Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training

Cat Herders Wanted!  The Important Role of the COMMITTEE CHAIR

4 Minute Read

Have you ever tried to herd cats?  I have literally tried this when we got three kittens a few years back and I can attest that the expression is true to its meaning 100%.  Cats are fast, agile, smart, and have a mind of their own. This is often how many Young Life committees can feel too. Committees are often full of fast-moving, savvy and smart adults, who all have their unique perspectives and expertise.  This is a true gift if you’ve got it, but when you have so many perspectives coming together, how do you get going in the same direction? The answer is in the Committee Chair.
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The LINCHPIN of YL Ministry:  VOLUNTEER TEAM LEADERS.  They hold everything together.

3 minute read

After 77 years of ministry, the one thing that Young Life has plenty of is - MANUALS!  From medical benefits, to payroll, to Wyldlife skits there is a manual that explains, informs and tells the reader what to do in a few easy steps.  With an organization our size-manuals are needed to insure common language, understanding and quality of ministry. That has never been more true!
In the same way we are incarnational ministers, let’s strive to be incarnational trainers for the linchpins in our ministries. Volunteer Team Leaders are one of the precious resources of the YL ministry and deserve our best.
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Going from MILK to SOLID FOOD in Your Small Group Discipleship 

6 minute read

Regardless of our ministry focus, one of our primary responsibilities is to walk alongside our friends as they discover the Scriptures for themselves, serving not only as their guide but also as their digestive aid. This means we must be spending time in Scripture ourselves, reading and digesting the solid food it contains. Without a doubt, this is THE most important step in preparing for Campaigners.
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Young Life Summer Camp Packing List

3 Minute Read

Ever wonder how you pack for camp in UZBEKISTAN?
A YL Staff leader’s packing list can include anything from t-shirts to shaving cream to candy and costumes.  We asked Gary Parsons to give us a little insight into what goes into packing and preparing for camp over in Uzbekistan and around the world.  
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The Best LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Training I’ve Ever Experienced!

3 minute read

Two years ago, myself and 30 other Young Life staff received an invitation to a new training course called the Legacy Leader Project that was researched and designed by staff as an “advanced leadership” training course.
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Fill out this survey and be in the drawing to win PATAGONIA LUGGAGE! If you, yourself, or someone you know is doing ministry to the kids listed below, we want to hear!  

* Homeless youth
* Foster care youth
* Incarcerated youth
* Deaf Youth 
* The Gaming community
* Other non-traditional YL ministry model
One Question Survey

This is a GREAT Resource for YL Staff:

This nonprofit organization is changing how students learn and interact with scripture.  Some of the best stuff out there!  Click the image above to hear the story and check it out. 
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