My office window looks out over Red Square. I’m really lucky to have such a beautiful view of our campus and now that I’ve passed my one-year mark of working at Evergreen, I’m becoming familiar with the cycles of activity on the Square – lights get put up in the dark winter months, trees get trimmed in the spring, graduation is celebrated, new students arrive for orientation, farm stands come and go.
And over the past couple of weeks, I have watched the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment form, grow, evolve, and find resolution. What I have seen out of my window seems a significant contrast to events I see on other campuses on the news. I’m grateful to have a role at a place that – though not perfect – can navigate events in a tumultuous world with civility and respect.
My perspective, watching from my window, is quite different from the faculty and student support staff who are more directly engaged with our students. The Learning and Teaching Commons is here as a resource to you, offering confidential consultations, salons, and best practice resource guides, like the Difficult Dialogues: Responding to the World resource guide compiled by Commons Faculty Scholar Julie Russo and the Trauma-responsive Community Care handout developed by JuliA Metzker.
As we move into the final weeks of the spring quarter, I hope you will remember that we are here, looking out over campus from SEM II third floor, cheering you on. And as summer approaches, I hope we’ll see you at Evergreen Summer Institutes.
May all faculty, staff, and students and all people everywhere be safe, be happy, be healthy, and live with ease.
Registration is open to faculty and staff until June 10. |
The 2024 Evergreen Summer Institutes Program includes a convenient week-by-week schedule of all the institutes as well as detailed descriptions of each offering.
Space is limited! Please register at your earliest convenience.
Save the date! Friday LTC programming coming up in Spring:
Best and Worst Case Scenarios in Teaching: Trauma-Informed Approaches | Wednesday, May 8, 1-3pm
Supporting Trans Students | Wednesday, May 22, 1-3pm
TBD | Wednesday, Jun 5, 1-3pm
The grant defines the purpose of the project as creating “space for faculty from public liberal arts institutions to generate new humanities curriculum and explore new approaches in light of questions raised – and possibilities created – by AI, with a view toward empowering humanities students in public higher education to recognize the value they bring to the workplace and to their communities.”
If you would be interested in representing Evergreen as part of this program, please contact us for details!
Learn more→
Are you passionate about fostering an inclusive learning environment? Do you want to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of equitable teaching practices at Evergreen? If so, we invite you to be part of an exciting initiative this summer
Learn more→
Writing Center Spring Quarter Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 12pm-7pm, in-person or online
Friday and Sunday, 12pm-4pm, online
Spanish writing tutoring hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 3pm-7pm, online
In addition to our regular hours we are facilitating an Academic Statement workshop in person with a Zoom option:
Week 9: Wednesday, 5/29, 3-4:30pm
Finally, we are co-hosting with the Library another Writers' Open Mic on Thursday, 5/23, 5-7pm.
Please email for more information about writing tutoring or the Writing Center's Academic Statement workshops.
These individuals and offices are eager to support students. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.
• The Greener Hub connects students in touch with the people, offices, and services they need.
• Visit the Daniel J. Evans Library page to learn about student access to electronic and print materials.
• Refer students to the Writing Center and the Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning Center for tutoring support.
• TRiO provides wraparound services to first-generation, low income, and disabled students.
• Media Services offers equipment, instruction, and production services in audio, video, animation, film, and photography for students, faculty, and staff.
• The Title IX office is available to support us in our responsibilities as mandatory reporters. Review the Guide for Responsible Employees for more information.
• Connect your students with Advising and Career Services for support with academic planning and career exploration.
• Access Services for Students with Disabilities works with admitted Evergreen students to ensure equal access to academic programs and services.
• Submit your student concerns to the Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team. This cross-divisional team directs students towards supportive campus resources.
• The basic needs center provides resources for a variety of student needs.
Individual Studies Refresher |
Have you seen an increase of students inquiring about sponsoring individual studies? Has it been some time since you’ve sponsored an ILC/INT? Are you fairly experienced as a sponsor and would like to share best practices? Or maybe you’d just like to meet our fabulous new Assistant Director of Internships, Luis Apolaya Torres?
| May 21 4-5pm, reception following Purce Hall 7
Presenters: Professor Lisa Schur and Professor Doug Kruse, co-directors of the Program for Disability Research, Rutgers University
If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as otherwise-similar people without disabilities, there would be an additional two million voters in U.S. elections. What efforts have been made to increase voting access for people with disabilities, and what challenges remain? Professors Schur and Kruse draw on census data and conduct research on the 2012, 2020, and 2022 election cycles to identify patterns, trends, and recommendations. At an in-person event on May 21, they will present an overview and engage in conversation with Evergreen students, staff, and faculty.
There are many opportunities for faculty to share their achievements, and we want to encourage you to contribute to the wealth of knowledge in our Evergreen community. Explore the options below for highlighting your work.
Faculty Notes
Submit a Faculty Note.
Library Institutional Repository
Please submit any publications, learning resources, or other materials that you would like to share and contact with any questions or feedback.
Real Evergreen: An Educator’s Handbook
For details or to submit a contribution, contact Joli Sandoz.
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