Great resources for coping with COVID-19
Great resources for coping with COVID-19

Thank You!  

We are so grateful for the generous donations we received on #GivingTuesdayNow, May 5, to benefit our COVID-19 Emergency Fund.  We are working every day to keep our staff and residents safe during this challenging time.  Your support, coupled with our amazing Direct Support Professionals' efforts on the frontlines, has an immediate, positive impact.  Thank you!
If you did not yet make a donation but want to support our work, just click here.  It's so easy and 100% of proceeds goes directly toward offseting unbudged expenses related to the pandemic.

Great News for SNAP Users

People with disabilities who use SNAP have something to cheer about: 90% of SNAP households now will be able to safely access food via delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a major life-saving milestone!  Click here to learn more.

Membership Meeting and Slate of Nominations 

The FY2021 Board of Directors slate of nominations has been posted on our website.  Current members will receive a postcard ballot for voting, and results will be tallied and announced during our VIRTUAL Membership Meeting on Thursday, June 25.  Additional details will be shared at least one week in advance of the meeting.  Click here to learn more.

Parents, Help Is On The Way

If you are the parent of a school aged child with disabilities, The Los Angeles Unified School District, Division of Special Education provides a bounty of educational resources for you. Included on the webpage are core curriculum resources for all grades, reading resources, online resources, and much more!  Click here for more information.

Respite for Families with Children with Disabilities

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the corresponding closure of schools and services which typically support families who have children with disabilities, income eligibility requirements for in-home respite provided to these families has been waived through June 30, 2020.  
For applications submitted between April 1-June 30, 2020 and for which the income eligibility and other requirements have waived, all respite care must be delivered by an approved home health care agency which is already a member of The Arc’s Respite Consortium. Please note that individuals who receive any county, state or federal funding for in-home support services are not eligible for respite. Click here for an application.

Webinar Series Supporting Families

This June, the DDA hosts the Maryland Community of Practice (CoP) for Supporting Families interactive bi-weekly webinar series Supporting Families. The webinar covers topics such as Connecting with Family Members during COVID-19; Lessening the Trauma of COVID- 19; activities to do when practicing social distancing; virtual Person Centered Planning meetings; Transition; and Self-Care/Caring for the Caregiver. The next webinars are scheduled for June 10 and June 24.  Click here to register.

CFC and Covid Response

OPM has established an Emergency Covid-19 Relief Fund and Campaign for Federal, military employees and retirees who may wish to make supplemental pledges to charities that may be hard hit by the COVID-19 emergency, as well as charities on the front-line providing emergency healthcare needs to citizens affected by this pandemic. OPM has re-opened the CFC giving platform and mobile device applications to allow one-time gifts, separate from 2019 CFC pledges, ending June 30Click here to read more about this campaign. 

We Wear Masks

The steps being taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus can be scary and confusing for everyone. Staying home and wearing masks can be hard to explain. That's why Mike McGovern created the "We Wear Masks" story, to help students visualize and listen to simple language that explains things we need to do to keep safe: staying home, not going to school, wearing a mask if we have to go out, and staying 6 feet away from other people. Click here for video and links to resources. 

Stay Up-to-Date on 
Ride On Bus Service Changes

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) reduced hours of operation for Ride On buses again in May. MCDOT’s Essential Service Plan, which has been implemented during the COVID-19 health crisis, has been subject to many changes in the past three months. We suggest you stay informed by visiting their website frequently. Click here for more information. 

Upcoming Dates

June 25--Annual Membership Meeting
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