Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
Mask Guidance for Faculty and Staff at Stony Brook Medicine

While most activities are returning to normal, navigating COVID-19 guidance continues to be challenging and ever changing, especially in the healthcare environment. In response to questions and suggestions from our employees and in consultation with our COVID-19 subject matter experts, we are making slight adjustments to our mask wearing requirements. Our top priority remains keeping our faculty, staff, students, visitors and patients safe. 

All, whether vaccinated or not, must wear a mask at all times in any of the following areas/situations:

  • In the entire Hospital
  • If there is any chance that you may encounter a patient (including walking through a hallway)
  • If you are traversing the Hospital to reach the Health Sciences Tower
You will NOT need to wear a mask in Stony Brook Medicine locations where there is no chance of any patient interaction, if you are fully vaccinated. These locations include certain levels of the Health Sciences and Basic Sciences Towers, the non-clinical areas in the MART, Commack and administrative offices in Tech Park, Flowerfield and Ronkonkoma. 

These revised mask restrictions are based on current CDC and NYS Department of Health guidance, low incidence rate of COVID-19, and the understanding that everyone will take personal responsibility for their own actions.

We appreciate your cooperation and flexibility as we continue to respond to the safety and needs of our faculty, staff, students, visitors and patients. 

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