RTSWS Sponsor Expanding to Additional Cities

You’ve heard from our students, volunteers, and school champions (teachers). Now it’s time to hear from an integral part of the RTSWS program...our sponsors!

As a long-time sponsor of RTSWS, Invesco will be increasing the number of high schools it sponsors from two to three this coming fall. They’ve sponsored an RTSWS chapter in NYC for the past two years, added an Atlanta chapter this past year and will now be adding its 3rd RTSWS chapter in the city of Houston for the 2021-2022 academic year. Their schools are Stuyvesant High School in NYC, Midtown High School in Atlanta, and Lamar High School in Houston.

Kellie Schönberg helped bring the RTSWS program to Invesco. We are thankful for her hard work and that of the volunteers/mentors from Invesco. She is the Global Head of Corporate Responsibility and has been with Invesco in different roles since 2000.

Read below about Invesco's growing relationship with RTSWS. 

Interview with Kellie Schönberg:

How did you get involved with RTSWS? What drew you to bring the program to Invesco? 

I was first introduced to RTSWS through the Women’s Bond Club. Maura Cunningham (RTSWS Founder and CEO) was the Betty Cook Award recipient and featured speaker. Maura shared the mission of RTSWS and clearly evidenced her passion to bring more young women into the Asset Management business.  

What have you experienced through your colleagues being mentors in the program? What responses do you hear from them? How does this not only benefit the high school girls, but also Invesco employees? 

I have experienced getting to know my female colleagues in a more transparent manner.  It has been so interesting listening to them talk about their journey into Asset Management as they shared their own stories with the students during the mentoring sessions. It was so interesting that most of the executives who now work in Asset Management got there through different paths. I think this is so beneficial to the students because it takes some of the pressure off of them into thinking you have to have your future completely planned out in order to be successful.  

Participation in the RTSWS program has fostered many friendships at the firm by coming together to move females forward in our industry.  Many friendships have formed as our employees came together to prepare for the RTSWS sessions.  I personally made many new friends through the interaction.

What are some standout moments for you? 

I think the standout moment for me was when Ashley Leftwich (Partner Engagement Manager at RTSWS) sent me an email saying that a Stuyvesant High School student had reached out to Maura on LinkedIn to say, “I absolutely loved the RTSWS program at Stuy! I had the opportunity to learn so much about finance and meet so many incredible mentors! In fact, it was my experience at RTSWS that inspired me to pursue a business degree (I will be studying management at NYC College of Technology next fall)."  

This is what the partnership is all about – encouraging young women to have the confidence to reach their full potential in life!

What prompted you to expand to new cities? 

I really believe in the RTSWS framework for teaching financial and investment literacy. We started in New York City with Stuyvesant High School and had a terrific experience. My colleague, Kyuri Weng, spearheaded the partnership and did a great job getting the Invesco women excited about the program. It was so successful that I wanted to take that energy to our Atlanta office which we did. Now, we are expanding to Houston which has the largest employee base of our NA offices.

What do you see/hope for the future with Invesco & RTSWS? 
"My hope for the RTSWS program is that we continue to expand it in each of our major office cities.  The women of Invesco have invested themselves into this program. It not only is leading more young women into our industry, but it is helping to form friendships within the firm around a united purpose."
 Anything else you'd like to add? 

I think the only thing I would like to add is that I really admire Maura and her amazing vision to bring a financial and investment literacy program to corporations. The numbers speak for themselves – young female students are entering into our industry because of the RTSWS experience they had at school.

To learn how RTSWS can add value to your company, click HERE to reach the Partner Engagement Team. 

The RTSWS Scholarship/Internship/Entry-Level Job Portal is working to increase the financial services talent pipeline coast to coast by reaching girls while they are still in high school. Our students are motivated and interested in working in the financial industry.

Career Exploration Events for High School Girls

Fidelity Investments is offering Rock The Street, Wall Street students the incredible opportunity to take part in a series of virtual career exploration events! You can find all the information on our newly launched Scholarship/Internship/Job Portal.

The Boundless Summit  

Through active engagement, learning exercises, and an inspiring keynote speaker, the Boundless Summit will provide a fresh perspective on the endless paths you can take after high school. 

Summits for the students will be hosted via Zoom, and will be offered on two dates

• Monday, June 28, 1-3:15pm EST

• Tuesday, August 3, 1-3:15pm EST

The Boundless Fellowship

The virtual Fellowship will provide an initial introduction to Fidelity and financial services through education, experience and exposure.

The student fellowship will consist of 6 virtual sessions, over the course of two weeks:

• July 12-23, 2021
• Sessions on Mon, Wed, Fri
• 1-2pm EST

Topics include: Introduction to Fidelity, Financial Literacy, Technology, Professional Development and more!

We encourage RTSWS students to take advantage of these truly influential experiences. And thank you to Fidelity for sharing this opportunity with our students. They are eager to learn more about the finance industry. 

If your company would like to get a diverse population of young women kickstarted into a career in finance, contact us HERE. We'd be happy to share what we're seeing in the industry on this front and how your firm can benefit from adding your opportunities to this list. 

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