A monthly e-newsletter from the North Central Region Water Network
November 2021
Network News
As for the Network, we are already planning our work and looking ahead for 2022 and hoping to see more of your smiling faces in-person in the year ahead.
-Rebecca Power, Network Director and Anne Nardi, Network Communications
P.S. Want your water questions answered by colleagues? Use the North Central Region Water Network listserv to get answers quickly. To subscribe, email join-ncrwater@lists.wisc.edu
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January 6-7, 2022
January 6-7, 2022, the Algal Bloom Action Team is hosting a free Virtual Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Research Symposium. Last year’s event brought together over 890 educators and researchers from across the US to hear the latest HAB research and discussed ongoing outreach efforts.
The agenda for this year's symposium is now out, and will feature emergent harmful algal bloom research on HAB Monitoring and Ecology, Cyanotoxin Treatment and Detection, Forecasting and Modeling HABs, and Emerging Technology for Detecting and Monitoring HABs. Register here
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The North Central Region Water Network is excited to be working alongside partners from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the Minnesota Water Resources Center, Compeer Financial, and Croatan Institute on a new grant aimed at creating educational resources on the financial impacts of conservation professionals. Read on
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At the crossroads of property values and natural resources stands citizen science, a place where people passionate about their homes gather together to preserve and protect. They are not widely known as first responders, and they certainly don’t wear badges. They do, however, respond when called, and they make a difference every day. Read on
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In The NewsUpcoming Events
Problem with PlasticsTuesday, December 7, 2021, 11AM CT Plastics are playing an increasingly large role in our lives. The Lake Superior Collaborative will be hosting this webinar to explore the pros and cons of plastics, how they impact human and environmental health, why they can be hard to avoid, and steps to reduce alliance on them. The webinar will feature Leah Holloway, a Program Manager at the Milwaukee Riverkeeper. Learn more
Hypoxia Task Force Public MeetingTuesday, December 14, 2021, 9AM-1:40PM CTMeeting agenda will be coming soon. Sign up to make public comments by December 8. Registration is due by December 10. Learn more
Missouri Conference on Cover Crops & Soil Health Tuesday & Wednesday, December 14-15, 2021, 9AM-Noon CT This two-day conference will cover the latest approaches with cover crop management, grazing of cover crops, soil health measurement, carbon payment programs, and strategies for boosting soil health. Learn more
Annual Discovery Farms Conference Wednesday, December 15, 2021 This years conference will focus on balancing water quality trade-offs from farm management decisions, as well as about new studies and technologies that will help when making nitrogen decisions for Wisconsin's waters. Learn more
NCA5 Midwest Chapter Public Engagement Workshop Friday, January 24, 2022 The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and the authors of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) are hosting a series of virtual public engagement workshops to inform development of this federal climate report. These workshops are free and open to the public. The information gathered in this workshop will help authors decide which topics to cover in their chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment, a major U.S. Government report on how climate change affects people and places in the United States. Learn more
Funding and OpportunitiesGreat Lakes Program Coordinator with The Nature Conservancy The Great Lakes Program Coordinator is a proactive convener and collaborator with great attention to detail and timely communication skills. This is a flexible position within any of the Great Lake States. Closing date is December 10, 2021. Learn more
Michigan Clean Boats, Clean Waters grant - MSU Extension Grant funding is available for organizations to support aquatic invasive species outreach efforts and the protection of Michigan's waterways. Closing date is December 17, 2021. Learn more
Enhanced Aquifer Recharge (EAR) management strategy funding - EPA The EPA is seeking applications for research to develop cost-benefit tools to support EAR as a managment strategy. Closing date is January 13, 2022. Learn more
News Diversity project strives for resiliency - Agri-ViewMaking Midwestern agriculture more resilient by diversifying farms, marketing and the agricultural landscape is the aim of a new $10 million project that’s being funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The project is led by Purdue University with several partner institutions involved. Read on
2021 Lake Erie algal bloom more severe than scientists predicted - Fremont News Messenger The 2021 cyanobacterial bloom surpassed scientists' predictions in June and ended up measuring a 6.0, or moderately severe, on a HAB severity index (SI), according to a NOAA release. Read on
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