It's the Monthly Enews!
It's the Monthly Enews!

Love Transformed and Opportunities Lost

Ever since I listened to the story of Derek Black I have been thinking a lot about how we are supposed to love our enemies. Derek Black was taught to hate from the time he was born. Both of his parents had dedicated their lives to racist causes, and even went as far as to try to overthrow the government Dominica, a small Caribbean nation, to establish a white paradise. Derek’s father spent some time in prison for this failed coup d’état, and when he got out he started the still influential racist website “Stormfront”. Derek emulated his father and started a companion website for children aptly named “Stormfront Kids”.  When he got older the mission of his family and their website was to make their racist views more mainstream. They no longer spoke of race wars, but ran for local government positions and tried to ease everyday Americans into more and more racist policies and rhetoric. By the time Derek went to college he had his own talk show in Florida to promote his views. Derek was the doubtless heir-apparent to his father’s racist legacy.

Blessing of the Animals -  October 7 in the Amphitheatre!

Bring your pets on leashes, or a photo of your pets, to have them blessed and to receive a St. Francis medal.  The Holy Eucharist service will follow the blessing.  As it is the first Sunday of the month the rite of healing will also be held in the amphitheatre.  Please bring your lawn chairs.
During Oktoberfest on October 6 we will have a blessing booth from 11 to 4.  Come help greet visitors, tie St. Francis medals on pets, or make balloon animals.  Click here to volunteer.  We need you help!

Episcopal 101 Continues in October
Episcopal 101 Classes continue through this month.  Come for one class or attend them all.  Class is held at 6PM in the Parish House Library.
The schedule for the classes is as follows:
October 2 - Week 3: Liturgy and Sacraments
October 9 - Week 4: Church Organization and Polity
October 16 - Week 5: Prayer
October 23 - Week 6: Conclusion

Public Theology

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel,” Jesus instructed followers before ascending to Heaven.
Public Theology welcomes people of all backgrounds and beliefs. Fr. Nick Hull is in partnership with Rev. Kameron Wilds, pastor of Smith Memorial United Methodist Church to offer a variety of topics for discussion.

Held every second Wednesday, the group meets from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mountain Valley Brewing, located at 4230 Mountain Valley Rd. in Axton.  The next public theology is going to be a hymn sing scheduled for October 10.
Get Your Tickets Now, It is Going to Sell Out!

October is Filled with Special Events and Opportunities to Give and Share!

Adult choir rehearsal will be held each Thursday - come make a joyful noise! Special outreach services will be held, King's Grant on October 18 and Blue Ridge on the 23rd.  Our new Community Breakfast will be hosted on October 28 and Loaves and Fishes will take place on October 31.  Come knit prayer shawls on October 22 in the Parish House.  Both Men's and Women's Clubs will gather on October 8.  Grace Network can always use a helping hand or donation.  This month we are to provide canned fruit, dish soap, deodorant, and laundry detergent.  Remember the pumpkin patch when carving your Jack-o-Lanterns or decorating for fall.
So many good things are happening at Christ Episcopal, we would love to include you.  From services to outreach ministries and clubs to special events, there is always something fun in the air.  Check out our calendar and website for details.  One last note, we are now on Instagram, christepisco_pals, follow us!
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