FCC proposes to protect consumers from AI robocalls
FCC proposes to protect consumers from AI robocalls

Regulation Digest
September 11, 2024
Vol. 13, No. 37
Editor: Nate Thompson
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Marketplace of Ideas

GW Regulatory Studies
- Event: SoftLaw Summit: Advancing Industry Self-Regulation, September 24, hosted by Center for Industry Self-Regulation feat. RSC’s Susan Dudley, Roger Nober, Aram Gavoor
Economic Policy Inst.
Federalist Society
- Podcast: SEC v. Jarkesy, Devin Watkins
Free State Foundation
- How to Regulate Generative AI in Health Care, David Blumenthal & Bakul Patel
Harvard T.H. Chan
Heritage Foundation
Inst. for Policy Integrity
Law & Liberty
The Return of the Common Law?, Steven Hayward
Manhattan Institute
Mercatus Center
Niskanen Center
Pacific Legal Fdn.
Progressive Policy Inst.
R Street
- Podcast: You Stepped on My Patent, Wayne Brough
The Regulatory Review
SBTi, Climate Pledges, and Share Prices, Inhwan Ko & Aseem Prakash
Reducing Oceanic Pollution, Matthew Spero et al.
Podcast: Implications of the Chevron Decision, Daniel Farber
- How Business Groups Arbitrage ESG Disclosure Mandates, Stefano Cascino & Maria M. Correia
Washington Legal Fdn.
- Video: Why the FTC’s Meta Antitrust Case Should Fail, Corbin K. Barthold & Geoffrey A. Manne
- Forum: Nationwide Injunctions: Impact on Regulatory Programs, September 27 & October 2
- Testimony: Congress in a Post-Chevron World, Kevin Kosar
Cato Institute
Student Loan Debt Relief Under Biden, Sara Partridge & Madison Weiss

Agency Rulemaking Highlights

Notable Actions

Artificial Intelligence and Robocalls
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a proposed rule to provide steps to protect consumers from the abuse of artificial intelligence (AI) in robocalls, while also clearing the path for positive uses of AI, which include its ability to improve access to the telephone network for disabled people. The proposed rule would define AI-generated calls, adopt new rules for callers to disclose AI-generated calls to consumers, and adopt protections to protect the positive uses of AI for telephone network access from Telephone Consumer Protection Act liability. Comments due October 10, with reply comments due October 25. 
Reporting Requirements for Development of AI Models and Computing Clusters
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a proposed rule that would amend the BIS Industrial Base Surveys–Data Collections regulations by establishing reporting requirements for the development of advanced AI models and computing clusters under Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.” Comments due October 11. 
Emergency Alert System
FCC issued a final rule amending regulations governing the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts to add a new event code, MEP, to alert the public about missing and endangered persons (MEP) whose circumstances do not meet the criteria for AMBER alerts. Effective September 8, 2025. 
Standards of Fill for Wine and Distilled Spirits
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is reopening the comment period for a 2022 proposed rule regarding changes to the authorized standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits. TTB is considering comments submitted to the proposal requesting addition of specific new standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits as well as elimination of the distinction between the standards of fill for distilled spirits in cans and those for distilled spirits in other containers. Comment due October 9.
EPA’s Meaningful Engagement Policy
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the release of the final Meaningful Engagement Policy, which updates its 2003 policy on public participation in EPA actions across programs and regions. The policy highlights three steps to help EPA staff design appropriate and effective processes for meaningful engagement and public participation.
The George Washington University
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