administration in DC. Over the span of her career with NASA, the South Carolina native has held several key leadership positions; in the Space Shuttle Program, as a Flight Manager, in the Constellation Program as Director of Operations and Test Integration, as Acting Director for the Human Exploration Development Support Directorate, as Associate Director of the Exploration Integration and Science Directorate and Assistant Center Director at JSC. The double Clemson University graduate is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. “I am incredibly humbled to take on this role at JSC,” Wyche said in a statement to the Houston Chronicle. “I look forward to working with the talented employees at JSC as we work toward our mission of taking humans farther into the solar system.” More here.

Multicultural Media Caucus Co-Chairs Tony Cárdenas (D-CA), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Judy Chu (D-CA), and MPAA CEO Charles Rivkin in DC discussing diversity in Hollywood over the weekend.
WaPo’s Karen Attiah at TIME’s "Person of the Year" party in NYC over the weekend.
AP Names Ron Nixon International Investigations Editor
Ron Nixon
will join the Associated Press (AP) as the International Investigations Editor. In his new role, he’ll be charged with managing the AP’s global team of reporters based in DC, London, Cairo, New Delhi, and Shanghai, and work closely with colleagues around the globe to conduct investigative and accountability reporting on a variety of topics. Nixon, who is a Marines veteran, joins the AP from The New York Times’ DC bureau, where he was the Homeland Security Correspondent. During his tenure, he covered border and aviation security, immigration, cybercrime, transnational corruption, and violent extremism, and has reported from Rwanda, Uganda, Belgium, Mexico, South Africa, Nigeria, and Senegal, among other places. He previously worked as a Computer Assisted Reporting Editor at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Training Director at Investigative Reporters and Editors, and Staff Writer at The Roanoke Times. He’s also the author of Selling Apartheid: Apartheid South Africa’s Global Propaganda War and is the Co-Founder of the Ida B. Wells Society, which trains journalists of color in investigative reporting. The Alabama State University graduate starts his new role on January 2, 2019. More here.
Bloomberg Media Names Head of Consumer Web, Media, & Marketing Engineering 
Pooja Malpani
has been named Head of Consumer Web, Media, & Marketing Engineering at Bloomberg Media. She most recently was the Senior Engineering Manager at HBO, where she oversaw the purchase and identity engineering team responsible for HBO’s streaming products. She also led a support group for women who work at HBO to promote unguarded conversations and help women meet their professional goals. Prior to that, Malpani was at Microsoft for nearly a decade where she served as Senior Software Design Engineer, Software Design Engineer, and Program Manager. The Model Engineering College graduate holds a Master’s from Indiana University at Bloomington. More about her here.

Thursday, January 3, 2019, 6P: A reception honoring Congresswomen-elect Sharice Davids (D-KS) and Deb Haaland (D-NM), the first Native American women elected to the U.S. Congress. National Museum of the American Indian, Fourth Street & Independence Avenue, S.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, January 9th, 2019, 6P: The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute hosts a swearing-in ceremony and welcome reception for the Hispanic members of the 116th Congress. U.S. Capitol Visitor Center - Congressional Auditorium & Atrium, East Capitol St NE and First St SE, DC. Click here for more information.
Friday, January 18, 2019, 9A–3P: The Indigenous Peoples Movement hosts the Indigenous Peoples March to bring awareness to the injustices affecting Indigenous men, women, and children. DC. Click here for more information.
Saturday, February 16, 2019: The Association for the Study of African American Life and History’s 93rd Annual Black History Luncheon. Washington Renaissance Hotel, 999 Ninth Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019: APAICS 25th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. The evening honors Asian American and Pacific Islander leaders, both current and pioneers, and recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations that continue to politically empower the AAPI community. 1000 H Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
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