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News from the Northeast

March 1, 2016
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November 3-6, 2016
Northeast District Convention Albany, NY Marriott
March 3-5, 2017
WRJ Fried Leadership Conference

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Each Sisterhood in the Northeast District is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years without expense to the Sisterhood – as well as a speaker from the Board of WRJ in alternate years.
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WRJ Consultant Program

Need help with your budget, constitution, or relationships with your clergy or temple?

The WRJ Consultant Program was created to provide WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods with access to WRJ leaders who are knowledgeable on these and other challenging topics.

Consultations can be conducted by phone or videochat. The consultant will be available to the affiliate for as long as needed.

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The next e-blast will be sent on April 5, 2016

Message from Sharon Sobel
Vice President

There is much optimism in a package of parsley seeds.  Planted in a plastic cup at a Purim carnival, mixed with rich soil in a Sunday School class, delivered with a child’s book selection from the PJ Library, handed out to sisterhood members at a late winter event: each effort is a reminder that Passover is only weeks away. If those seeds are nurtured with sun and water, they will sprout and grow into leafy little plants to be placed into one of the small cups on our seder plate, and garnish the gefilte fish.
But not all those little seeds make it, as anyone who has ever wondered why a Dixie cup filled with dried dirt is sitting on the windowsill of a child’s room, already knows. Not everyone has the talent or the patience or the perseverance to bring those seeds to harvest.  And besides, you can always buy a sprig of parsley at the supermarket.  (Supermarkets are optimistic as well:  Passover foods are on the shelves before you can clear the table from the Tu Bishvat seder).
The women who support the efforts of Women of Reform Judaism on the North American, District, and local levels are also nurturers, with the talent, perseverance, and patience to plant all sorts of seeds and ensure their growth. Indeed, our organization is so committed to this philosophy that it is included in our new mission statement:
Founded in 1913 as an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism, WRJ strengthens the voice of women worldwide and empowers them to create caring communities, nurture congregations, cultivate personal and spiritual growth, and advocate for and promote progressive Jewish values. To fulfill this vision, WRJ engages tens of thousands of women through a global network of hundreds of sisterhoods and women’s groups. Stronger together, we ensure that these women make a difference in the world.
Every one of our members should regard this with a great deal of optimism.  We are never alone, wondering how we can possibly make things grow.  We support each other, bringing our highest objectives and our aspirations to fruition, and gaining strength as each season progresses.  It is the hope of everyone in a leadership position that each sisterhood and women’s group will thrive, and we will endeavor to ensure that success.
As you don your Queen Esther gown in a few weeks, consider that WRJ women throughout North America and the world are doing the same.  When you water your sprouting parsley, know that you have succeeded where others have failed. And when we place our home-grown parsley on the seder plate, we celebrate the start of a new season of hope and promise for all of us, stronger together.
Sharon Sobel
Wilton, Connecticut  
Interfaith Families: Expanding Our Tents - Area Event held Jan 30 
From left to right: Natalie Berhumoglu, Lucille Karp, Carmen Holzman, and Moderator Barbara Stern. To see more event pictures, click HERE
On Saturday, January 30th, over 65 women assembled at Temple Am Echad in Lynbrook for the Northeast District Area Day entitled "Interfaith Families" Expanding our Tents."
After a beautiful Shabbat morning service led by our Rabbi, Sandra Bellush accompanied splendidly by Vivian Blumstein as Cantorial Soloist, we moved on to a delightful lunch arranged by the women of the Sisterhood of Temple Am Echad.
The panel for the program consisted of Natalie Berhumoglu who is married to a man who is not Jewish, Lucille Karp who is not of the Jewish faith but is married to a Jewish man and has raised two Jewish sons and Carmen Holtzman who is a Jew by Choice.  I had the distinct honor of being the moderator/facilitator of this awesome panel of women.
After introducing themselves and the demographic that brings them to be a part of the panel, we proceeded to ask questions that would elicit answers about how they were treated in their congregations and what can the congregation, sisterhood and men's club do to better welcome people of various backgrounds.  We heard these answers from the perspective of each woman as well as excellent participation from the women in attendance.  The problems encountered and the ideas that came forward are much too numerous to address in this article.  Suffice it to say we still have lots of work to do to meet Rabbi Jacobs' "audacious hospitality" challenge.   It was an eye opening afternoon that gave those in attendance insight and ideas to bring back to their sisterhoods and congregations.
It really brought to mind a quote from my favorite little book, The Empty Chair by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.  "Seek the sacred within the ordinary.  Seek the remarkable within the commonplace."  I believe the Northeast District accomplished this on January 30th.
Barbara Stern
Past President

News from our Sisterhoods...

All WRJ-NE sisterhood members are invited to these programs
A Chocolate Seder: 
A Light-hearted  Celebration of Passover
Sunday, April 10, 2016,
at 5 p.m.
North Country Reform Temple in Glen Cove, NY
Join us for a family-friendly and fun approach to Passover where we celebrate our sweet freedom with CHOCOLATE! This annual event is run by the Sisterhood of NCRT with lots of audience participation. And did we mention the chocolate?
A light dinner will be served (to help counteract all the chocolate) and a dairy-free option will be available.
Open to all. Friends & Family welcome to join us. For more information, call the Temple Office at 516-671-4760. RSVP by April 2. 
NCRT Sisterhood
86 Cresecent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542
Wishing you a fun filled Purim!

Did You Know ... facts about Purim:
...Queen Esther's Hebrew name was Hadasaah ("Esther" is Persian)
...Mordechai was the first person in history to be called a "Jew" (Before then, Jews were called "Hebrews" or "Israelites")
...Vashti (Achashverosh's first queen) was the great-granddaughter of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian emperor who destroyed the first Holy Temple
... All four of Purim’s mitzvot start with the letter “M”: Mishloach manot (sending food to a friend); Matanot la’evyonim (giving gifts to the poor); Mikra megila (reading the book of Esther); and Mishte (having a feast).
... Throughout the entire book of Esther God’s name isn’t mentioned even once.
... Purim is one of only two holidays not mentioned in the Torah (along with Hanukkah).
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