Taking Steps Forward: Supervised Visitation in Anderson County and Oak Ridge 

In 2019, YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley received funding from the Office on Violence Against Women to launch Justice for Families (JFF): the only supervised visitation and safe-exchange program in Anderson County and Oak Ridge. The JFF program will provide children whose families have been affected by domestic violence with a safe and welcoming place to visit with their parents. This service, provided free of charge to families, is desperately needed in Anderson County and throughout the Tennessee Valley. 

The development of the JFF program has included increased facility security, staffing, and new program policies and procedures. While the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed the initial launch of this program, YWCA is excited to annouce that facility updates are underway and we are now hiring for two new positions within the program: Justice for Families Program Coordinator and Visit Supervisor. We look forward to sharing more upddates in the coming months as this program continues to grow! 
This space will be renovated to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children and families served by the JFF program. 
This space will also feature toys and games, as well as children's furniture to make the space more inviting, provided by generous grant funding from the Oak Ridge Breakfast Rotary Club

If you or someone you know are interested in learning more about the Justice for Families Program, contact Director of Victim Services Lauren Lindback at LLindback@ywcaknox.com.

21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge: March 1 

Last summer, YWCA had over 1,200 participants in the first ever 21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge. With help from our sisters at YWCA Greater Cleveland, we will be launching a new round of the 21 Day Challenge on March 1. The topics include: 
  • Reparations 
  • Sports
  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Environmental Racism 
Register today by clicking the button below or learn more on our website by clicking HERE.

Great Race Against Racism Update 

We are two weeks into the YWCA Great Race Against Racism, and we are proud of the nearly 140 teams who have joined in thus far! Here is an update from some of our teams:
Team "Pellissippi State" visited the Wheat Community African Burial Ground in Oak Ridge. Their team commented the following, "Honored to learn more about this hallowed ground. May all these souls Rest In Peace."
Team "Micah 6" stopped by the Cal Johnson mural in the Burlington Community and commented, "Coolest mural ever!"
City of Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon has participated in the Race Against Racism 5K for many years. We are so grateful to have her support again this year!
There's still plenty of time to join in on the Great Race Against Racism. The app will be live until February 28. For more information on how to participate, please visit our website HERE. Participation in the Great Race Against Racism is free, but if you would like to donate in celebration of Black History Month, click the button below. 
Special thank you to our Diversity Sponsors for their support of the
Great Race Against Racism!

Support Groups

Are you a survivor of physical, emotional or verbal abuse? Join our virtual Women's Domestic Violence Support Group which focuses on: 
  • Understanding Trauma
  • Improving Self-Esteem
  • Effects of Domestic Violence and Children
  • Healthy Relationships
  • And Much More!

Update on In-Kind Donations

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, YWCA is currently only able to accept two bags of donated items, per guest. Here are some of the most urgent needs:
  • New or gently used seasonal clothing items (specifically plus size or larger sizes) 
  • Non-perishable food items 
Please call YWCA at 865-523-6126 with questions or to make an appointment to drop off items. Thank you for your support!

Hiring for Violence Prevention Program 

YWCA's signature program, GameChangers, is a violence prevention program for middle-school aged boys. GameChangers uses a group mentoring model and can be hosted in an in-school or after-school setting. 
Currently, YWCA is hiring for two roles within the GameChangers program:
If you are interested in learning more about GameChangers or these positions, visit our website by clicking here or contact Ally Slavick at aslavick@ywcaknox.com. 

Welcoming New YWCA Team Member

Meet Mary Klaire Osborne!

Mary Klaire is a new Front Desk Clerk at the YWCA Downtown Center. She is from Houston, Texas and originally got connected with YWCA through her sorority at the University of Tennessee: Alpha Chi Omega. 
"Alpha Chi Omega's philanthropy is domestic violence and sexual assault awareness. Since the YWCA is so close to campus, the sorority hosts many fundraisers and events to support all of the amazing work that YWCA does. I am very excited that I joined the YWCA team!" 
                                                                        -Mary Klaire
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