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Technically Speaking - Helping you survive and thrive in the Digital Age
Hello Friend,
No time to celebrate but this is the 5th anniversary of this newsletter. The first issue came out three months before the first iPad and my first mobile tech speech was given the following January - the month the iPad was announced. All I have to say is this is a wonderful time to be speaking and writing about technology! It's not a subject just for geeks anymore. Drop me a note here if you need a speaker for any type or size audience.
PS: If you've not had enough of Apple, they will have more to say October 16th - probably new iPads, MacBooks and maybe a new Apple TV - just one more battlegroud. It looks like Apple TV could be the hub for the connected home of the future - remember the Internet of Things!
If you've been under a rock you might have missed the release of the latest iPhone.
Here's my very quick review based on using the smaller model for the last two weeks. the iPhone 6 is an excellent phone but problems on roll out made for a rough start. The bad news: this model was plagued with more issues than any other iPhone or iPad I've owned. The good news: the two major problems I had were software related and fixed in two days.
Left to Right - iPhone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus
I had difficulty connecting to AT&T - for data not phone calls - and all my iCloud files disappeared - but magically reappeared a short time later. I don't know what caused the connectivity problem but I'm certain the iCloud file situation is related to the fact that Apple is working feverishly to make the mobile iOS and desktop Mac OS work better together. iCloud (renamed iCloud Drive) in particular will be a major step up from the current version and will become a general purpose sharing repository instead of a place to store Apple documents. iCloud is already capable of allowing Macs, PCs and iOS devices to view, share and edit presentations, spreadsheets and word processing documents. The looming battle between iCloud, Microsoft Office 365 and Google Docs is going to be very interesting.
Here are a few highlights -
• The new camera is wonderful and will likely be judged among the best available. It's "only" 8MP but anything over 5 is pretty much useless except for professionals - and they will still use DSLRs anyway.
Upgraded Siri now shows your words as you speak so you don't have to wait till you stop to see the translation.
Widgets have long been a staple in Android devices and they are now in iOS.
Airdrop is a great way to transfer files among Apple devices on the same wi-fi network.
• The included Health app is the first step in incorporating a variety of fitness and health features into the Apple ecosystem - but some of the screens are ugly!
• You can answer your iPhone on your iPad in case the iPhone is ringing in a closet somewhere or out in the car. You can also make calls from your iPad. You're gonna' love this one! You set this up in Facetime settings.
• The scandal of bendable iPhones (known through its short life as "bendgate") turned out to be a hoax that was dismissed after Consumer Reports tested several popular phones and said they were all about the same strength.
• Most people including Apple were surprised how popular the larger iPhone is and they have now ramped up production of that model. Apple could sell 70 million of the two models before the end of the year. They've sold 20 million already.
• And finally, the look and feel are Apple through and through. Upgradng from a 4 or 4s is a no brainer.
Hidden dangers in new auto infotainment systems.
According to this study released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the University of Utah, the new voice activated systems in modern cars are too complex and more distracting than hands free phones. One reason is they are not perfect so they may misunderstand a voice command and contact the wrong person, locate the wrong restaurant or make other mistakes. This causes the driver to focus on correcting the problem instead of the traffic ahead. More than one friend has complained about the complexity of the high tech in their cars.
Looking for a new phone - here's one place to start
There are a lot of smartphones out there but Samsung and Apple get most of the press. If you want to do a wider search this page is a good place to start. And if your looking for a low cost alternative to Samsung and Apple, the new Moto X by Motorla is a good choice according to cNet.
PhotoDelight Example
Click to enlarge PhotoDelight Sample
Picture This - Apps, you want apps?
I have tried hundreds of photo apps and am always amazed that new ones keep coming. These run on my iPhone but many are available on Android as well. Among my favorites are:
> Blux - a powerful replacement for the built in camera app. It has many more controls and versions are available for iPhone and iPads.
> Panorama - previously called dermandar - is a great app for real 360 degree panoramic images. Click here to see our hotel in Ireland - scroll around with your mouse or finger.
> ImageChef is my go to app for wild and crazy pictures of friends and enemies alike. Lab and MegaPhoto also fit into this category. If you pay a couple of bucks for only one app, this is the one to get!
> Finally I can't leave out my long time favorite retouching app PhotoDelight. The results are truly delightful (see sample above.)

Have you heard about Google Glass lately - me neither
The much hyped combination computer/camera you wear on your glasses got a lot of press a year ago. But after thousands of "Explorers" paid $1,500 for the privilege of being first, the product has almost disappeared from the face(s) of the earth. Here's what (often abrasive) PC World pundit John Dvorak has to say about this maybe not so great idea. And finally, if you want a good laugh check out this Daily Show Glass review - scroll to the bottom to see the video after a short ad.

October 2014
Issue 60
Who I am and what I do
My lifetime passion has been explaining technology to non-technical audiences. I've been a programmer, project manager, system designer and independent consultant. I've taught at the high school and university level, published numerous articles and given hundreds of lectures across the US and abroad. In my spare time I volunteer for several social service organizations and enjoy my photography hobby.

How I can help you
I will work with you to develop an educational program suited to your association, business or other group - long or short, basic or advanced. Popular topics include:
• Small group roundtables
• Mobile Tech 101
• Mobile devices in business
• iPad tips and tricks
• Apps, apps and more apps
• Technologies and companies to watch
• Why good cameras take bad pictures
• How things work - from your PC to the Internet

Click here for more information on these topics.

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