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Charlottesville: In the Spirit of Love and Truth
Our hearts go out to the people of Charlottesville and the many victims of the violence that erupted in their community this past weekend. We unite with the Charlottesville Friends Meeting and community in the Spirit of Love and Truth, as together we face the evils of racism, hatred, and bigotry in our midst.
In the Spirit of Love and Truth, we recognize no distinction between people by race, gender, class, or belief. There is that of God in all people, and we, as Friends, are called to answer that of God in all people. Equity, diversity and inclusion of all people are the foundation of the Blessed Community we seek.
Yet in the Spirit of Love and Truth, we cannot deny the racism, hatred, and bigotry that are an integral part of our history, that violently and cruelly oppress people in our society today, and that continue to inspire violent, racist movements. It is all around us; it is part of who we are; and it has affected each of us differently and profoundly depending on our race, gender, class, and other unique life experiences.
We are the heirs of this legacy, but we need not pass it on to future generations. We have the opportunity now, in the Spirit of Love and Truth, to say “No More” to acts of racism, hatred, and bigotry, and “Yes!” to the healing, enduring power of Love.
Yet it is not as simple as just saying “no.” We are called to answer that of God in ourselves, in the oppressed, and in the oppressor. There are many deep wounds to heal, many profound inequities to be made right, many behaviors to change, and many deep fears to quell. These are the roots from which racism, violence, hatred, and bigotry spring. And, it is here that we must give our steadfast attention.
Let us gather in worship and unite in action. This is our legacy. This is our Truth. This is our Love. This is our moment.
Ned Stowe
General Secretary
Baltimore Yearly Meeting
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