Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Vamp and Tramp book arts show, Oct. 12 Creating Futures Through Magical Devices and Library Caravans, Karen E. Fisher, UW, Oct. 10 Wind Ensemble concert Oct. 13
KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
Converse courageously. This semester's series of Courageous Conversations begins today at noon, in Trimble Forum, with the first of several discussions exploring the film Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity. Each session this fall will focus on one or two chapters of the film, with opportunities to pre-screen chapters ahead of time. Find the screening process and schedule online
It's on us. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and SIRGE (Sexuality Issues, Relationships, and Gender Education) has a number of events planned, including this week's "It's On Us Week of Action:
  • Film Screening: Yeah, Maybe, No, Oct. 10, 8 p.m., Student Diversity Center
  • Film Screening: Hunting Ground, Oct. 12, 5 p.m., Social Justice Center
  • Pledge drive on vendor row throughout the week
Sad news from Logger athletics. Longtime track and field and cross country coach Ed Boitano died last week. Campus members are invited to attend a memorial service at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Parish in Fife, on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 11 a.m. Faculty and staff members may access our Employee Assistance Program resources through human resources.
Donate your old books. Staff Senate needs book donations for the annual Book and Bake Sale this December, a fundraiser for the Rosa Beth Gibson Book Scholarship. If you have books to donate any time between now and then, contact Sue Dahlin at sdahlin@pugetsound.edu. She will gladly take them off your hands!
The writers are coming! Next month the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching will host the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, welcoming more than 300 participants from 38 states and three countries to campus. CWLT is looking for volunteers. If you're interested in getting involved, contact Julie Christoph at ncptw2016@pugetsound.edu. BONUS: Campus members are may attend any of the on-campus conference sessions, on Nov. 4. For more info visit pugetsound.edu/ncptw2016
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DO THIS featured events
Guest Lecture: Creating Futures Through Magical Devices and Library Caravans, Karen E. Fisher, UW, Oct. 10, 3 p.m. (presentation) and 4 p.m. (Q&A), Library 020.
Tacoma Historical Society Program: Forgotten Faces: Tacoma's Jewish Pioneers, Oct. 10, 7 p.m., Murray Boardroom, WSC. 
Book arts show and tell. Bill and Vicky Stewart, Vamp and Tramp, Oct. 12, 2 p.m., McCormick Room, Collins Memorial Library.
Latina/o Studies Lecture Series: Latinos/as and Major League Baseball, Gabriel Gutierrez, California State University Northridge, Oct. 12, 5 p.m., Rasmussen Rotunda, WSC. 
Hispanic Film Festival: Viola, Oct. 12, 6 p.m., Rausch Auditorium, McIntyre 003.
Diversions Open Office Hours with President Crawford, Oct. 13, 1:30 p.m., Diversions Cafe.
Symposium: Bigger Histories: Indigenous Archaeology and Decolonizing Perspectives in Education, Oct. 13, 1 p.m., Tahoma Room, Thomas Hall.
THSMS: What I Learned in Chile About Teaching, Learning, and Climate Change, Steven Neshyba, chemistry, Oct. 13, 4 p.m., Thompson 175.
One More Scholarship Fundraiser, Oct. 13, 5 p.m., Upper Marshall Hall, WSC. Reservation required.
Performance: REMIX, Wind Ensemble, Gerard Morris, conductor, Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
Last call for cookies. Staff Senate Cookie Bake-off entry forms due: Oct. 15. Cookie judging (and devouring) and staff senator meet 'n' greet will take place Oct. 28. 
LoggerUP. Men's and women's soccer at home this week.
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BE PROUD noteworthy and in the news
Andrew Gardner, sociology and anthropology, was recently invited to the University of Chicago Law School to deliver a paper titled “Reflections on the Role of Labor Law in the Gulf Migration System.” The paper was part of the small conference Optimal Design of Guest Worker Programs, organized by Eric Posner and the Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics. 
Sign up for our weekly media digest,"In the News," by emailing sskeel@pugetsound.edu
Brag about yourself
You look like you could use some art. Several Logger faculty and staff members are artists—Tacoma artists—and as part of Tacoma Arts Month, they're opening up their studios this weekend for the Tacoma Studio Tour! Check out the studio map to plan your own personal tour, and visit Logger artists, including John McCuistion (Studio 1), faculty emeritus Bill Colby (Studio 13), Becky Frehse (Studio 19), and Lorraine Toler (Studio 34). 
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